MPCC Strategic planning and coordination session for upcoming Training, Workshops, and Consultation Meetings

Youth, Women & Priests of Member Churches & Institution of NCCI – Madhya Pradesh Christian Council (NCCI-MPCC) in Bhopal met on 17 June 2024 to to plan for up coming training/ workshops/ consultations in the next three months in Bhopal and adjoining districts. It was the second meeting in the series of strengthening NCCI- MPCC. This meeting was hosted by Methodist Church. Kolar, Bhopal. The participants decided to make three clusters 1- Bhopal & Indore Division. 2- Narmadapuram  Hoshangabad Division and 3- Sagar Division to conduct the meetings.

In the meeting, all participants decided to address the issues on-

  1. Advocacy on Constitution / Legal Rights & legal Aid.
  2. Entrepreneurship
  3. Career orientation  meeting for youth.
  4. Awareness & Sensitization meeting to address Social issues for priests, lay leaders of churches.
  5. Child Protection.

NCCI and NCCI-MPCC request its constituent members to remember MPCC in Prayers and to raise financial support to conduct the Programme / Activities. And Administrative Expenses.

Report Submitted by-
J. Sibloon.
Secretary. MPCC.

XIII Assembly of the Association of Theologically Trained Women convenes around the Theme, “Reimaging our potential”

In the 45th year of her existence, the XIII General Assembly of the Association of Theologically Trained Women of India, with the theme “Reimaging Our Potential,” saw members from various parts of India coming together for fellowship, celebration, and planning together to move forward as an Association.

The inaugural service led by the President Rev. Jyothi Sunder and the Acting Secretary & Treasurer Rev. Salome Joshua, and the Regional Secretaries of ATTWI (2020-May 2024) set the tone for the deliberations of the two days. Ms. Esther Kathiroli, the Secretary of Tamil Nadu Council of Churches shared greetings and was felicitated as the guest of honour during the service. Rev. Salome Joshua led the members down memory lane. She remembered the pioneers who were instrumental in building the ATTWI and she thanked God for the legacy of women leaders who led ATTWI over the years.

Rev. Dr. Asir Ebenezer, General Secretary of National Council of Churches in India, brought greetings to the Assembly from NCCI as well as on behalf of the other partners of ATTWI – BTESSC and the Senate of Serampore. Prof. Samuel Cornelius, the Hon. Treasurer, CSI Diocese of Madras, felicitated the Assembly and read greetings from the host of the Assembly, Rt. Rev. Sharma Nithyananda, the Bishop-in-Charge, CSI Diocese of Madras, who could not be present. President Rev Jyothi Sundar and Treasurer Rev Salome Joshua recorded their thanks to the CSI Diocese of Madras for magnanimously hosting hospitality for the XIII Assembly of ATTWI at the CSI LITE Centre.

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Observance of August 10th Protest Day against infamous 1950 Presidential Order all over the country

Observance of August 10th by CSI- Diocese of Madras, Tamil Nadu

August10th Protest Day Protest was observed in Districts Headquarters under the Leadership of the Most Respected Bishops, Heads of Dalit Concerns Departments and Pastors.  Many Dalits Christians and public were participated in these protests. CSI Madras Diocese organised a conference on August 10th in Chennai, in the conference they appealed for support from Tamil Nadu Government for the long pending demand to include Dalit Christians in the Scheduled castes list.

Observance of August 10th by Arcot Lutheran Church

The Arcot Lutheran Church observed August 10th Protest Day in its Five Regions. The Bishop of Arcot Lutheran Church Rt.Rev.V. Samuel Kennady led the protest in its headquarters at CUDDALORE, the Deputy Mayor of Cuddalore Mr. Thamarai Selvan and former Member of Legislative Assembly Mr. Ila. Pugazenthi participated in the protest and extended their support for Dalit Christians. In other four regions at TIRUVANNAMALAI, VIRUDHACHALAM, ULUNDURPET, and in CHENNAI the Local Pastors conducted the Protest and explained about the protest day and shared the Dalit Christians issues to the public to get their support. In all the regions of Arcot Lutheran Church more than 100 people participated with enthusiasm in the protest.  Specially in Chennai Region they observed protest through prayer fellowship demanding the rights and privileges of Dalit Christians and Muslims, some students from the Gurukul Theological College, Chennai also participated in solidarity.

Observance of August 10th by Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church

Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church organised public protest at Tirupur with the coordination of CSI and Roman Catholic Churches. Rev. G. Ashok Kumar (General Secretary Youth Department – TELC) conducted the public protest. The TELC western region Superintendent Minister Rev. Dr.A.Christopher Chellappa and Pastors from TELC, CSI and Roman Catholic Priest Fr. Hiyasinth and more than 75 Dalit Christians participated in the Protest. Tirupur Viduthalai Chiruthaikal Katchi members also participated and extend their solidarity addressed and explained in detail in the protest about all kinds of social oppression faced by Dalit Christians as they were denied in the Scheduled caste List.

Observance of August 10th by Indian Evangelical Lutheran Church

Rev. Elizabeth Joseph from Indian Evangelical Lutheran Church, diocese of Ambur conducted Protest Day Programs in Ambur and delivered the protest day speech. The younger generation and elders participated in the protest. The members who participated in the protest affirmed their solidarity and support for the Scheduled Caste Status.

Observance of August 10th by NCCI at IPC, Nagpur

The National Council of Churches in India observed the National Protest Day on 10th August in Nagpur at India Peace Centre. Around 30 members from Nagpur came to deliberate on the matter on Scheduled caste status for Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims. Mr. Shibi Peter, (National Coordinator, NDCW)delivered the keynote address to the gathering on the current status of the Dalit Christian case and the role of Churches and individuals. Further discussion was led by Rev. Asir Ebenezer(General Secretary, NCCI) to follow up the movement in grassroots level and also suggested to organise an event on 25th August in Nagpur. The program challenged and provoked the Dalit Christian communities to take the batton forward. Mr. Asher Noah moderated the program and discussion.

The church leaders who participated in the protest in various places, emphasized the constitutional rights which have been denied to Dalit Christians for a very long time. They addressed about the several commissions appointed by the Government of India to study the problem, which recommends to include Dalit Christians in the scheduled caste list. Through these protests held at various places, the struggles of Dalit Christian to get the constitutional rights has been brought to the people’s forum. The public has seen the protest and, in some places, they voluntarily came and participated heard the protest day speeches and got to know about these problems and expressed their support. The Protests concluded with the determination that we should continue to fight hard in various ways until the inclusion of Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims in the Scheduled Caste list and ensure that we and the future generations to get the constitutional rights.

CASA continues interventions amidst lockdown

The Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA) has been continuously striving to mitigate the sufferings of the poor during the lockdown announced to combat COVID 19. We present here CASA’s  second SitRep, along with the covering note of its Director Dr. Sushant Agrawal. We are proud of him and his dedicated team of staff and volunteers. We wish them God’s protection and accompaniment.

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary NCCI

Greening the Globe for Sustainable living : An International Eco Conference | 1-4 August, 2019 | CSI Synod, Chennai

The Most Rev. Dr. P. C. Singh President of National Council of Churches in India  and Moderator of Church of North India gave the inaugural speech at “Greening the Globe for Sustainable Living” an international eco conference at CSI Synod Centre, Chennai from      1 – 4 August 2019. 

Dignitaries on the dais, leaders of the Churches and Ecumenical organizations in India, friends representing the World Council of Churches and ecumenical partners from around the world, academicians and scientists, leaders of the host church – the Church of South India, fellow office bearers and colleagues from the National Council of Churches in India, friends:

I greet you on behalf of the leadership of the National Council of Churches in India – the ecumenical fraternity represented by the ecumenical witness of close to 14 million people confessing protestant and orthodox Christian faith in India. I also bring greetings to you from my own Church – the Church of North India which later this year will be celebrating 50 years of witness to humanity and thereby to God.

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The Most Rev. Dr. P. C. Singh elected President of Bible Society of India

Most Rev. Dr. P.C. Singh, President of the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), the Moderator of the Church of North India (CNI) is elected to serve as the President of The Bible Society of India. He was installed as President, on 31st January 2019, at Bangalore during the meeting of the 27th Triennial Central Council of the Bible Society of India. Dr. Mrs. Leela Bose was elected as Vice President and Rev. Premkumar Soans as the Treasurer of Bible Society of India.

Most Rev. Dr. P C. Singh, Bishop of the Jabalpur Diocese of the Church of North India, is a well-known Ecumenical leader. He is President of the prestigious Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society (CISRS), Ecumenical Church Loan Fund of India(ECLOF); Executive Committee Member of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) and holds other responsible posts in many organizations across India. He has taken over charge from Rev. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose.

The National Council of Churches in India wishes its President The Most Rev. Dr. P. C. Singh, Dr. Mrs. Leela Bose, Rev. Premkumar Soans and Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko (General Secretary, BSI) the very best and God’s blessings as they guide the Bible Society of India for the next Triennium.

Rev. Asir Ebenezer

General Secretary, NCCI

Orissa Christian Theological College celebrates 25th Anniversary

On 23rd November 2018, Orissa Christian Theological College (OCTC) reached an important milestone: completion of 25 years of its ministry.  30 of its alumni and  around  50 guests from different Churches of   Berhampur and Chhatarpur  gathered  in the College Chapel  for a thanks giving service, thanking God  for His faithfulness for the past 25 years. The celebration was conducted by Heads of member churches of   Utkal Christian Council (a regional council of the NCCI),  the management of OCTC , Faculty and students of OCTC. 
The presence of  Ms.   Constanze  Annen  ( Secretary EMW )  and Dr. Michael Biel  ( Head of the EMW Department of Theological  Studies)  added   joy to the festive mood of  the people . On their arrival they were welcomed warmly, and led by the students dancing to tribal music along with the national guests, in procession to the Administrative block  for unveiling the memorabilia plaque of Silver Jubilee . 
At the Thanksgiving Service, Dr. Jagat Ranjan Santra, the Principal of the college,  welcomed every body present, making  special mention of the presence of  alumnae of the College and their commitment to the College being engaged in the service of God’s people for which they  were prepared by the College .  Rt.Rev. Surendra Kumar Nanda,  Vice-Chairman of OCTC, presided over the meeting. The  Most Rev. Dhirendra  Kumar Mohanty ( CNI) was present to speak on the theme of Silver Jubilee ” You are epistles of Christ – written with the Spirit of living God. ” 2 Cor 3:3. Students and guests alike were  blessed  by  his message who said,   “We, and specially  OCTC students, are the epistle of Christ for  our  area. We should  strive to show  people   God’s  love for them.”

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Kerala Flood Relief operations of ATTWI – Update

Here is an update on the Kerala Flood Relief operations of Association of Theologically Trained Women of India (ATTWI) which is a constituent member of National Council of Churches in India (NCCI). This email was sent to NCCI General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad by Rev. Elizabeth Joseph, Treasurer of ATTWI (Email received: Sep. 30, 2018).



Dear sir,

Greetings in Jesus name,

As you know very well in Kerala, due to south heavy rainfall continuously the measureless flood is very worst in affecting the state.

The houses, church buildings are swamp.

People were shifted to some safe place but they lost their houses and house hold things.

In this context Grace centre and ATTWI provided emergency relief materials such as blankets, children dresses, food materials, rice oil, milk powder nutritious food for children, napkins, medicine, and financial helps to Idikki district area Kumili, Vellaramkunnu, Vellakkadavu, Dymock, Wallardie, Pambanar, Pallikunnu, Glenmary, Bonami, Gramby River belt of Peryar.

We request your prayer support towards the needy people of Kerala…

Thanking you.



Kerala Flood Relief operations of ATTWI

Information about Kerala Flood Relief Operations of Association of Theologically Trained Women of India (ATTWI), a constituent member of National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), as received:


The recent floods in Kerala, as we all know, caused colossal damage. during the floods, people were shifted to some safe place but they lost their houses and house hold things.

In this context Grace centre and Association of Theologically Trained Women of India (ATTWI) provided emergency relief materials such as blankets, children dresses, food materials ,rice oil ,milk powder nutritious food for children ,napkins, medicine, and financial helps to Idikki district area

ATTWI requests your prayer support towards the needy people of Kerala….

Thanking you
In Christ 

Rev. Elizabeth Joseph.
Treasurer,  ATTWI.





Kerala Floods – CASA Response

This is an update from a Constituent member body of NCCI, Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA) on their relief work for Kerala floods. Received the following by email from Joseph P. Sahayam, Additional Emergency Officer (HQ), CASA.

Kerala Floods | Pic Source:

Greetings from CASA!

As you are aware the Monsoon Floods in Kerala has created havoc in 13 of the 14 districts in Kerala. CASA has been responding since the first flooding in July and continuing the intervention in the Second wave of floods with many of the Church Partners.

I am herewith sharing the updates on our intervention and the same is appended below.


Sl.No Partner Church / Agency Programme Cost (INR) Area Type of Intervention Total Number
1 CARD (Christian Agency for Rural Development) 8,55,600.00 Kottayam, Allapuzha and Pathanamthitta (Peringara GP, Edathua GP, Nedumudy GP, Thalavady GP, Ramankery GP, Veliyanadu GP, Muttar GP, Payipad  GP, Payipad  GP, Thiruvalla) Dry Ration 1775
2 CSI Synod

(CSI Malabar Diocese)

9,00,000.00 Wayanad

Koilery Area – Mavanthavadi Taluk,

Moolakani Area, Sultan Battery Municipality

Dry Ration 710
3 CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese 10,00,00.00 Kottayam, Allapuzha and Pathanamthitta

(Perumthuruthy, tTamaral, Merpal. Chathenkery, Adichikad)

Dry Ration 1000
4 CSI East Kerala Diocese 5,00,000 Idukki and Ernakulam Dray Ration /   NFI 600
5 Malankara Orthodox Church 5,00,000 Wayand and Kozhikode Dray Ration /  NFI 500
Total 37,56,000 Wayand, Allapuzha, Pathanamthitta, Kottayam, Idukki, Ernakulam, Kozhikode 4585

Apart from this CASA is also directly intervening in Wayanad and Idukki providing 1200 Dry Ration Kit, Tarpaulin, Hygiene Kit and Support for 150 House Repair and 1100 Shelter and Non Food Items in Idukki. CASA staff are Stationed in the above mentioned districts.

Please continue to remember in prayer the relief operations in Kerala undertaken by CASA and other constituent bodies of NCCI.