dls2016-picRespected Ecumenical Colleagues,

Warm greetings from National Council of Churches in India!
Dalit Liberation Sunday has become an important feature in the calendar of Indian Churches and Ecumenical movements. Over the years, there has been a positive response in sensitizing the local congregations towards concerns of Dalits, for no longer caste issue is visualized as a sociological issue or an issue outside the purview of church but more seen as an issue challenging the core of our faith and gospel.
The theme for this year’s Dalit Liberation Sunday is “Administer Justice Daily! Deliver the Oppressed!” (Jeremiah 21:12). We take this opportunity to invite you to observe Dalit Liberation Sunday on 13th November 2016 in your church/local parish/institution in a creative way and rededicate your commitment to the Gospel by accompanying the unaccompanied. However, if you already have some programme on 13th November 2016, you may think of celebrating this Special day on a later Sunday i.e. on 20th November 2016. Herewith we are sending you hard copies of posters and a special order of worship for the day. You may take the freedom to use the entire worship order and translate it in your vernacular language or adapt parts of it.
We would appreciate if you send a brief report along with a few photographs of the observance to the undersigned. Let us join to observe Dalit Liberation Sunday on 13th November 2016.
Thanking you in anticipation. With regards,

In Christ,

Pradip Bansrior
Executive Secretary
Commission on Dalits and Tribals/ Adivasis
National Council of Churches in India

Celebration of Tribal and Adivasi Sunday at MBC Bible College, Hyderabad.

adivasiTribal and Adivasi Sunday was celebrated at MBC Bible College, Hyderabad on 7th of August 2016. It was an enlightening evening, the whole community gathered at the academic centre to participate and celebrate through this worship.

 It was a enriching experience to the whole community to know about various tribal and adivasi groups in India. A power point presentation was made to educate the community about the rich culture and tradition of various tribes in India.  MBC community remembered the life and living style of the tribal and adivasi people amidst of the discrimination and subjugation they face. An attempt was made not to romanticize the plight of the tribals but to understand the resistive modes they employed for their survival in midst of struggle.

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21st September 2016 – International Prayer Day for Peace (An invitation to “Do” and “Practice” Peace)

21st September 2016 – International Prayer Day for Peace

(An invitation to “Do” and “Practice” Peace)

“Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace”(United Nations)

ipdp-imageEach year, the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21st September. The General Assembly of the United Nations has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals to inculcate the culture of Peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.

The World Council of Churches calls Churches and all the faith and peace loving communities to observe the International Day of Prayer for Peace. Observances of the peace prayer day began in 2004 during a meeting between the then WCC General Secretary Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, and coincides with the UN International Day of Peace.

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Observance of Black Day on August 10th, 2016

August 10th is observed every year as ‘Black Day’ by the member Churches of National Council of Churches in India, Theological institutions and Christian organisations across India demanding the deletion of the infamous Presidential Order 1950, Paragraph 3, which excludes Christian and Muslim Dalits from the Scheduled Caste list.

The foundation of state discrimination against Christian Dalits was laid in the 1930s when the then British India Government passed the “Scheduled Caste (SC) Act 1936”. This Act made only ‘Hindu’ Dalits eligible for protective discrimination (SC reservation) and deprived Dalits of other religious faiths, including Christian Dalits from it. In post independent India, the “Presidential Order (SC) 1950” was very similar to the Act of 1936, denying again protective discrimination for Dalit converts to Christianity. This clearly violates the principle of equality and religious freedom guaranteed in the Indian Constitution – Articles 14, 15 and 25. The argument of the Government very often has been that since Christianity is an egalitarian religion where caste has no place, the question of granting protective discrimination to Christian Dalits does not arise! This argument is not just simplistic but ill-motivated. It is a universally known truth, a fact even amply proved by several Central and State Government-appointed Commissions that the phenomenon of caste is so pervasive and wide spread that it has made deep inroads in all religious communities in the country, without exception. Subsequent to the Presidential Order of 1950, the Government of India brought in amendments and granted protective discrimination (SC reservation) to Sikh Dalits and Neo Buddhists, but the plea of Christian and Muslim Dalits has remained a cry in the wilderness until now. The Government of India appointed a National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities to investigate the demand of Christian and Muslim Dalits on 29 October, 2004. Ranganath Mishra, Head of Commission submitted the Commission Statement on 21 May, 2007. According to the Commission Report, paragraph 3 of the Constitution’s Order 1950 should be deleted from the Constitution in order to bring Equality and Justice for Christian and Muslim Dalits. However the Central Government kept silent when 12 state governments along with Union Territories and several political parties had endorsed the proposal to delete Paragraph 3 from the Constitution of India.

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Tribal and Adivasi Sunday-2016 Celebrated Across India

The lives of Tribals and Adivasis in India are always an intertwining of struggles and celebrations. Over the years Tribal and Adivasi Sunday has been observed in many parts of our country to sensitize the Indian churches to break down barriers that separate indigenous people from other communities and to express solidarity with the struggles of our Tribal and Adivasi brothers and sisters. The member churches of the National Council of Churches in India and Theological Colleges in India celebrated Tribal and Adivasi Sunday all across the country on Sunday, the 7th of August 2016 and also on following Sundays. The theme for the celebration was, “Towards Just and inclusive Communities: Visions and Voices of Tribals and Adivasis”.

Celebration in All Saints Cathedral, St. Thomas Church and AHM 1840 Church, CNI, Nagpur:

1-1Rev. Dr. Hmingthansanga, General Secretary of All India Sunday School Association preached at All Saints Cathedral CNI Church on Luke 10. In his sermon he emphatically asked  “Who is my neighbour?’’ and highlighted the problems faced by Tribal, Adivasis and Dalits in today’s context.
Categorizing Tribals and Adivasis as inferior or backward, marginalising and discriminating on any ground is a sin before the creator God as God has created all human beings in God’s own image, said Mr. Pradip Bansrior, Executive Secretary-Commission on Dalits, Tribals and Adivasis during the Tribal and Adivasi Sunday worship at St. Thomas CNI Church, Nagpur on 7th August 2016.
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Interfaith Communities Dream a World Without Persons with Disabilities

Report of the Interfaith Round Table on Disability held on  25th August 2016 at Tamilnadu Theological Seminary

The National Council of Churches in India – Indian Disability Ecumenical Accompaniment (NCCI – IDEA) and World Vision India joined the Tamilnadu Theological Seminary, Tamilnadu Christian Council, Engage Disability, Christian Service Agency, Church of South India – Diocese of Madurai–Ramnad and the Madurai Interfaith Initiative in organizing an ‘Interfaith Round Table on Disability’ on 25th August 2016 at Tamilnadu Theological Seminary, Madurai on the theme “Faith Journey Together Towards Inclusive Communities’.

70 faith practitioners from different faith backgrounds including clerics, lay leaders, students of theology, philosophy, secular studies, research scholars, theological and secular educators, social and development workers and representatives from different interfaith initiatives participated in this round table representing the major faiths including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Dalit, Folk and also Secular Ideologies.

The round table started with a  Buddhist prayer by monks. Rev. Dr. Kanagu Nelson welcomed the gathering. The Coordinators shared greetings from Rt. Rev. Dr. M Joseph, Bishop CSI Diocese of Madurai – Ramnad and Dr. Esther
Kathiroli, Secretary Tamilnadu Christian Council. Rev. Dr. David Rajendran, Principal, Tamilnadu Theological Seminary, inaugurated the Round Table by joining different faith representatives in lighting the ‘kuthu vilakku’. Rev. R. Christopher Rajkumar (NCCI) and Dr. Christopher Baskaran (World Vision India) shared

greetings from NCCI and World Vision and introduced the round table.

Rev. Dr. David Rajendran, in his inaugural address informed the participants that the entire Christian world is getting ready to commemorate 500 years of Martin Luther’s Reformation in 2017. 500 years ago the ‘reformation movement’ questioned and countered the oppressive and discriminating faith practices of that time and the reformation helped the adherents to get away from oppressive components in their faith journey. He further called upon the faith communities to work towards reformation in contemporary times in order to promote and uphold  inclusive society through our spiritualties, faith expressions and religious practices, and to completely eliminate and eradicate  oppressive and discriminating practices in our societies by expanding the inclusive realm to all the religiously, socially, culturally and historically excluded communities including ‘People with Disabilities’ (PWDs).

Ven. Bikkuni Leelavathi, Janab Ahamad Siddique, Rev. Sr. Regina Mary, and Shri. Thangaraj  served as panelists reflecting on the theme, ‘What does my faith say about People with Disability’. Rev. Christopher Rajkumar and Rev. Dr. Kanagu Nelson jointly moderated the panel.
Ven. Bikkuni Leelavathi, a Buddhist Monk, informed the participants that according to Buddhism, malnutrition, undernourishment, and hunger are the main causes for any disability. The narrative of Manimekala calls all of us to collect food and feed every one who is in need, to eradicate not only hunger but also to establish a healthy society where there would be no possibility for the birth of PWDs in our world.  She further emphasized that instead of looking for a meaning for disability, let us look for reasons that cause disability and address the issue to create a world without persons with disabilities by healthy feeding programmes as an expression of our faith response.

Janab Ahamad Siddique, an Islamic theologian cited from Quran that Allah the Almighty, never discriminates any persons with disabilities. In fact during Prophet Muhammad’s time, the disabled were used by the religious leaders to invite the Muslim believers to prayer at the mosques, noteworthy being the the visually impaired person who offered invitation at the mosque in Mecca. Further he said, on Judgment Day, visually impaired persons would go directly  to heaven since, they would be found to be sinless in the world.  He also further asserted that the Quran  treats all as equals, without any discrimination and stigma; all are considered as children of God.

Rev. Sr. Regina Mary a Christian caregiver, pointed out that the God of the Bible used a PWD named Moses to liberate people who were under political oppression. Also God ordained PWDs to be prophets who reformed society when people went wrong, e.g. Jeremiah. Further she stated that Jesus Christ was working towards bringing in a society where there would be no discrimination on the basis of physical and mental disabilities; therefore Jesus healed PWDs during his ministry. She also asserted that Christianity considers that all are created in God’s image, including PWDs.

Shri Thangaraj, a Hindu faith practitioner, stated that according to Hinduism, deformity is based on the Karma of persons in their previous lives; however at the same time the karma of other persons in their past lives leads them to take care of the disabled in this life. So disability or deformity should not be seen or considered as a curse or punishment of God; rather such deformities facilitate other adherents in being more responsible and accountable for those who are in need, thereby representing God in the lives of the PWDs.

Two faith practitioners responded to this panel. Mr. Devaraj, educationist and Tamil Scholar responded by asserting that all scriptures and faiths affirm the life, respect and dignity of PWDs; however the holy shrines should facilitate their inclusion with needed inclusive conscious infrastructure and literature since every PWD has a right to worship. The PWDs are allowed to take part in the very life of the worshiping communities including their leadership.

Shrimathi Pandeeswary, a follower of ‘Sanmarga Shabai’ observed that the religious leaders and scholars like Kalidas, and Valmiki were PWDs and God used them to edify the adherents spiritually through their literary skills.  Why do not we accept the leadership of PWDs today in our religious lives? If we continue to do so, we would be against our gods and faiths. Therefore, we need to accept every one as they are and promote inclusiveness.

Dr. Christopher Baskaran, the Deputy Director, Church Relations and Interfaith Relations of World Vision India initiated a group discussion after introducing different types of disability and explaining what  inclusivity means. The participants were divided into six groups and asked to identify the barriers that discriminate  PWDs from the society and the factors that would promote their inclusion. This method was found to be effective as it led the participants to have deeper and meaningful discussions and brought several possible suggestions including inculcating a culture of inclusivity in the society and promoting consciousness about the need for disabled-friendly infrastructures in public buildings and holy shrines.

Rev. Dr. Kanagu Nelson, Professor and Head Department of Religious Studies of the Tamilnadu Theological Seminary in his concluding remarks said that we as faith communities need to be more conscious about using derogatory, abusive and disrespectful language that discriminates against PWDs in our day to day life. When God uses words of love, why should we use disrespectful or hate language?

Rev. R. Christopher Rajkumar, Executive Secretary, Commission on Mission: Ecumenism: Theologies of Life and Director of the Indian Disability Ecumenical Accompaniment (IDEA) Forum, in his closing remarks referred to ‘Divine Miracles and Divine Healings’ of the PWDs found in our scriptures. According to him, these divine acts not only made PWDs normal but also the entire society was made inclusive. Therefore, we as faith communities need to work for a community where the people who live on  the margins of society come to be part of the society. So, let us as a community that represents God, become the agents of change and transformation where all are together as God’s communities.

Mrs. Devaki of Madurai Interfaith Initiative proposed the vote of thanks and the participants sang the National Anthem in unison as a closing act.  Rev. Dr. V. Kanagu Nelson, Mrs. Devaki, Mr. Jacob Devabhaktula and Ms. Cynthia Shinde co-ordinated the Round Table.

The Madurai Interfaith Round Table is the Tamilnadu regional expression of the national interfaith conversation on disability in order to promote  NCCI’s quadrennial theme ‘Towards Just and Inclusive Communities’ and its national campaign on ‘Accessible and Inclusive Holy Shrines’.


Reported by:

Mrs. Cynthia Shinde


NCCI  – Indian Disability Ecumenical Accompaniment



The National Council of Churches in India, meeting as a General Body in Chennai on August 12, 2016, strongly condemned  the growing atrocities against dalits in India:

National Council of Churches in India expresses its grave concern over the vehement hate campaigns and brutal attacks on Dalits in different parts of India. We condemn the perpetrators, cow vigilante groups and the right wing fundamentalists who take the law in their hands and torment the Dalits in our country. Serious cognizance must be taken of the hate campaigns manifesting in their most recent forms such as the activities of ‘Cow-killers’ and restrictions sought to be imposed on ‘Cow-meat-eaters’. This is an extreme form of modern-day practice of untouchability and discrimination.

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NCCI’s new website


NCCI’s new website was inaugurated by NCCI President, Honourable Bishop Dr. P. C. Singh on August 11, 2016 in the course of the General Body meeting in Chennai. Bishop Dr. P. C. Singh appreciated NCCI’s Commission on Communications and Relations for the upgrade, and wished the website to be a channel for more effective accomplishment of ecumenical objectives as communicating communities seeking to synergize efforts in service of the Church and Society.

NCCI’s new website is aimed at incorporating newer strategies and website components towards optimizing available technology to the various ways people currently use it, and its new domain name brings into focus the historic standing and commitment of the Council. The website will serve as a repository for reference and relevant data as well as a portal for news from NCCI, its member bodies and ecumenical concerns in general. With a responsive web design and integrated cross-platform content sharing (eg. in addition to email, facebook, twitter and other online social media, news posts viewed on mobile devices can now be shared on whatsapp as well), NCCI has responded practically to changing trends of accessing and sharing data across multiple platforms, including smart phones. The NCCI news app for AndroidTM devices that complements the news components of the website, continues to be freely available on Google PlayTM


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A Relevant Diaconal Intervention for Youth Today

Workshop on ‘Youth for Peace’

23rd July 2016, Aruppukottai, Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu

DSC01557A one-day workshop on Relevant (Diaconal) Mission for Youth under the theme “Youth for Peace” was held on 23rdJuly 2016, at Church of South India (CSI) Parish Hall, Aruppukkottai, Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu. The Unity, Mission and Evangelism Unit and the Youth Unit of National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), the Commission on  Conflict Transformation and Peace Building Program of United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India (UELCI), Christian Service Agency (CSA) and Congregation Accompanied Reformed Diaconia In Action (CARDIA) and Dept. of Communication of CSI Diocese of Madurai and Ramnad jointly organized this workshop.

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Indian Churches’ Pilgrimage of Green-justice…

IMG_7670The National Council of Churches in India and the Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action has jointly initiated a pilot programme with four local congregations to address the climate justice issue, thereby accompanying them in their journey towards becoming ‘green congregations’. This programme is an outcome of the National Church Leaders’ Consultation on ‘Ecumenical Diaconia at the Grassroots’ held from 24 -26 August 2015 in Bangalore.

Since there has been a long standing concern to strengthen churches in North India, the four local congregations belonging to NCCI Member churches come mainly from this region. The four congregations are part of the Church of North India (Amritsar Diocese), Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church (Ranchi) Hindustani Covenant Church (Pune) and Methodist Church in India (Delhi Conference).

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