The 3rd batch of the Indian Sign Language course concluded with a call to use the learning to minister and advocate on issues and concerns relating to persons with speech and hearing disabilities. The ISL course is conducted by the Indian Disability Accompaniment (IDEA) Program of the NCCI. The first batch began on September 23, 2023, International Sign Language Day. The third batch ran from August 17 to October 20, 2024.
Through the 3 batches, over a period of twelve months, 80 students trained themselves to communicate with those who use sign language as their primary language. Participants included students, professionals, pastors, missionaries, and in the latest course from the services as well.
Pastor G. Shrihari from the Nellore Deaf Fellowship delivered the valedictory address challenging trainees to confront the misconceptions surrounding the deaf community. Rev. Asir Ebenezer, NCCI General Secretary, encouraged the trainees to continue their learning through community engagement. Ms. Madhuriya, the ISL trainer, significantly enhanced the course’s experience.
Classes were held every Saturday and Sunday from 6 PM to 8 PM on Zoom, supplemented by daily homework via WhatsApp. It is hoped that this initiative will build friendships within the deaf community and inspires churches and public events to include sign language interpreters.
Reported by
Mr. Nelson Nag
Porgram Executive, NCCI-IDEA