
As the medical communities rise up together, and the entire country with them, the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) lends it’s voice to those that condemn the ‘rape and murder’ incident of the young PG Trainee in the R G Kar Medical College, Kolkata, on 9th of August 2024. The Government must bring the real culprits to book without any further delay, and take action on all those who have acted irresponsibly and without basic sensitivities.

Through periodic advisories the NCCI has been requesting the leadership of the Protestant and Orthodox Churches in India to maintain Zero- Tolerance to Gender Based Violence in its faith affirmations and articulations. The Churches in the membership of the NCCI and their units have been advised to be compliant to the provisions of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013, including formation of Internal Committees where statutorily mandated and conducting periodic orientation to staff as mandated under the Act.

Through the Thursdays in Black Campaign and the 16 Days of Activism (Nov 25 to Dec 10 every year) the NCCI community have been continuously challenged to address all forms of violence against women, and to work to address every form of such violence. The Churches have been in many ways addressing every form of toxic-masculinity and inviting young and old toward building up a society whose boys and gentlemen are shaped on premises of redemptive and transformative masculinities.

We offer sincere prayers that the soul of the departed be reposed in God, and everlasting Peace be upon the parents, siblings and all the members of the family.

We commit again to serious interventions in our Churches and Institutions all over the country to nurture and promote responsible and respectful behaviour between peoples of all Gender Identities, and to the safety of women and those others with gender vulnerabilities.

While it is a time to hang our head in shame, we also commit to tirelessly endeavour and leave no stone unturned in order that the women and girls in this country will be able to walk with their head held high anytime of day or night, wherever they like to go, and however they want.

In solidarity and with blessings of abiding Peace that comes from Jesus who was also unjustly killed, yet lives in all who dare death in its face. Let that power give us victory and guidance in this situation and always.

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary, NCCI.

On the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Independence Day (78th Independence Day) of the Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic of India, on Thursday the 15th of August 2024, we recognise with pride the enduring Sovereignty of the citizen.

Mandating a government which exists and functions as coalition governing partners, and identifying the need for an opposition in the democratic polity, the mind of the People of India is all but evident. What follows is the will of the government in power to heed this voice, and the role of the opposition to amplify the voice for the government to deliver and deliver efficiently.

Gram swaraj, captured in more than one ways in the panchayati raj system of participatory democratic governance, is one way in which we can continue to build on the gains of Mandate 2024. Through being thoroughly engaged in the panchayati raj form of local governance and its equivalence in the tribal and adivasi areas of the 5th and 6th Schedule States, the Indian citizen is capable of setting the country on the path of the ‘haven’ into which we would like to see our country awake.

Encouraging the citizen to participate in the process of local governance constructively and with a critical conscience, and acknowledging the role of the panchayats at the village to be involved in vision-casting for the country, are ways in which we can continue to grow as a people of this country – ‘leaving no one behind’.

While celebrating the hard-earned independence we as citizens of this great heritage that is India, together as those belonging to different faiths and ideologies, commit ourselves to work on the freedom of those who are enslaved through systems of religiosity, patriarchy, economic injustice, caste stratification, and such other enslavements relating to economic injustice and ethnic marginalisations.

We recognise a calling to hold each other accountable for what ails the ‘peoples’ of this country and an urgent call to address them together. We pray for a blessing of peace on our county and the entire neighbourhood and the world. We call on all Christians in the country to stand shoulder to shoulder with our fellow citizens in our common pursuit of Life-flourishing for ALL. Let us continue to build from the bottom, one brick at a time.

Jai Hind !

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary, NCC India

On August 10th this year, as in previous years, Christians across the country observe the National Day of Prayer and Protest. On this day Christians seek to highlight and protest the denial of the fundamental constitutional rights to a section of them because they decided to embrace Christianity as a religion of their choice.

When India became a Republic, we resolved as a nation to secure Justice, Equality, Liberty and Dignity for all our citizens. Members of castes worst affected from centuries of social oppression, the Scheduled Castes (SCs), were constitutionally assured special protection and affirmative benefits. These measures are necessary to help them overcome the effect of centuries of discrimination and oppression. Unfortunately these fundamental rights have been denied to the Dalit communities converted to Christianity and Islam through the Presidential (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950, even though this privilege was extended in 1956 to Sikhs and in 1990 to Buddhists of dalit origin. Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims continue to be kept outside this privilege.

Approximately 70% of the Christian population in India are from Scheduled Castes background. Dalit Christians have a unique history of faith experiences because of their caste identity. They embraced Christianity as a faith affirmation against caste slavery and these experiences vary according to regional contexts. It is not only common knowledge but also borne out of numerous extensive research studies that the Dalits are unfortunately still identified first by their caste by a large section of the Indian society. All their other identities, arising from their religious, regional, linguistic and other affiliations are secondary identities that do nothing to displace the severity of the caste-based discrimination and violence that they suffer.

Followed by the decades long mass struggles and advocacy initiatives, finally a Writ Petition (180/2004) was filed in the Supreme Court of India by the Centre for Public Interest Litigation challenging the Presidential (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950. The Writ Petition is also looking for justice from the apex court to allow and extend the Scheduled Caste status to Christians of Scheduled Caste origin for availing special privilege in education, getting scholarships, employment opportunity, welfare measures, affirmative actions, right to contest in the reserved constituencies from panchayat, legislative assemblies up to the Parliament and for availing the legal remedy/protection under Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes (Prevention) of Atrocities Act, 1989 amended in the year 2018.

On January 7th 2020, The Supreme Court agreed to examine the plea filed by Adv. Franklin Caesar Thomas that Dalit Christians or Christians of Scheduled Castes origin should enjoy the same quota benefits reserved for Scheduled Castes. The Civil Writ petition is pending before the Hon’ble Court for further hearing. The Supreme Court has a monumental opportunity now to render justice to millions of Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims who continue to suffer from social stigma and the horrors of untouchability.

In October 2022, the Central Government appointed the Justice K.G. Balakrishnan Commission to examine the Scheduled Caste status for Dalit Christians and Muslims, with a mandate to report back in two years. On May 30th and 31st, 2023, the Church of South India conducted a public hearing in Chennai, titled “A Cry for Justice.” This event focused on Christians of Scheduled Caste origin and documented the discrimination they faced within churches and society throughout Southern India. The NCDC, in collaboration with the NCCI and CBCI, organised conclaves across India on the topic of extending Scheduled Caste status to Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims The findings are to be filed before the Justice Balakrishnan Commission.

Meanwhile in the Supreme Court all petitioners were instructed to combine their filings, with Advocate Gauthaman appointed to oversee the process. Despite these actions, the case was listed but has not yet been heard and remains pending. The 74 years of struggle for justice should be supported by the people who believe in equality and democracy. We await Justice with earnest faith in God.

A Prayer and Protest session is organised in Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 10th August 2024 from 10 AM to 1PM along with the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) and the National Council of Dalit Christians (NCDC). Elsewhere in the Country, Christians and Churches will join together locally for sessions of prayer and protest on the same day.

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary
August 2024

The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) condemns the intent of the Uttar Pradesh Government in moving the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion (Amendment) Bill 2024. This amendment significantly intensifies the provisions of the original Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Act, 2021. While the 2021 Act already classified religious conversion as a cognizable and non-bailable offense, with penalties up to 10 years in prison for conversions conducted through marriage, misrepresentation, force, undue influence, coercion, or other allegedly fraudulent methods, the new amendment introduces even harsher measures. It raises the maximum penalty from 10 years to life imprisonment, allows any individual to file a complaint, and complicates the bail process.

We object to this law in so far as it violates the provisions of the Indian Constitution. Conversion itself is not an offence unless induced by undue influence, misrepresentation, or coercion, which only the victim can claim. Additionally, the new law adversely affects the harmonious life in India and the basic rights of it’s citizens;

  • Impact on Fundamental Rights: The anti-conversion law encroaches on the constitutional right to freely practice and profess religion, a fundamental human right recognized by both the Indian Constitution and international human rights standards.
  • Restrictions on Personal Freedom: The law imposes undue limitations on individuals’ ability to make independent choices regarding their faith.
  • Potential for Abuse: The law grants extensive authority to officials and any third parties which could be misused to target specific individuals or communities based on religious prejudice.
  • Risk of Increased Harassment: There is a risk of heightened harassment and criminalization of peaceful religious practices, including baptism in Christianity.
  • Exacerbation of Communal Tensions: By creating an environment of mistrust and division, the law threatens to aggravate communal tensions and undermine India’s diverse religious harmony.
  • Vague Provisions: The law contains ambiguous provisions including that of ‘mass conversion’ that are susceptible to broad interpretation, leading to inconsistent enforcement and possible injustice.
  • Paternalistic Approach: The law adopts a paternalistic perspective, undermining individuals’ dignity by implying they are incapable of making informed choices about their own religious beliefs.

In light of these concerns, NCCI calls on the Uttar Pradesh Government to rethink this law and promptly abandon its effort to enact it.  It is imperative that we uphold the values of freedom, equality, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their religious affiliations.

We encourage a more inclusive dialogue with all faith groups on how best to address concerns about coercive conversions without infringing on fundamental freedoms. The emphasis should be on ensuring that all individuals can make personal choices without fear of legal repercussions or social ostracism.

Rev Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary, NCCI

Dated: 31 July, 2024

On the occasion of the 75th Republic Day we look up with pride at the huge strides that ‘we the people’ have taken to reach where we are today. Many empowering legislations have been negotiated and passed, democratic patterns of governance and election processes have still been affirmed, many autocratic and despotic governments were replaced, the legislative, judicial and administrative branches of polity have time again been held accountable, systems of local governance have been put in place with planning and monitoring powers in the hands of the voter; huge strides in science and technology, communication and media, economics, banking and commerce, as well as in education and health care; all these and more in the last 74 years of governing ourselves as a republic.

Despite the many strides that make one proud citizen of this great country, some gaps are still evident. The renewed and aggressive attempts to equate Ram rajya with hindu rashtra is rather worrisome. In recent times this has created a sense of despondency in the minds of the minority ethnic and religious communities. This, coupled with the eluding peace in Manipur and the untold continuing hardship experienced by the people of the Christian Community there over nine months and even to this day, leaves much to be desired.

On the occasion of the 75th Republic day the National Council of Churches in India requests the 14 million faithful belonging to the protestant and orthodox churches in it’s membership, to join the entire Christian Community and well meaning citizens of all religious and ideological persuasions in reiterating and affirming the pluriform multicultural credentials of the country. The NCCI urges this in the strong conviction that an India that continues on its strong secular credentials is fundamental to development of all peoples (use of ‘s’ intentional) irrespective of religious and ethnic identities so that no one is left behind.

The 75th year is an opportune moment to rediscover us together, the us who we were in days past. We urge all Christians to join people of similar intentions in birthing this India once again – the India that we know – the India where the Constitution will be protected, concerns of all communities addressed, spiritualities of all respected, secular credentials of the State affirmed, and there is no one left behind.

Let us together build this India we know of, and leave it as a cherished legacy for generations to come.

Jai Hind !

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary

The Gospel according to Mathew starts with the question about the birth of the King of the Jews, “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?” (Mathew 2:2). Legend holds that the fourth Magi’s search for the Messiah ended when he ultimately reached Golgotha much after the Messiah was crucified – “And sitting down they watched him there; and set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS….. (Mathew 27: 36, 37) .

While being questioned whether he was the king of the Jews, Jesus responds “My kingdom is not of this world…” (John 18: 36). This resonates with what the writer of the fourth gospel records earlier that Jesus’ followers are ‘in’ the world but not ‘of’ the world (John 17: 13,14, 15).

While Mathew presents Jesus as ‘king of the jews’ amidst the shining star and Magi, Luke portrays Jesus’ birth with the angels and the shepherds as a matter of great Joy to the world. The writer of the Gospel according to Mark, however, starts with Jesus’ wilful enrolment into the call of John the Baptist. With no reference to Joseph (except Joseph of Arimathea) and without any reference to Mary as his mother, Mark presents Jesus as saying, ” …. whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother” (Mark 3: 31 – 35) indicating working the will of God as the primary purpose of mission in the world.

While migrants and the marginalised find a place in the Christmas story of Mathew and Luke, Mark and John sharpen the focus to challenge us to remind ourselves of working the will of God.

This year the birth of Jesus is observed amidst war and conflict, contexts that are sub-human to say the least. Left unchecked, these contexts lead to a depravity of human mind that is self-annihilating.

Through all the din that surrounds Christmas, let us recognise the still small voice that calls us to an introspection of where we are vis-a-vis working the will of God – a call to fall in line with the mission of Jesus, that call to which we have responded in faith through baptism. May the observances of Christmas propel us to witness to a barrier- free, non-hegemonic, casteless world that affirms diversity in pluriforms – in the world but with an ‘out of the world’ experience of joy and peace – a ‘kingdom’ that is not of this world.

Let us Rejoice in hope, Review life-mission, Re-orient foci, Relocate amidst people…

Merry Christmas

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary, NCCI

We note with concern the sentiments and emotions of persons with varied gender identities and sexual orientations with regard to the judgement of the Honourable Supreme Court in the ‘marriage equality’ case. We also note with respect the optimism in the community to take the ‘setback in expectation’ as a means to a way forward.

The National Ecumenical Forum for Gender and Sexual Diversities is a space in the National Council of Churches in India NCCI-NEFGSD mandated by its constituents, to explore and understand gender identities and sexual orientations, in order to advise the Church to grow into an inclusive communion of all people. The NCCI- NEFGSD will study the judgement together and accompany the community in the pursuit of equal rights, as well as of the dignity of the LGBTQIA+ Communities.

The NCCI – NEFGSD will also seek to initiate conversations within faith communities on traditional beliefs, faith affirmations and teachings of the church on the institution of marriage and constructs surrounding the same in order that no one is left behind, ‘kept outside,’ or ‘shut out’ from the ambit of God’s embrace of All.

The Ecumenical Document on Human Sexuality (2010) of the NCCI states:
1. Love in all its forms, ‘agape’, ‘philea’ and ‘eros’, is central to the Christian understanding of the divine and the consequent ordering of human communities.
2. Sexuality is characteristic of our being created in the image of God and has the potential to facilitate our becoming in God.
3. Sexuality is essentially relational and has pluriform expressions.
4. Sexuality can however be distorted.
5. We need to Re-read Sexuality in Scripture, Tradition and Liturgy
6. The dichotomy between spirituality and physicality is blurred when sexuality is embraced within a horizon of human flourishing and covenantal love.
7. The Church has to be an inclusive just community

The Constituents of the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), a forum of historical and traditional churches of the Protestant and Orthodox denominations and the related Councils, Organisations and Agencies, have been accompanying and have been accompanied by persons of all gender identities and sexual orientations for over two decades trying to understand their respective and all identities and orientations.

We pray for all those who feel left out and/ or let down, and pledge support in our common pursuit of Life-flourishing. No one is complete without the other.

Blessings and Peace

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary, NCCI

The situation in Palestine and Israel is deplorable. Unabated violence has made several homeless, many injured and dead.

We pledge our prayers for the Peace in Palestine and Israel, and plead with all concerned – Governments and Agencies alike – to do all that is in their power to stop violence, save lives and de-escalate further damage to the people of Palestine and Israel, and in the region.

As the National Council of Churches in India, we unambiguously condemn violence in all its guises and the loss of innocent lives on both sides especially the attack and killing of more than 2,500 civilian lives from 6th of October, 2023. We decry violence as it perpetuates suffering and pain, and we remember that every life is a precious creation of God. We mourn for every lost life. We speak comfort to all bereaved.

We cannot turn a blind eye to the long and painful history of oppression and the forceful occupation of Palestinian land. Over many decades Palestinians have borne the weight of dispossession, displacement, and the denial of their fundamental human rights, injuring over 152,560 Palestinians and over 6307 Israelis since 1948. In our hearts, we know that “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” (Deuteronomy 16:20).

We invite all constituents and their units to earnestly lift this concern to God in Prayer. Pray for the immediate cessation of the conflict.

While we pray for the immediate cessation of conflict and healing, we also pray for the long-awaited Justice for the people of Palestine.

May God bring healing in the land.

The Call: A Lament of the Suffering 

Psalm 23 Inspired by the Kairos document


Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary, NCCI


The celebration of the Independence Day every year is an occasion to remember the people who have stood up to the bullet of the occupier. It is also an occasion to recall the path we had set for ourselves and have trod, as also the achievements we have made during the times of breathing the air of independence.

On the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the 15th August 1947, we join fellow citizens in relishing the legacy of standing up for self-determination and rededicating together for a better today and a new tomorrow.

Between today and this day last year we have reached out to the moons; we have upheld democratic traditions of electing our leaders in different states of the Indian Union; we have strived with resilience to keep the spirit of respecting dissent; and we have sought diligently to hold those in public service to accountability.

We recognise, and confess though, that we are not fully there. We have repeatedly failed each other in upholding our constitutional rights. Contexts of perpetuated discrimination including those relating to caste constructs, gender identities, varied abilities, and sexual orientations, contexts of compelling ethnic conflicts and communal discord, contexts of blaming and shaming religious minorities, contexts of market driven greed and avarice that structuralises poverty and impoverishment, have also contributed to where we are today. We acknowledge that but for these and such contexts We would have been a better People.

May this day wake us up to the fact that what we desire for ourselves must benefit the Least of us All. May the remembrances of the day bring us to greater determination and resolve to stand with those citizens who still yearn for the fruits of Independence, and together stand up as a nation that acknowledges and respects diversity as a means to realise Unity.

God bless India. Jai Hind  !

Rev  Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary, NCCI.

In the last few days we have witnessed the outrage of the People of India in different locations with regard to the unabated violence in Manipur. We stood united in condemning violence and sexual assault on women, and continue to voice out and intervene.

We also see unrest and semblances of violence spilling over to other parts of the North East India. This is quite dangerous and needs to be contained.

The secretariat of the National Council of Churches in India and it’s service wing the Christian Service Agency is seized of the matter in different fronts. We are in constant contact with our constituents in Manipur and churches in NE for finding out the ways to build peace in that region. Agencies related to the NCCI like the CASA and the LWSIT are also actively engaged in providing relief to the affected irrespective of ethnicities or religious affiliations.

We now appeal for concerted prayer – joining together in one accord – to advocate for PEACE in Manipur and the whole of North East India. We request all local churches/ congregations/ parishes/ corps in the episcopal overview and pastoral supervision of the NCCI Member Churches to observe the upcoming Sunday – Sunday the 30th July 2023 as a COMMON Day of PRAYER for PEACE in MANIPUR and across NORTH EAST INDIA.

We pray God Almighty to look favourably upon the situation in Manipur, and bless all efforts to bring Healing amidst the people of Manipur and Peace in the region.

We thank the Heads of Churches, all the Constituents of the NCCI, and all those who have actively involved in providing relief and advocating for Peace in Manipur. We further urge you to be continually involved and encourage all, over whom you have influence, to also involve in local initiatives to build peace and promote communal harmony among and amidst all people.

Let us be fervent in prayer.

Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary NCCI