NCCI’s Women Concerns Ministry


aiccwzerotolerance365 DAYS ZERO TOLERANCE TO GENDER BASED VIOLENCE: MAKE IT HAPPEN NOW is a campaign launched by All India Council of Christian Women (AICCW) which is the women’s wing of National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) in response to the increasing Gender based violence in India.
The campaign was inaugurated by Rt. Rev. Dr. Taranath S. Sagar, President of NCCI during its Executive Committee meeting in Bangalore on 27th February 2015. “Prophetic church cannot remain silent when our daughters and mothers are being raped, when our roads are becoming unsafe for our daughters to go to school, when our indigenous sisters are trafficked and displaced from their home as forests are bought by multi-national Companies, when our children are sold for a sack of rice, when women are battered by their loved ones at home, or burnt for dowry, or our daughters are deprived of food and education” asserts Dr. Saramma Varghese, President of AICCW. “We have chosen International Women’s Day to promote this campaign” states Dr. Varghese.
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aiccwsept2014It gives me immense pleasure to introduce September issue of e-Stree. This issue of e-Stree had tried to depict a journey of All India Council for Christian Women (AICCW) and landmarks achieved by it. This issue also contains a self-development article ‘”Harness the power of words”

Please click the download link below to read the September 2014 issue of e-Stree.
(To download the .pdf  to your computer, right-click on the link and select “save link as…”)
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maryjaneAll India Council of Christian Women (AICCW), Women’s Wing of the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) has sent an appeal to the Respected President of Indonesia Joko Widodo to save the life of Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso.

The 30-year-old Filipina is on death row in Indonesia. This Filipino woman, convicted of alleged drug trafficking, has been transferred to a detention center on Indonesia’s Nusakambangan Island, where she awaits execution by firing squad on 28th April 2015, Tuesday.

Veleso was subject to sexual abuse and ‘almost raped’ as she says by her employer when she was working as domestic worker in Dubai and she came to Philippines. When she was looking for job again she was tricked by her neighbour/family friend and her boyfriend.

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