NCCI’s Women Concerns Ministry
National Council of Churches in India condemns the alleged gang rape and assault of 19 year young dalit girl in Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh leading to her death. The barbaric torture has led the victim to undergo an enormous amount of mental, emotional and physical suffering along with a dent on her dignity. Atrocities against women have increased now in India and in this case the victim was a Dalit and she was denied the basic dignity even in her funeral. Denial of dignified funeral was the ultimate of the turmoil for the family of the victim. This act exposes the vulnerability of women in India and especially the women belonging to the discriminated sections of the society such as the dalits, adivasi and tribals.
The alarming torture of gang rape on a girl cannot be neglected as it raises a serious concern on the security of women and girls in society and more importantly the rising toxic masculinity as assertion of power. We cannot neglect the alleged cutting off of the tongue which is a sign to silence a person and their community. We cannot remain silent now otherwise a whole generation will be lost due to brutality and lust of toxic masculinity.
This horrific incident is a blot on the affirmation of Human Rights, Right to Dignity of Life, Protection of dalits and Adivasi/ Tribal communities. The NCCI demands effective judicial action to be taken against the perpetrators of this crime and the officials involved in delaying the writing of FIR and doing a hurried non ritualistic funeral of the victim allegedly without consent of the family. The NCCI demands that speedy justice should be delivered to the victim and the bereaved family, and that protection be given to family members of the deceased as the family need moral and judicial help because they are vulnerable due to their economic and social status of being Dalits.
National Council of Churches in India calls upon the National Human Rights Commission to take appropriate measures to safeguard the constitutional rights that affirm life ‘OF’ all and life ‘FOR’ all to ensure justice without bias so that the rights and dignity of the members belonging to victimised and vulnerable communities will be protected. The NCCI will address such heinous caste based gender violence in its campaign leading to the Human Rights day involving the participation of its constituents.
Rev. Jyoti Singh Pillai Pradip Bansrior
Executive Secretary Executive Secretary
Women’s Concerns Dalit and Tribal/ Adivasi Concerns
Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary
National Council of Churches in India
NCCI joins different organisations in celebrating the Girl Child
Celebrating Girls for LIFE is a joint campaign to empower the girl child. One of the main highlights of the campaign is a Short Film Competition. The multi-pronged campaign will also include workshops and awareness programs in the lead up to the International Day of the Girl 2020. For more details, please visit
The beautiful narrative of creation of human being is that we are tailor made by God, who is our creator and sustainer and even though has given us free will to choose but expects that we are more responsible for the choices we make. Often the choices we as humans make are for seeking the power and pleasure for ourselves. Later accounts portray such a self-seeking approach to distort the image of God in every human person and deform creation. One such distortion and deformation which plagues our society is gender inequality. The domination by the “mighty” who subjugates the “weak” is a challenge to balance of God endowed creation equality.
Religion is knowing God and following the faith we believe in. Religion plays a vital role in shaping cultural, social, economic, and political norms in many parts of the world. Thus, gender stereotypes and the status of women and men in society are deeply tied to the manner in which religious texts have been interpreted for centuries by those in positions of power—positions held predominantly by men.The relationship between religion and gender equality is a complex one. Yet, in sharp contrast to marked absence of all gender at the highest levels of decision-making in religious communities, women and all genders play a pivotal role in religious life. Within the family and the community, they implement and embody religious teachings and traditions, and pass these on to future generations. The role of faith-based organizations, institutions and actors in the gender equality agenda is multifaceted: while often rooted in patriarchal traditions, they are also among the powerful agents of social change. The language of faith reaches to the deepest roots of human motivation, mobilizing individuals and communities to sacrifice comfort and material wealth in pursuit of higher goals. In addition, faith-based organizations and institutions are among the largest, most stable, and well-resourced social networks.
Various faith Scriptures can play a vital role in re-establishing the balance in today’s world where Gender based inequality is rampant. We need to ask these vital questions: Is religion a barrier to gender equality? Distinction between (Institutionalised) Religion and what various Scriptures actually promote!
Saath – Saath looks forward to be a collaboration which is rooted in the understanding that in today’s world, where 8 out of 10 people identify as members of a religious or spiritual community, where religion exerts tremendous influence on people’s both women and men, identities, behaviours, and beliefs. As the oldest providers of social and humanitarian assistance, Faith-based organizations with their networks and resources reaching every corner of the globe are uniquely poised to impact the world in a more profound manner and set a more positive tone. Much more needs to be done for challenging the patriarchal structures, beliefs, and practices that have perpetuated inequality and discrimination against women and girls. While they have been instrumental in promoting spiritual, social, and physical wellbeing, faith-based organization still can be more proactive in engaging in the work of structural transformation required for secure equity and justice for all.
In “Saath – Saath’ we desire come together to look into our faith heritage captured in our scriptures. The desire is to reclaim the divinity of all human beings. Let us listen to what various scriptures say, with a purpose that faith leaders can be co-partners and collaborators in promoting and protecting Gender equity. Let us get inspired from our faith Scriptures and explore how Scriptures of various faith traditions preserve and promote Gender-parity.
Let’s Listen to what they have to say:
Dr A K Merchant is the national trustee Cum Secretary, Lotus Temple. A Doctor by Profession and very much active with social concern, he is a champion on topics like culture, religion and environment.
Tashi Choedup is a Queer Buddhist, monastic Buddhist philosopher and volunteering in Bodhgaya, Bihar. He is an activist and has been active in writing as well.
Rev M Jyothi Sunder is a ordained minister in Medak Diocese, CSI for 20 years. She had done her MTh in OT and MA in women Studies. She is also the President for Association of Theological Trained Women in India (ATTWI),
Ms Sribala Mylavarapu is a teacher of Sanskrit. She is staff at HMI, Hyderabad. She is programme officer for Academic Extension Programme. Her research topic is “Role of women in reconciliation in Faith Engagements”.
Ms Uzma Naheed is a member of Indian Muslim Personal Law Board and is a champion on Gender Justice. She has worked tirelessly for justice for women right from the Islamic context.
Ms Ashmeet Kaur Bilkhu is a young dynamic worker who has done her MPhil in “ Women and Gender Studies”. She is involved in developing curriculum at ISST for “ women And Work”. She writes on issues of gender politics and culture.
Dr Vihutoli Kinny is a lecturer at Nito Theological College, Nagaland. She is serving at department of Religion. Her research on doctoral studies was on : Social relevance of the religious thought of Swami Vivekananda today wit special reference to practical Vedanta.”
Ms D Reshma is working as an Assistant Professor at SSS, Shasun Jain College. She is a champion for the gender cause and has been dealing with many other issues as well. She has a special way on interacting with people of all age.
Mr Ankit Bhupati is a Human Right Activist and founder of Queer Hindu Alliance. He is a devout Hindu who finds his soul in Bhakti.
Let us join our panellist to be the voices of justice and equality. Let us ask questions not to others only, but to and for ourselves.
Let’s revisit and reclaim what is right.
Join in : Registration Form
Rev. Jyoti Singh Pillai
Executive Secretary, NCCI Women’s’ Concerns
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India has been a country where a number of violence is subsisting openly. Human Trafficking in India although illegal under Indian law, remains a remarkable problem. People are frequently illegally trafficked through India for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced/bonded labour. Women and girls are trafficked within the country for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced marriage, especially in those areas where the sex ratio is highly skewed in favour of men. Men and boys are trafficked for the purposes of labour and may be sexually exploited by traffickers to serve as gigolos, massage experts, escorts, etc a significant portion of children are subjected to forced labour as factory workers, domestic servants, beggars, and agriculture workers, and have been used as armed combatants by some terrorist and insurgent groups. Thursdays in Black focuses on ways that individuals can challenge attitudes that cause violence, on a personal and public level. Human Trafficking affects families, Society and people also suffers individually. This year 7th February is observed as World International Harmony Day and to maintain peace among people, Thursdays in black Campaign is one of the way through which peace and unity can be conquer as this campaign says no to all kinds of violence.
National Girl Child day- 24th January, 2019
Girl children are considered a “burden” on their natal families, attributed to the idea that they will be married off at a certain age (and hopefully at a competitive price), while sons will study, become breadwinners of the households, bring home a wife who will take on households responsibilities, and thus support his parents in old age. It is time for us to ponder upon a question are girls less capable or is it our attitude? Because , not only have we been socialised into believing in differential rights and abilities of boys and girls, but we have behaved in ways to ensure this is true by not providing equal access to both boys and girls, equal access to support and encouragement, and consequently, equal opportunity to perform. And this is one kind of silent struggles and violence a girl child has to go through since her childhood and after marriage she goes through violence. The worst victims of such violence are girls, women, and children. We know India is the 4th dangerous country for women to live in and for the girl child to survive. 53 percent children get sexually abused in India that means one out of two children.
Thursday in Black campaign is against gender based violence and it encourages men and women to support girl child and treat them equally to build inclusive church and society.
National Council of Churches in India urges all churches and social organizations to take concrete actions against gender based violence and also encourage people to speak out against violence to ensure that women and men, boys and girls are safe from violence in all places.
India is rapidly growing more towards violence which has no end and a huge threat for the younger generation to live peacefully. Children who grow up in families where there is violence may suffer a range of behavioral and emotional disturbances therefore NCCI invites all of us to join in Thursdays in Black Campaign to fight against violence and make country a better place to live in.
For more information read
From 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (Human Rights Day), the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls around the world. The international campaign originated from the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute coordinated by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership in 1991.
For far too long, impunity, silence and stigma have allowed violence against women to escalate to pandemic proportions—one in three women worldwide experience gender-based violence.
The time for change is here and now.
In recent years, the voices of survivors and activists, through campaigns such as #MeToo, #TimesUp, #Niunamenos, #NotOneMore, #BalanceTonPorc and others, have reached a crescendo that cannot be silenced any more. Advocates understand that while the names and contexts may differ across geographic locations, women and girls everywhere are experiencing extensive abuse and their stories need to be brought to light.
This is why the UNiTE Campaign’s global advocacy theme this year is: Orange the World: #HearMeToo
Under the theme Orange the World: #HearMeToo, the UNiTE partners are encouraged to host events with local, national, regional and global women’s movements, survivor advocates and women human rights defenders and create opportunities for dialogue between activists, policy-makers and the public. As in previous years, the colour orange will be a key theme unifying all activities, with buildings and landmarks lit and decorated in orange to bring global attention to the initiative.
The NCCI urges Churches, Women Fellowships, Christian Organizations, Related Agencies, and Regional Councils, to get involved in this campaign. This Campaign may be observed in different ways, such as articulating contextual themes/slogans for the 16 days, organizing Prayer meetings, Bible Studies, processions, poster campaigns, street theatres, and other Advocacy Programmes.
NCCI Women Concerns has been advocating the campaign:
365 Days of Zero Tolerance to Gender Based Violence : Make it Happen Now!!!
Asian Church Women’s Conference organized the 16th Quadrennial General Assembly and 60th anniversary of ACWC at The Church of Christ in Thailand (CCT), Bangkok on October 3 – 8, 2018. The theme for the Assembly was “Now Choose Life, Change our Ways and Actions”. ACWC voting Delegates and Observers of ACWC and members of the International Committee of the Fellowship of the Least Coin (ICFLC) participated in the Assembly. We, Mrs. Wellorich Sohkhlet, Presbyterian Church of India, Mrs. Sushma Tirkey, Gossener Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jharkhand and Jenifa Rani, Intern, National Council of Churches in India represented NCCI in the ACWC General Assembly at Bangkok.
The Assembly started with the procession of the Representatives with the country banners followed by the opening worship on 4th October on the theme “Now Choose Life”. ACWC President Dr. Saisuree Chutikul given the key note address, in which she inspired the participants saying that life as ‘being alive’ and ‘living’ is guided by having a twin citizenship: one as being Christians in God’s Kingdom and the other is as being a citizen of a country. She stated that changing of ways and actions within the framework of life, living and being alive, including the ‘purposes’ of life need to produce outputs, which would be compliant with the purposes and the kind of life that we choose.
ACWC Vice President led a 7 minutes show “Her Story” remembering the 60 years of ACWC. In the panel session moderated by ACWC Treasurer Mrs. Roshini Mendis, Ms. Janejinda Pawade, Aftercare Liasion Manager and Social Worker of NVADER challenged the participants talking on the theme “Human Trafficking: A Challenge to Asian Church Women”. She put forward the challenge for the Asian Church Women to choose life, to be the Voice of the Voiceless, who are vulnerable to any forms of exploitation and change our ways and actions, to challenge ourselves to do more advocacy work rather than humanitarian work. Sr. Siphim Xavier, O.S.U., Directress and Chaplain for Catholic Commission for Women, Catholic Bishops Conference of Thailand talked on the theme of choosing life. Ms. Wandee Cheunchooprai, Clinical Social Worker at New Life Center Foundation in Chiang Mai, expressed the need of the enhancement of the life choices of the tribal girl children and women, who suffer disadvantage, vulnerability and all forms of exploitations.
Two business sessions chaired by the President of ACWC included Officers Report, Executive Secretary’s Report, National Reports by National Representatives, Formation of Committees, Nominations and Assembly Statement. Mrs. Wellorich Sohkhlet read the report of Women Concerns of NCCI. Representatives from WSCF-AP, AACC, EFFCW, and MECC shared their greetings. Thereafter, as prayer partners met, India along with our prayer partners Mongolia and Malaysia gathered and discussed about the prayer issues of partners and prepared for the Cultural Night to celebrate ACWC’s 60th anniversary.
Next day, 5th October, started with a Bible study by Rev. Dr. Chuleepran Srisoontorn, chaired by Supaorn Yarnasarn. The theme for the day was “Change Your Ways”. Dr. Chuleepran focused on John 14:6 and John 6: 48 – 51 and led the group in discussion on the steps toward changing our ways and actions. In the Business Session 3, the Assembly Secretary read the Minutes of the previous day, after which the Treasurer’s Report and Budget was presented by Mrs. Roshini Mendis, Treasurer, ACWC. The national representatives presented their National Reports. We then formed small Groups to discuss the Assembly Theme and each group reported their discussions and suggestions, especially Young Women’s Forum of ACWC actively participated in it. The day ended with the cultural night in which the nine pairs of prayer partners and ICFLC members participated.
The third day, focused on the theme “Change Your Actions,” started with a Bible study by Rev. Dr. Chuleepran Srisoontorn. Sirirat Pusurinkham chaired it. The Business Session 4 comprised of the Minutes of the Previous Day and the National reports by NRs. Representatives from CLAI, CCC, WICCC, CW_USA, PCC, and WCC shared their greetings. In Business Session 5 there were elections of General Committee members and Executive Committee members and Orientation of General Committee members. With the consecration of the newly elected members and Rev. Moon Sook’s message in the closing worship, on 2 Kings 4: 8 – 37 (the story of the Shunemmite Woman and Elisha, in which the shared what she had) by which Rev. Moon Sook exhorted women to choose life, and responsibly and persistently bring about changes in the society, the Assembly ended.
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