NCCI’s Women Concerns Ministry


Dear Ecumenical Friends,

Greetings in the spirit of peace, unity, and justice. As we approach the annual 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence, I am reaching out to ask for your support in this critical campaign, which will take place from November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to December 10 (Human Rights Day). This global observance provides an essential opportunity for churches and faith communities worldwide to raise awareness, promote healing, and take meaningful action against gender-based violence in all its forms.

The Theme for this year is” Come Together and Act Now“.

Why the Church’s Involvement Matters As leaders of the church, we have a profound responsibility to stand against violence and to promote safety, dignity, and respect for all individuals. Gender-based violence continues to impact millions, leaving scars on families, communities, and individuals who need our compassion, understanding, and commitment to justice. Our voices and actions as faith leaders can play a transformative role in ending these cycles of harm.

Our Call to Action: Observing the 16 Days of Activism  In Past and even this year, we are encouraging churches across all regions to observe these 16 Days of Activism by promoting messages of peace and dignity, offering support for survivors, and engaging our communities in dialogue and action. Here are some recommended ways to observe this time of reflection and commitment:

  1. Incorporate the Theme into Services and Sermons
    • Deliver sermons that emphasize God’s love, justice, and the church’s role in protecting the vulnerable. Use scriptural teachings that uphold the dignity of every human being and condemn violence in all its forms.
    • Hold special prayer sessions dedicated to survivors of gender-based violence, asking for healing, strength, and justice.
  2. Engage in Community Awareness Campaigns
    • Organize community workshops or informational sessions that highlight the realities of gender-based violence, encourage respectful relationships, and educate congregants on how to recognize and respond to abuse.
    • Utilize church communications (newsletters, bulletins, social media) to share statistics, resources, and messages of support for ending gender-based violence.
  3. Partner with Local Organizations
    • Collaborate with local shelters, counselling centers, and support organizations that are dedicated to assisting survivors of gender-based violence. Consider hosting a fundraiser or supply drive to support their efforts.
    • Invite guest speakers from these organizations to share their work and educate our community on ways they can help.
  4. Provide Training and Resources for Church Leaders
    • Encourage church leaders and ministry teams to participate in training on trauma-informed care, counselling, and intervention strategies, which will equip them to better support survivors and advocate for safety within our communities.
  5. Empower and Engage Men as Allies
    • Host discussions and workshops aimed at men in the congregation, encouraging them to model positive, respectful behavior and become advocates for change in their families and communities.

By observing these 16 Days of Activism, we stand united with churches and communities worldwide to say “no more” to gender-based violence. Together, we can create a world where every person is safe, valued, and respected. Let us use this time to pray, reflect, and take meaningful action that reflects our faith and our commitment to justice and compassion.

Thank you for considering this observance and for your dedication to creating a church community that fosters healing, respect, and peace. May our shared efforts help bring about a world free from violence.

We are attaching the Poster for circulation and also the concept note fro UN  for the same.

In solidarity and faith,



Rev Jyoti S Singh Pillai

Executive Secretary, Commission for Women Concern

Greetings from NCCI- Women Concerns & All India Sunday School Association (AISSA)!
We are happy to inform you that the 12th International Day of the Girl Child will be observed on 11
October 2023 all over the world and in India the Member Churches/ Institutions/ Parishes of the
National Council of Churches in India join this observation.
This is a global observance aimed at promoting the rights of girls and addressing the unique challenges
they face. This day serves as a platform to advocate for gender equity, access to education, healthcare,
and protection against discrimination and violence. To make a significant impact on this day we would
like to encourage all the NCCI members and ecumenical partners to organize new initiatives that will
empower and uplift girls in our church and society.
1. National Level Reels Competition
In celebration of the 12th International Day of the Girl Child, the All India Sunday School Association
(AISSA), in collaboration with the National Council of Churches India (NCCI), has decided to
organize a Reel-making competition for children between the ages of 13 and 17. To encourage
participation, the winners will receive prizes totaling approximately Rs 1,00,000/-.
The motivation behind this initiative stems from the harsh realities of girl child abuse, such as female
infanticide, sexual abuse, physical abuse, denial of education, and neglect of girl children. These issues
result in numerous forms of exploitation, both conscious and unconscious. The introduction of these
activities among the children of member churches and related agencies aims to counter these harmful
practices and promote gender equity and justice. For details visit our websites or
2. National Webinar on International Girl Child Day
A webinar based on the theme “Ensure Inclusive, Equitable and Safe Place for Girl Child” on October
11, 2023 the zoom link and details of the webinar is available in the website
3. Intercessory prayer for International Girl Child Day.
An intercessory prayer prepared by NCCI-AISSA for using in the liturgical worship on following
Sunday of International Girl Child Day will be sent to you soon. It can be downloaded from our
We kindly request you to join this international campaign and ensure maximum participation in the
aforementioned initiatives. We also look forward to receiving your reports and photos documenting
the observance of International Girl Child Day in your respective churches, institutions, or
organizations on October 11, 2023.

Thanking you in anticipation,
With warm regards,
In Christ,

The 16 Days of activism 2022 was again a time for showing the commitment and re committing for the cause of women. It was a time to affirm actions against Gender based violence and Violence against women.

“16 Days of Activism against Gender based violence”

 from the 25th of November (International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women) to the 10th of December (International Human Rights Day).

This period also includes observance of some other important days like – November 29 (International Women Human Rights Defenders Day), December 1 (World AIDS Day) and December 6 (Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre).

 The 16 Days Campaign this year helped organizing strategy for individuals, groups and churches around India to call for the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence against women and to:


  1.   Demonstrate the solidarity of women around the world organizing against gender-based violence against women
  2. Strengthen local work around gender-based violence against women
  3. Organise Rally, Lobby, Network and voice out for the issue.
  4. Provide a forum in which organizers can develop and share new and effective strategies
  5.   Raise awareness about gender-based violence against women as a human  rights issue at the local, national, regional and international levels
  6. Have a women/gender  safeguarding policy in your respective Churches.

The theme for this year “United”. We were encourage you to take this opportunity to talk about the “UNiTE” Campaign in 2022, under the global banner UNITE! Activism to End Violence against Women & Girls, the aim to mobilize all UNITE networks, civil society and women’s rights organizations, organizations working with men and boys, the UN system, the Action Coalition on Gender Based Violence, government partners, human rights defenders, schools, universities, private sector, sports clubs and associations and individuals to become activists for the prevention of violence against women, to stand in solidarity with women’s rights activists and to support feminist movements around the world to resist the rollback on women’s rights and calling for a world free from VAWG (violence against women and girls).

As National Council of Churches in India it is our responsibility to encourage each other – member churches/ councils/ organizations and agencies to join in the observation of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence and work on a just inclusive environment for a wholesome growth of all.

The outcome which was very visible in the observations this year was:

  1. Need for an inclusive Church, where everyone is welcome and safe irrespective of Caste, creed, ethnicity, ability & GENDER.
  2. Invest in Women for their development was a theme that came strongly from one of the member body.
  3. The need for Gender Policy in church and organisations is the need for the hour.
  4. Networking of men and women for the Eradication of Gender Based Violence.
  5. Faith Leaders to take the cause.

Were few of the goals that were set before us all for the year 2023.

We Hope that Year 2023 will see many steps taken for creating a just and egalitarian society.

We thank our Members like, Salvation Army in India, ISPCK, CSI, Mennonite Church , CNI, Kerala Christian Council, and many more for conducting various Activism programmes in Local area.

Submitted by

Women’s Concern

Dear Ecumenical Leaders,

Greetings from the NCCI Women’s Concerns!

One of the annual observances of the NCCI Women’s Concerns is in joining the

“16 Days of Activism against Gender based violence”

 from the 25th of November (International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women) to the 10th of December (International Human Rights Day).

This period also includes observance of some other important days like – November 29 (International Women Human Rights Defenders Day), December 1 (World AIDS Day) and December 6 (Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre).

The 16 Days Campaign is  for organizing strategy for individuals and groups around the world and our churches to call for the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence against women and to:

  1.   Demonstrate the solidarity of women around the world organizing against gender-based violence against women
  2. Strengthen local work around gender-based violence against women
  3. Organise Rally, Lobby, Network and voice out for the issue.
  4. Provide a forum in which organizers can develop and share new and effective strategies
  5.   Raise awareness about gender-based violence against women as a human  rights issue at the local, national, regional and international levels
  6. 6. Have a women/gender  safeguarding policy in your respective Churches.

  Read more


Dear Ecumenical Partners,

Greetings from the NCCI Women’s Concerns!

One of the annual observances of the NCCI Women’s Concerns is in joining the ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-based violence’ from the 25th of November (International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women) to the 10th of December (International Human Rights Day). This period also includes observance of some other important days like – November 29 (International Women Human Rights Defenders Day), December 1 (World AIDS Day) and December 6 (Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre).

The 16 Days Campaign is an organizing strategy for individuals and groups around the world to call for the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence against women and to:

  1. Raise awareness about gender-based  violence  against women as a human rights issue at the local, national, regional, and international levels
  2. Strengthen local work around gender-based violence against women
  3. Establish a clear link between local and international work to end gender-based violence against women
  4. Provide a forum in which organizers can develop and share new and effective strategies
  5. Demonstrate the solidarity of women around the world organizing against gender-based violence against women
  6. Create tools to pressure governments to implement commitments to eliminate gender-based violence against women

The theme for this year is “Stand against Violence”. Let me encourage you to take this opportunity to talk about the adversities that are done under the banner of Rape. Rape is not just physical it’s mental and emotional. “It’s an act of violence to say I Can do whatever I want with you and your body”. Female Foeticide is a murder committed by us when we do not want to have baby girls in our family. In today’s time, we don’t want to acknowledge it in our homes/churches/society. But it exists. Let’s

create a safe space for our daughters, sisters, and us as well to enjoy a life that God has given to us without fear and stigma.

“Recent women-led movements such as #NiUnaMenos and #MeToo have indeed helped break the long silence surrounding sexual harassment in the world of work on a global scale and forced a conversation about the need to fundamentally transform the power structures and discriminatory norms that enable gender-based violence and discrimination.

As National Council of Churches in India, it is our responsibility to encourage each other – member churches/ councils/ organizations and agencies to join in the observation of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and work on a just inclusive environment for the wholesome growth of all. It is time again this year to unite and create awareness for ending violence against women in our country/churches/ homes

The material for observance of these days as a means to equip yourselves how and what can be done is attached as attachment. The material can be contextualized as required.  For any  clarification   and   assistance   please   feel   free   to   email   me  at You may like to share with us how this campaign was meaningful for you and your people. Pictures and testimonials can also be sent for sharing with others and for mutual encouragement.

Please  share  this  information to all   relevant person / people in your organization/ agency so that they can get this done and be connected with us.

Download here: Concept note, 16 Days of Activism Toolkit

Thanking you Yours sincerely

Rev Jyoti S Singh Pillai
Executive Secretary
Women Concern, NCCI

The churches and its institutions should work towards ensuring the dignity and safety of Dalit women working in healthcare and care-giving sectors. There is also a need to open other available professions and ventures in order to encourage Dalit women their participation and representation. Ms. Hannah Dhanaraj, a dalit feminist professional, one of the panelists spoke thus in the webinar conducted by the NCCI Dalit and Tribal/ Adivasi Concerns and the NCCI Women’s concerns program clusters to commemorate the International Human Rights day on Thursday the 10th December 2020. She also said that the church should be aware that the Dalit women are made to work only on certain sectors of labor as in life-sustaining work and as caregivers. She also said that strategically the choice for dalit women professionals is limited and also are underpaid.

On the same note Ms. Deepthi Sukumar co-convener of the Safai Karmachari Andolan mentioned that a major effort is required to address the safety and protection to women working as sanitation and health care workers. She also mentioned that Churches should take note and involve in rebuilding, restarting and reworking strategies on eradicating and challenging caste atrocities and forcing dalit women and men to dangerous works such as manual scavenging. She also said that churches can involve in advocacy, lobbying, researching new forms of untouchability practices that have emerged during the pandemic and post-pandemic situations.

Speaking from the Human rights angle Ms. Cynthia Stephen, social activist and human rights defender spoke of the need to devote resources to uplift the dalit women in order to make them economically and socially empowered. She said that the task of the church is to bring out special provisions in the way of giving leadership to the women priests and clergy. She also said that the challenge is for the churches, its institutions and clergy particularly male clergy is to distribute and encourage the sharing of resources to the Dalit women. She also mentioned that there is a desperate need to become a part of the system that upholds the rights and dignity of Dalit women.

It is to be noted that caste system is the most heinous social structure world has ever seen. Caste-based discrimination involves massive violations of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. Dalit women are one of the largest socially segregated groups in our country. The dominant caste groups (oppressors) use sexual abuse and other forms of violence and humiliation against Dalit women as tools to inflict “lessons” and crush dissent of labor and other movements within Dalit communities. Hathras case is one of the recent examples of such violence.

Although both Dalit men and women suffer under the same traditional taboos, Dalit women are confronted with these more often and are frequent victims of sexual abuse. They are discriminated not only by people of dominant castes, but also within their own communities, where men are dominant. In such perilous times the significance of Human Rights in the context of Caste based Gender violence constraining to the women in the margin becomes a dire need of the hour. Human Rights is the fundamental right of every human being to live, sustain and thrive on earth and betrayal of a person’s human right is a serious attempt to shatter the person’s dignity and right to life.

The theme for the international Human Rights Day 2020 suggested by the United Nations say “Recover Better – Stand Up for Human Rights.”  The theme speaks volumes towards a praxis-oriented step to rebuild, rethink, restructure and rework from the past to form a brand new present which sojourns by taking everyone together without any form of discrimination or differentiation.

The National Council of Churches in India – Dalit and Tribal/Adivasi Concerns and Women’s Concerns organized the webinar to mark the Human Rights Day and also conclude the 16 days of global activism against gender based violence. The webinar was yet another opportunity to reflect and emphasize effective and praxis-oriented activism. The Churches in the membership of the NCCI must stand with the Dalit women who are fighting for rights, fighting for justice, and together push for eradicating caste and caste based gender discrimination.


Pradip Bansrior
Executive Secretary
Dalit and Tribal/ Adivasi Concerns
National Council of Churches in India


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