
The National Council of Churches in India is glad to learn the naming of two-kilometre stretch of road after the late Bishop Metropolitan Dr. Stephanos Mar Theodosius.  It is a great recognition to the dedication of Bishop Theodosius’ efforts in promoting education and health care for local people.  It is certainly a matter of pride.  We appreciate the gesture of the Municipal Corporation of Bhilai, said the General Secretary of NCCI, particularly at the times of anti-Christian sentiments.

Black Day Protest in Delhi on 10th August, 2015

For Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims

Jointly Organised by


IMG_5809The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order 1950 was signed on 10th August 1950 by the then President of India which says that “No person who professes a religion other than Hinduism shall be deemed to be a member of the Scheduled Caste” which was later amended to include Sikhs (1956) and Buddhists (1990) in the Scheduled Caste net. This order is against the secular nature (Preamble of the Constitution) of the country, against Article 14(Equality before the law), article 15(Prohibition of discrimination of any citizen on ground of only religion), Article 25 (Freedom of Conscience and free to profess any religion), Article 26 (Equality before the law and equal protection of the law) and against the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which India is a party.

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arun-jaitley n churchA delegation consisting of Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical Church leaders had a meeting with the Finance Minister of the Country, Shri Arun Jaitley on 23rd May, 2014 at his residence and it is lasted for one and half hours. The finance minister apprised the leaders about the various steps taken by the Government for the safety and protection of the Christian Community. He stated that neither the BJP nor its government support attacks against the Christian community.
 The Christian leaders also raised the following concerns of the community with Mr. Arun Jaitely: The status of the SIT probe on Church attacks in Delhi as well as different parts of the country, irresponsible and provocative statements made by leaders of BJP, fringe elements and Sangh Parivar, the issue of anti-conversion laws, Government stand on granting Schedule Caste status to Dalit Christians, proposal to have a Christian Memorial in Delhi and unwarranted interference of Government through Child Welfare Committee (CWC) on Christian Orphanages.
The meeting was a confidence building measure by the Government with Christian community. He also promised to designate a nodal point within the cabinet to address the concerns of the Community.  The discussion was cordial and positive. We hope that Government will pursue the measures it has promised.
Samuel Jayakumar
Executive Secretary,
Commission on Policy, Governance and Public Witness, NCCI
In a statement issued on Wednesday, the Vatican would soon sign its first accord with Palestine, two years after officially recognising it as a state.  The Vatican said that the “bilateral commission of the Holy See and the State of Palestine” was putting the final touches to the treaty.The treaty states that the Holy See favours a two-state solution to the conflict with Israel and allows the Vatican to oversee aspects of Roman Catholic life in the areas President Abbas controls. Israel has however expressed disappointment with the treaty, which uses the term “Palestinian state”.

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Regarding the communal situation in the country and the fear among Religious Minorities in wake of Hashimpura Judgment, some MPs organiized a signature campaign followed by a protest. Many MPs participated in the protest at Gandhi Statue in the Parliament premises on 7th May, at 10 am.  The successive state Government’s negligence and failure in producing evidence before the court of law denied justice to the victims. Whereas promulgation of executive order in 1950, 10th August by President without the approval of Parliament amounted to denial of equal opportunity and choice of Religious Freedom not only to Dalits of the country but also to the Religious Minorities.  This was to voice their concern to ensure the citizenry in upholding Constitutional mandate of Social Justice beyond Religion.

The Demands were:

  1. A thorough investigation under the supervision of sitting Supreme Court judge to ensure confidence among Citizenry on the governance and the justice delivery system beyond delivering Justice to the victims. The Union Government and the State Government should take every possible effort in bringing the culprits to the book.
  2. We demand the Union of India to Extend the Scheduled Caste Status to Christians and Muslims of Scheduled Caste origin.

Fr. Devasagayaraj

Secretary, CBCI Office for SC/BC

 Mr. Samuel Jayakumar

  Executive Secretary, CoP, NCCI

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The Council of the North West India Council of Churches (NWICC) met on 15th April, 2015 at  Mar Thoma Centre in Delhi.  The main agenda of the meeting was revitalizing the North West India Council of Churches (NWICC) and its activities. Bishops, Head of Churches, Official Representatives of Church bodies, Organizations of NWICC  gathered in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and together we reflected on how to become effective witnesses of God’s grace and love in our situation and to serve humanity (as servants of God).
  • We endorse that all humans are created in the Image of God and Churches and all their agencies are called to be responsible to work with specific mandate for the betterment of humanity as well as God’s creations.
  • We express concern over growing inequality created by humans on the basis of caste, creed, colour, food, language, gender and religion and recent controversies based on faith, practices and habits of individuals and communities.  We also express concern over the continuous attacks against minorities particularly on churches and the Christians.
  • We believe that cultural homogeneity is impossibility in a pluralistic society like ours, and therefore, we affirm to work with all for the betterment of human situation where every individual can live with dignity and honour.
  • We rededicate ourselves to work for the transition from exclusive to inclusive society. We affirm dignity of life and denounce all forces that work to create division in human society and exploit human and natural resources for selfish purposes.
  • We express solidarity with the farmers, landless, tribals, dalits, maha-dalits, adivasis  and women and children and condemn all types of violent activities against the weaker sections of the society.
  • We are proud of our Democracy, Constitution and Independent Judiciary and urge every citizen, Government, Political Party and Civil Society to uphold them so that the secular character of our nation is sustained.
Bishop Subodh C Mondal
President, NWICC
Bishop Collin Theodore
Secretary, NWICC


The National Council of Churches in India expresses its deep concern over growing religious intolerance in our country, and targeted violence against the Christian community. The sustained hate campaigns have resulted in vicious attacks on our people, places of worship and our institutions. Such incidents of violence are taking place right across the country—Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. In the recent past, they are even happening in the national capital.

In addition to such attacks, there are other strategic ways in which efforts are being made to destabilize Christian faith and witness:

  • Declaring 25th December, one of our holiest days, as ‘Good Governance Day’, showing no regard for the long standing tradition of the celebration of Christmas in the country, which has been a public holiday;
  • The ghar wapsi campaign promoted by Hindutva groups is an overt and aggressive attempt to convert Christians and Muslims to Hinduism, portraying Christianity as a ‘foreign’ religion, despite evidence that Christians have been living on the sub-continent right from the first century.
  • Though the Prime Minister had assured the Christian community of ‘freedom of choice’ regarding religion on 17 February 2015, and had earlier called for a 10 year moratorium on communal disharrmony in his independence day speech of 15 August 2014, he has made no explicit condemnation of the attacks on Christians and the increasing Hindutva propaganda Read more

delhiprotChristian communities are now more frequently targeted for violence.  In Delhi, in less than two months five Church buildings have been vandalized or burnt down.  The police have not solved most of the cases and it has created a sense of fear among the Christian Community in India.

The Christian community had peaceful protest in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral on 5th February, 2015 against Government inaction on Church attacks. However, Protesters were dealt very roughly by the Delhi police. Many of the priests, lay men and women, were dragged into police van and detained at the Parliament street police station. Around 500 protesters were taken to the Police station.  The police was not even allowing them to protest inside the Church and not allowing protesters to meet the media.

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Meeting with President of IndiaChurch leaders representing the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) and the Regional Christian Council of North West India met the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee at Rashtrapati Bhawan on 24th December, 2014. The Church leaders greeted him on the occasion of Christmas and offered prayers for his health and for the Nation.
The leaders also raised their concern with the President about the attacks on Christians in the different parts of the country as well as about conducting of Government functions on 25th December which is a public holiday (Christmas). The President affirmed that India is a pluralistic society and all the religious communities are to be given equal respect. He was very concerned that the social harmony, which has existed for a long time in India, should not be allowed to be disturbed.
The delegation consisted of Bishop Subodh Mondal, Bishop of Delhi Episcopal Area, Methodist Church in India; Mrs. Sudipta Mondal; Bishop Collin Theodore, Delhi Brotherhood Society; Bishop Warris. K. Masih, Moderator’s Commissary, Diocese of Delhi CNI; Archbishop Anil Couto, Archdiocese of Delhi Catholic Church; Bishop Simon John, Believers Church, Delhi Diocese; Dr. Sushant Agrawal, Director, CASA; and Mr. Samuel Jayakumar, Executive Secretary, CoP, NCCI.
We hope that the President will take some proactive steps in addressing the concerns presented by the delegation.
Samuel Jayakumar
Executive Secretary,
Commission on Policy, Governance and Public Witness, NCCI.

Press meeting at CBCITimes of India on 10th October 2014 reported that the Government is opposed to Dalit status for converts.

It reported Union social justice minister Hon.  Thavar Chand Gehlot’s statement about SC status to Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims, which reveals that the Government is not inclusive in its development policy.

The demand for the inclusion of the Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims has been going on for the past 64 years because of the Constitution (Scheduled Caste Order) 1950 paragraph 3 which reads as “no person who professes a religion different from the Hindu religion shall be deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Caste”. Later it was amended to include Sikhs and Buddhists in 1956 and 1990 respectively.

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