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- World Day of Prayer- English | Hindi | Gujarati | Bengali | Odiya | Kannada | Telugu | Malayalam | Marathi
- Week of Prayer 2024- English | Kannada | Malayalam | Tamil | Telugu | Punjabi
- World Day of Prayer- Poster | English | Hindi | Bengali | Khasi | Telugu | Tamil | Malayalam
- Asian Church Women’s Conference Day Liturgy 2024
- Tribal & Adivasi Sunday
- Statement of the National Consultation on on Adoption of Laws Applicable to 5th and 6th Schedule Areas
- Fellowship of the Least Coin- English | Hindi | Bengali | Khasi | Tamil | Malayalam | Odiya | Gujarati | Telugu | Marathi
- Dalit Liberation Sunday
- Disability Advocacy Sunday
- The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – Resources for Worship – English | Kannada | Marathi | Malayalam | Tamil | Telugu
- World Day of Prayer- English | Hindi | Gujarati | Tamil | Telugu | Malayalam | Khasi
- Tribal and Adivasi Sunday
- Fellowship of the Least Coin
- Disability Advocacy Sunday- English | Hindi | Marathi | Malayalam | Telugu | Odia
- Unity Octave 2022- English | Hindi | Marathi | Malayalam | Tamil | Punjabi | Telugu
- World Day of Prayer- English Liturgy, Bible Study Preparation, Bible Study, Children & Youth Service | Hindi | Marathi, Marathi Children & Youth Service | Mizo | Malayalam | Tamil | Gujarati | Kannad, Kannad Bible Study, Kannad Youth & Children Service
- International Women’s Day Liturgy
- Tribal and Adivasi Sunday Liturgy
- Fellowship of the Least Coin – English Liturgy | Hindi | Gujarati | Kannad | Tamil | Malayalam | Bengoli
- Dalit Liberation Sunday
- Disability Advocacy Sunday 2022- English | Hindi | Bengali | Mizo | Malayalam | Marathi | Nagamese | Telugu | Tamil 1 – Tamil 2 | Punjabi | Kannada 1 – Kannada 2 | Odiya
- World AIDS Day Liturgy
- 2021
- World Day of Prayer
- Tribal and Adivasi Sunday
- Dalit Liberation Sunday 2020
- Disability Advocacy Sunday Order of Worship
- World AIDS Day (NCCI) (WCC)
- Unity Octave 2018 Resource booklet (International)
- Unity Octave 2018 Resource booklet (Adapted for India)
- Asia Sunday 2018 Worship Order
- NCCI Tribal and Adivasi Sunday Order of Worship 2018
- NCCI Dalit Liberation Sunday Order of Worship 2018 ( .pdf HI-RES 18 mb | .pdf MED-RES 12.5 mb | .pdf LO-RES 2.77 mb )
- Disability Advocacy Sunday Order of Worship
- 2017
- Unity Octave 2017 Resource booklet
- World Day of Prayer Resources 2017
- NCCI Tribal and Adivasi Sunday Order of Worship 2017
- Churches’ Week of Action on Food 2017
- NCCI Dalit Liberation Sunday 2017 Liturgy (.pdf| 4.78 mb)
- Dalit Liberation Sunday 2017 Poster – To Print (.pdf | 15.2 mb)
- Disability Advocacy Sunday Order of Worship 2017 ENGLISH (.pdf | 8.43 mb)
- 2016
- Dalit Liberation Sunday Order of Worship 2016
- Disability Advocacy Sunday Order of Worship 2016 ENGLISH
- Disability Advocacy Sunday Order of Worship 2016 TAMIL
No one can serve Christ and Caste_A challenge to the Christian Community
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