NCCI’s Women Concerns Ministry


A Nationaphotol Consultation on Ecumenical Advocacy to End Human Trafficking and Sexual Slavery was organized  by All India Council of  Christian Women ( AICCW)  in Partnership with  Lutheran World Service India Trust on   10th January 2016 in Kolkata. 25 leaders from different faith based organizations and Churches working to end Human Trafficking or justice and peace issues participated in this consultation . Strengthening networking, ecumenical advocacy, capacity building, ending impunity, supporting survivors and their children, alleviating poverty, and intercepting/ending Human Trafficking and Sexual Slavery are  priority foci of   AlCCW.

A part of this consultation involved dialogue with women, men and youth local leaders from adopted communities of Lutheran World Service India Trust who are mainly migrant, domestic workers and daily wage laborers. “Our aim was not only just to strategize to end human trafficking but also to hear the voices of people on the periphery who are more vulnerable and  at risk. It was important for us to hear from them their stories  challenges and vulnerability and how they combat and intercept human trafficking. Our aim was to link Leaders from faith based organizations and church leaders and women’s fellowships to support, rehabilitate and heal survivors also” states Ms Moumita Biswas, Executive Secretary of AICCW.

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16 Days Poster
* In India 65% of school children reported facing corporal punishment – beatings by teachers mostly in government schools.
* Of children physically abused in families, in 88.6% of the cases, it was the parents who were the perpetrators.
* India is the 4th most dangerous country in the world for girl child to be born in and for a girl woman to live in. (Indian Government Commissioned Survey Report, source: assessed on 2nd Dec 2015)
* Over 53% children in India face sexual abuse (That means out of every two children one child faces sexual abuse in India)
Break The Silence!!!  Reflect Faith in Action
activismAll India Council of Christian Women (AICCW), Women’s wing of National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) invites the fellow-pilgrims of Justice and Peace to engage in 16 Days of Activism against Violence on Women and Child Abuse.
From 25 November (UN declared, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women)  to 10 December (Human Rights Day), the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls around the world.
 As the world commomerates these 16 days of activism, All India Council of Christian Women invites member churches of NCCI, women’s fellowships of member churches, organizations/communities, institutions to engage in advocacy to promote 365 Days of Zero Tolerance to Gender Based Violence.  Make it Happen Now!! – a Campaign of AICCW-NCCI, to build inclusive communities of Justice and Peace.

Click here to download the PDF.


A young girl sharing her testimony of struggles and sacrifices of her mum as single parent raising and educating her and how the scholarship from Project Deborah will help her

All India Council of Christian Women congratulates Diocesan Women’s Fellowship of Christian Service (DWFCS) – Delhi Diocese of Church of North India for initiating Project Deborah to provide educational scholarships for children from economically challenged mothers or who are widows and single parents. The strategy of fund raising adopted by these women is organizing fetes. This year a fete was organized on 11th October at St James Church, New Delhi.  According to Mrs. Mavis Perez Russel, President, Women’s Fellowship of Delhi Diocese, CNI, Widows and single mums are most vulnerable, neglected, and stigmatized by Indian society. They face different forms of violence and discrimination perpetuated even by their own family members and relatives. Such violence not only affects them but has negative impact on their children. Those mothers from economically poor background suffer much more and have to struggle hard to raise their children. This scholarship is to support and acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices made by widows and single mums to raise their children.”  

 Church Women Leaders From Anglican and United Churches in South Asia   Strategizing to Promote Gender Justice

group hyderabdStrengthening women’s networking to promote gender justice,revitalizing women’s ecumenical movement to enhance Church unity is one of the main mission of All India Council of Christian Women.The International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN) South Asia region met in in Henry Martyn Institute in Hyderabad from 6th -8th October 2015. A Conference for South Asian women leaders was organized by IAWN where 17 key women leaders from Church of South India, Church of North India, Church of Bangladesh, Church of Ceylon met. Women strategized to promote gender justice in the South Asia region. They shared how women in these churches are promoting justice and peace irrespective of challenges.

CSI and CNI Women’s Fellowships are also member C Read more
Chhattisgarh Council of Churches unites churches, Mahila Mandals and organizations to protest and resist atrocities on Women from Minority Christian Community

pic1Atrocities on Christians are increasing at an alarming rate in India. Worst victims of such atrocities are women and missionaries at the grassroots who have dedicated their lives to serve the community, the poor and the downtrodden. On 19th June, a nun was gang-raped by men in masks in ‘Christo Sahay Health Center’ where she was serving as nurse in Raipur the capital of Chhattisgarh state. ‘Strategized Rape’ is used as a weapon to create fear, shame and humiliate the Christian community which is a minority community in India.

The All India Council of Christian Women and National Council of Churches in India gave a clarion call to women’s fellowship of member Churches and leaders of Chhattisgarh Christian Council (CCC) to respond to end this culture of rape and atrocities of Christian missionaries in India.

for blogAn Indian Nun in her mid forties from Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate,was brutally attacked, molested and raped in Raipur capital of Chattisgarth state in India on Saturday 22nd June 2015. She was found semi clad, unconscious and hands tied in a medical center run by Christian Missionaries near Pandri locality in the state of Chattisgarh.

Sister Annie John, the nun’s superior revealed that the victim was wakened by the sound of cupboards being opened and the victim asked if they were looking for money. Sister Annie further reports that the victims mentioned the culprits said “We need money, but something else also,” The attackers forced the victim to swallow tablet before they raped her. The victim is in acute trauma and pain. (Source : reporters, Delhi, 22nd June 2015)
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blogWorld Labour Day is commemorated every year on 1st May. With reference to this important celebration, the All India Council of Christian Women, the Women’s Wing of National Council of Churches in India sent messages to churches, church based organizations, institutions, church leaders and communities that there should be no discrimination between men and women in the work place in terms of wages and facilities for same job.
The scripture endorses there should be no discrimination of women. According to Galatians 3:28 there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. However many times our theology gets tainted by patriarchal interpretations that portrays women as the ‘second sex’ weaker than men. Such interpretations often and legitimizes and sanctions discrimination of women not only in society but even work place. Jesus never discriminated women and was compassionate and had full understanding of the challenges women face in society.



pic1As the world commemorated International Women’s Day All India Council of Christian Women the women’s wing of National Council of Churches in India launched the campaign 365 Days  Zero Tolerance To Gender Based Violence: Make it Happen Now!!! IWD was also commemorated in different churches all over India.

The Executive Committee members of AICCW along with women leaders from Diocese of Nagpur, Church of North India visited different police stations in the city of Nagpur to honor the women police for the contributions. “This is the first time in my life someone is honoring me on International Women’s Day. Such event has never happened in any Police station in Nagpur.” opined Shefali Police woman serving in Sadar Police station Nagpur. Certificates of appreciation, trophies were distributed to police women in different police stations in Nagpur. “In our country where women are regarded as a burden and suffer discrimination and violence from womb to death it is not easy for a woman in India to be a police woman. Yet there are women who dare to risk their lives and overcome all challenges to become police women. They deserved to be honored” states Moumita Biswas Executive Secretary of AICCW.

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aiccwzerotolerance365 DAYS ZERO TOLERANCE TO GENDER BASED VIOLENCE: MAKE IT HAPPEN NOW is a campaign launched by All India Council of Christian Women (AICCW) which is the women’s wing of National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) in response to the increasing Gender based violence in India.
The campaign was inaugurated by Rt. Rev. Dr. Taranath S. Sagar, President of NCCI during its Executive Committee meeting in Bangalore on 27th February 2015. “Prophetic church cannot remain silent when our daughters and mothers are being raped, when our roads are becoming unsafe for our daughters to go to school, when our indigenous sisters are trafficked and displaced from their home as forests are bought by multi-national Companies, when our children are sold for a sack of rice, when women are battered by their loved ones at home, or burnt for dowry, or our daughters are deprived of food and education” asserts Dr. Saramma Varghese, President of AICCW. “We have chosen International Women’s Day to promote this campaign” states Dr. Varghese.
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