
National Council of Churches in India-Dalit and Tribal/Adivasi Concerns, Catholic Bishop’s Conference of India-Office for SC/BC and National Council of Dalit Christians jointly appeals to the Churches and Organisations to organise and proactively participate in observing ‘National Protest Day’ on 10th August to raise our protest regarding the continual negligence of the government to the cry for the rights of Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims in the country.

Indigenous youth in their communities play differentiated roles and functions, from which derive certain rights, responsibilities, abilities and social recognition. Their roles and functions can differ according to their cosmovision and Indigenous languages. Importantly, ways of living for Indigenous youth are changing due to evolving social, cultural, political, and economic contexts. Discrimination impacts the lives of Indigenous youth in ways that affect their self-esteem, loss of spiritual richness, loss of language and denial of their cultural roots. . Many Indigenous youth face multiple barriers, cultural clashes, and different influences that over time, push them to acquire an identity that is foreign to their place of origin to avoid being the object of discrimination and racism, in extreme cases rejecting their culture, languages, and the practice of ancestral customs. In some cases, entire generations of Indigenous youth have grown up out of their communities but have retained a connection to their lands and territories through their families, Indigenous Peoples’ organizations or others.

Despite these challenges, there are examples of Indigenous youth participation in Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, in urban and rural areas, and even outside national borders, who are revitalizing and promoting their cultural identities. They are organizing diverse activities to strengthen cultural identity, participating in different forums, and sharing cultural spaces with Indigenous elders, and creating a solidarity network among Indigenous youth.

The theme for this year’s Tribal and Adivasi Sunday is “ Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-determination” and we have prepared a special Order of Worship for the day. You may please take the freedom to use the entire worship order and translate it in your vernacular language or adapt parts of it. We sincerely hope that the observance of this special NCCI Tribal and Adivasi Sunday will be an enriching one in our faith affirmation and commitment and for widening the horizon of our ecumenical journey.

Over the years Tribal and Adivasi Sunday has been celebrated in many parts of our country in sensitizing the local congregation on Tribal and Adivasi Concerns. Thanks to the enormous support we have received from across the churches, dioceses, parishes and institutions in celebrating this special Sunday. This year also we are inviting you to observe Tribal and Adivasi Sunday on 6th August in your churches/local parishes/institutions.

Let us join to celebrate Tribal and Adivasi Sunday on 6th August 2023.

Download the liturgy 

Thanking you in anticipation.

With regards,

In Christ,

Pradip Bansrior
Executive Secretary
Dalit and Tribal/Adivasi Concerns, NCCI

Dear ecumenical friends,

Greetings from NCCI – Dalit and Tribal/ Adivasi Concerns!

Dalit Liberation Sunday has become an important feature in the calendar of Indian Churches and Ecumenical movements. Over the years, there has been a positive response in sensitizing the local congregations towards concerns of Dalits, for no longer caste issue is visualized as a sociological issue or an issue outside the purview of church but more seen as an issue challenging the core of our faith and gospel. Thanks to the enormous support received from across the churches, dioceses, parishes and theological institutions in observing this special Sunday.

We are happy to inform you that this year Dalit Liberation Sunday will be observed on 13th November all over India by the Member Churches/ Institutions of the National Council of Churches in India and Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India. The theme for this year’s DLS is  “All are equal in Christ: Let’s dismantle caste divisions” (Galatians 3:28) .  Let us as local congregation observe this DLS-2022 in all sincerity and truthfulness to our calling as Christians and sensitize our people to overcome all forms of discriminatory practices of caste across India and initiate uncompromising actions to eradicate such practices in society and thus also within the Christian community.

We are sending you some prayers and affirmations to be included into your worship service. Attached herewith please find the Order of Worship (pdf. file) which you may circulate among your pastors, lay leaders and department heads.

Looking forward to receiving your cooperation in observing Dalit Liberation Sunday on November 13, 2022.

Thanking you in anticipation,

With regards,

In Christ,

Pradip Bansrior
Executive Secretary
Dalit and Tribal/ Adivasi Concerns
National Council of Churches in India

Theme: “Faith, Hope and Love in Action: Towards Justice in Palestine and Israel”
Israelis and Palestinians are created in God’s image; and must enjoy equality, justice, and
reconciliation. We believe that the occupation is a major obstacle to a better future, a key
source of pain and suffering in Palestine and Israel, and goes against the values of the three
Abrahamic religions.
Accordingly, the 2022 WWPPI theme is anchored in active hope; in the struggle for a better
future, an end to the occupation, reconciliation among the peoples of the Palestine-Israel, and
equality and justice for all. It builds on the title of the World Council of Church’s eleventh
General Assembly: “Christ's Love Moves the World to Reconciliation and Unity.”

Download the liturgy

Observance of August 10th by CSI- Diocese of Madras, Tamil Nadu

August10th Protest Day Protest was observed in Districts Headquarters under the Leadership of the Most Respected Bishops, Heads of Dalit Concerns Departments and Pastors.  Many Dalits Christians and public were participated in these protests. CSI Madras Diocese organised a conference on August 10th in Chennai, in the conference they appealed for support from Tamil Nadu Government for the long pending demand to include Dalit Christians in the Scheduled castes list.

Observance of August 10th by Arcot Lutheran Church

The Arcot Lutheran Church observed August 10th Protest Day in its Five Regions. The Bishop of Arcot Lutheran Church Rt.Rev.V. Samuel Kennady led the protest in its headquarters at CUDDALORE, the Deputy Mayor of Cuddalore Mr. Thamarai Selvan and former Member of Legislative Assembly Mr. Ila. Pugazenthi participated in the protest and extended their support for Dalit Christians. In other four regions at TIRUVANNAMALAI, VIRUDHACHALAM, ULUNDURPET, and in CHENNAI the Local Pastors conducted the Protest and explained about the protest day and shared the Dalit Christians issues to the public to get their support. In all the regions of Arcot Lutheran Church more than 100 people participated with enthusiasm in the protest.  Specially in Chennai Region they observed protest through prayer fellowship demanding the rights and privileges of Dalit Christians and Muslims, some students from the Gurukul Theological College, Chennai also participated in solidarity.

Observance of August 10th by Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church

Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church organised public protest at Tirupur with the coordination of CSI and Roman Catholic Churches. Rev. G. Ashok Kumar (General Secretary Youth Department – TELC) conducted the public protest. The TELC western region Superintendent Minister Rev. Dr.A.Christopher Chellappa and Pastors from TELC, CSI and Roman Catholic Priest Fr. Hiyasinth and more than 75 Dalit Christians participated in the Protest. Tirupur Viduthalai Chiruthaikal Katchi members also participated and extend their solidarity addressed and explained in detail in the protest about all kinds of social oppression faced by Dalit Christians as they were denied in the Scheduled caste List.

Observance of August 10th by Indian Evangelical Lutheran Church

Rev. Elizabeth Joseph from Indian Evangelical Lutheran Church, diocese of Ambur conducted Protest Day Programs in Ambur and delivered the protest day speech. The younger generation and elders participated in the protest. The members who participated in the protest affirmed their solidarity and support for the Scheduled Caste Status.

Observance of August 10th by NCCI at IPC, Nagpur

The National Council of Churches in India observed the National Protest Day on 10th August in Nagpur at India Peace Centre. Around 30 members from Nagpur came to deliberate on the matter on Scheduled caste status for Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims. Mr. Shibi Peter, (National Coordinator, NDCW)delivered the keynote address to the gathering on the current status of the Dalit Christian case and the role of Churches and individuals. Further discussion was led by Rev. Asir Ebenezer(General Secretary, NCCI) to follow up the movement in grassroots level and also suggested to organise an event on 25th August in Nagpur. The program challenged and provoked the Dalit Christian communities to take the batton forward. Mr. Asher Noah moderated the program and discussion.

The church leaders who participated in the protest in various places, emphasized the constitutional rights which have been denied to Dalit Christians for a very long time. They addressed about the several commissions appointed by the Government of India to study the problem, which recommends to include Dalit Christians in the scheduled caste list. Through these protests held at various places, the struggles of Dalit Christian to get the constitutional rights has been brought to the people’s forum. The public has seen the protest and, in some places, they voluntarily came and participated heard the protest day speeches and got to know about these problems and expressed their support. The Protests concluded with the determination that we should continue to fight hard in various ways until the inclusion of Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims in the Scheduled Caste list and ensure that we and the future generations to get the constitutional rights.

The National Council of Dalit Christians, Catholic Bishops Conference of India- Office for SC/ BC and National Council of Churches in India-Dalit and Tribal/ Adivasi Concerns jointly organized a ‘Dharna’ on 4th August 2022 at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi to protest against the religion-based discrimination vide Constitutional Scheduled Caste Order 1950, para 3 which denied Scheduled caste rights and privileges to Christians and Muslims of Scheduled caste origin. This order was promulgated on 10th August 1950 by the then President of India through which Scheduled Caste status was denied to all Dalits except Hindu Dalits. This is a grave injustice and Religion based discrimination in the secular nation and a denial of the fundamental principles of the constitution of India. Though, the para 3 of this order was amended in 1956 and 1990 respectively to impart SC rights to Sikhs and Buddhists of scheduled caste origin but the Christians and Muslims were left out. This year, the Republic of India celebrates its 75th Independence Day on 15th of August and asection of Indian society, Christians and Muslims of Dalit origin are forced to continue their struggle against the injustice and denial of the fundamental constitutional rights for more than seven decades.

In Delhi, this year since the monsoon session of the parliament wasin the first week of August. the organizing committee had decided to hold a “Dharna” at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on 4th of August 2022.The dharna was led by the leaders of NCDC, NCCI and CBCI. Besides, Dalit Christian and Dalit Muslim leaders and activistsfrom different states of India attended the dharna declaring the solidarity to the struggles of Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims. The prominent leaders who addressed the dharna were Shri Abdul Khaleque(Member of Parliament from Barpeta, Assam) and Dr. Thol. Thirumavalavan ( Member of Parliament & President of Viduthalai ChiruthaikalKatchi, Tamilnadu), MoulanaHajumuddin of Jamait Ulema-e- Hind, Mr. V. J. George ( President of NCDC), Dr. E. D. Charles ( General Secretary- NCDC), Fr. Vijay Kumar Nayak ( Secretary- CBCI office for SC/BC), Mr. Pradip Bansrior ( Executive Secretary, Dalit and Tribal/ Adivasi Concerns, NCCI), Rev. Dr. T. Bhaskar (Secretary- Telangana Council of Churches), Sister Manju Devarapalli (General Secretary, NDCW) addressed the dharna.

The main demands of the Dharna were the followings:

  1. Repeal the paragraph 3 of the constitutional Scheduled Caste Order 1950 and end the religious based discriminat
  2. ion on Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims
  3. Grant Scheduled caste rights to Christians and Muslims of sch
    eduled caste origin
  4. Implement the Justice Ranganathan Misra Commission report and make SC status religion neutral.



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