NCCI WCC Webinar on Sustainable Environment: Churches in Action. June 4, 2020



World Environment Day Webinar on
Sustainable Environment: Churches in action
(NCCI’s Rebooting as ekklesia series)
Thursday June 4, 2020 Thursday, 2:30PM- 4:30 PM (IST)/ 11.30– 13.00 (CET)

 The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; Psalm 24:1

The theme for World Environment Day, 5 June 2020 is biodiversity — a call to action to combat the accelerating species loss and degradation of the natural world. One million plant and animal species risk extinction, largely due to human activities. According to the WWF, Humanity has wiped out 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970. Some recent analyses have revealed that humankind has destroyed 83% of all mammals and half of plants since the dawn of civilisation.The global economy is intricately tied to biodiversity. Services provided by biodiversity are worth an estimated US$ 125-140 trillion per year, more than one and a half times the size of global GDP. The food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink come from nature.

In a country like India, with world’s second highest population and an increased demand for economic growth coupled with rapid urbanization trend, the process of biodiversity loss is on a fast track, resulting in increased frequency of extreme weather events, successive droughts, lack of drinking water, crop failures, etc.  This has severe impact on the poor and the agrarian communities, whose life and livelihood depends on nature and biodiversity.

So what can be done?

The WED this year has focused on “time for nature”.  The world has come to a standstill due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time of lockdown measures, the world witnessed a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions around the world and the nature found its “breathing space”. In a way the nature reclaimed its space!  But for how long? How does a post COVID-19 world or the nature look like? All is not lost and its not too late. We can reverse the trends of biodiversity loss by reimagining our relationship with nature and acting now to increase ambition and accountability for its protection. But all stakeholders have to respond collectively.

 Who are the stakeholders?  what changes needs to be done? As a faith community, what role churches can play? Let us hear some success stories and explore together with the panel of speakers:

Dinesh Suna, EWN, WCC
Manoj Kurian, EAA, WCC
Athena Peralta, EEJ, WCC
Renemsongla Ozukum, CBCNEI /NCCI
Angelious Michael, JELC/ NCCI
Mathew Koshy, CSI/ NCCI

The webinar will be facilitated by Asir Ebenezer, General Secretary NCCI and Pradip Bansrior. Executive Secretary NCCI Dalit and Adivasi/Tribal Concerns

Register here for joining the webinar on Zoom platform. The zoom link and password to join the webinar will be sent to you subsequently

On the occasion of Id-ul-Fitr . . .

On the occasion of the Id-ul-Fitr, the National Council of Churches in India wishes fellow pilgrims of the Islamic faith good health and cheer, and all prosperity that God promises to bestow upon them and all of humanity.

May the acts of love and charity represented in the zakat, and submission to the teachings of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) as revealed in the Holy Quran, guide the community in its faith and witness, accompanied by the Angels for the glory of the One Holy God.

We are mindful of the communitarian aspect of the faith and the festivities that have to be curtailed on account of the recommended COVID related physical distancing and restrictions on gatherings. Despite the subdued celebration of the conclusion of the fast, we wish the community every joy and happiness on this day.

May God Almighty Most Beneficent and Most Merciful guard and guide the steps and destiny of every Muslim in this country and allover the world. May the spirit of Islam enrich our country and the World, and add meaning to the shared pilgrimage of all life on earth.

National Council of Churches is the National Platform of 30 Nation-wide Churches, 18 Regional Councils of Churches, 18 All India Christian Organisations, 7 Related Specialised Professional Agencies, and 2 Autonomous bodies, that is constituted for ecumenical learning and action.

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary, NCCI

Commiting to the legacy and vision of Babasaheb Dr. B. R.. Ambedkar . . .

The 14th of April every year marks the beginning of a new year for many cultural, social, and linguistic groups in India. These festivities in no way cloud the remembrance of the birth anniversary of Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is the Pride of India, and a Global Icon for all working on issues and concerns relating to liberty, equality and fraternity. He has made India proud in enshrining these justice values in the constitution of the Indian Union as it’s foundational pillars.

As Indians we are ever grateful to the contribution of this legal luminary, the first law minister of Free India, for the leadership he offered in constructing the legal framework for a country as varied and complex. His ardent campaign for universal adult franchise irrespective of educational standard or landholding is what holds India in good stead as the world’s renowned and tested democracy.

Babasaheb’s endeavour to nurture a country that is casteless has given rise to innumerable social and socio-political movements in the country that keep the balance tilted against casteist hegemony of a few. Ambedkar’s analysis proved that various forms of caste destroyed the socio-economic and cultural progress in India.

His legacy as a socio- political reformer has had a deep effect on modern India. His socio-political thought has acquired great respect across the political spectrum. It influenced various spheres of life and transformed the way India looks at socio-economic policies, education etc. Ambedkar thought influenced doing Christian theology in India, challenging at once the edification of the Indian Church as well as the relevance of its public witness.

Churches, Ecumenical councils, Christian organisations and specialised professional agencies related to the National Council of Churches in India, as well as it’s autonomous bodies and the standing fora, will do well to remember the contributions of Babasaheb and commit to nurture the constitutional and justice ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity, in paving the way for a just, egalitarian and casteless India that we can all be proud of.

We bow to the legacy of this great soul that braved many an injustice and challenged unfair display of brute power. We pledge to work for an India that he dreamt in his times and that we will contextualise in ours.

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary NCCI
14th April 2020

Living out our Resurrection – in being the in-line Church . . .

Jesus’ commitment to God’s purposes even unto death on the cross could not be held back by the grave. God raised Jesus to life to accompany all who are touched by the resurrection experience.

Touched by the experience of resurrection Mary proclaims that the grave could not contain the life that God gives, Peter and the disciples witness boldly than ever before amidst people of different tongues, and the migrants who already hit the road get back as the message of the Mission.

In having died with Jesus and risen to Christ we partake in this resurrection experience. Jesus accompanies us in our mission of living out the proclamation of this resurrection faith that the gates of hell shall never prevail. While thus proclaiming ‘O grave where is thy victory and death where is thy sting’, we are called to build a world where death will be conquered and life sustained.

The corona virus and the fear of contracting COVID-19 has put many of us in different countries behind closed doors; some had to hit the road to their homes; a few others with nothing to look forward to are seated outside tombs even in which they cannot find the love of their loved ones.

The saviour who comes alive to us in each such lived experience of today unites us as the Easter day passes, to listen to the experiences of resurrection – of those locked in, of those on the road, and the bereaved – to sit with them around the fire of the power of the Holy Spirit to chalk out a new way of living out faith that will conquer life-denying and life-negating contexts.

Traditionally we have gone to Church to experience the presence of Jesus the Christ in our coming together. The COVID-19 context invites us into the empty tombs with the words ‘come and see he is not here’, indicating that Jesus is ahead of us and already in galilee; and henceforth can be met there . . . an invitation to be in-line with Jesus in Galilee

May this ‘Sabbath’ forced on humanity, costly to many as it may be, heal us and bring us to join all of creation in witnessing the rising to life of the people of God together with all of creation, in which death will forever be conquered . . .

Let us greet one another with this kiss of Easter Peace – Jesus conquered death; We too can … and All will …

Rev.  Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary.

Rising from the Ashes . . .

NCCI Statement on Delhi violence

Humanity has been knocked down one more time. Our houses burnt. Our kindred killed. Our peace destroyed, and future betrayed. We have not learnt from our past. In what happened in parts of New Delhi, our national capital, we have been brought down to ashes once again.

Many sections of the Christian community observe Ash Wednesday today. To them it is a day of beginning a season to revisit the past, make amends where necessary, and resolve to move on …an opportunity to rise from the ashes.

On a day such as this we appeal to the members of the different Christian traditions to facilitate each other, and all others of different faith traditions and ideological persuasions in their neighbourhoods, to rise from the ashes. We will not be cowed down. We will rise.

We condemn the dastardly attack on the vulnerable and the weak in different locations of Delhi, the explicit or implicit complicity and tacit approval of those in power and authority, and the blame game to cover inaction and poor response to early warnings.

We appeal to the Churches and Christian Organisations in the vicinity of the affected areas to respond appropriately to those in need.

We urge our constituents everywhere to stand in solidarity with victim communities in their locales and foster an atmosphere of peace and human security across the country. We will not be overcome. WE SHALL OVERCOME. On Ash Wednesday, we resolve to rise from the Ashes

Our prayers remain with the bereaved, and also with the injured persons and their families. The NCCI stays committed and available to the amelioration of the sufferings of the individuals, families and communities affected in the violence of the last few days in Delhi.

In solidarity,
On behalf the NCCI Leadership,

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary

The HOUR has come …

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Republic of India the Christian community represented by the National Council of Churches in India wishes it’s fellow citizens a greeting of hope and a better future for the country.

The political turmoil has seized the attention of the people of the country for a couple of months now. The ever relevant issues relating to perpetual depravation of vast sections of the population continue to be less than a preoccupation of the people who are elected to serve the People of this country as representatives of ‘WE the people …’. They have become the bosses of the (S)subjects of the country.

Political and legal literacy including in human and constitutional rights emerge as a major focus of service to the nation. We need to commit ourselves to this.

Strengthening democratic processes and those that relate to holding the powers accountable, and that which will consequently hold the ideal of secularism high, is another area that we need to concentrate as a people.

It is time NOW to renew our commitment to serve the disprivileged and disenfranchised people of the country with greater vigour and urgency. While joining hands with all all those who hold the people in power to accountability, we press on in service with due diligence and hope fully convinced that as we empower ‘the least, the last and the lost’ amongst us through relevant and appropriate service, we will see a new India emerge, that which we have dreamt and continue to dream together.

Let us shake off the dust of disillusionment and renew our vows to empower the disprivileged through service, both in word and deed, knowing that our labour in the lord is not in vain.

The HOUR has come: Let us get going …

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary NCCI

Sunday the 26th January 2020.

Migrant Lives Matter: NCCI – Youth Futsal on International Migrants Day

Migration is a major phenomenon in the history of the world. People keep migrating for different reasons. Some find life in migrating, while for some it is a matter of survival. A large part of migration in today’s context however is forced on people and this needs to be addressed.

Concerns and issues relating to migration have been addressed though not adequately enough. The Youth Concerns program and the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), taking cue from the mandate of the XXVIII Quadrennial Assembly of the NCCI have been working on this for close to four years.

In line with this mandate, a “Futsal Tournament” was planned so that concerns and issues endemic to migration can be highlighted among youth and students. The Futsal tournament kicks started on 18th December, 2019 on International Migrants Day. NCCI in collaboration with Maharashtra Council of Churches Nagpur Zone organized the tournament at Chandra Devi Saraf School, Nagpur. Eight teams, representing the Nagpur Mizo Union, North East Christian Fellowship, All Saints Cathedral, New Life Charitable Trust, Sports Ministry, SFS Parish, Martin Nagar Parish, Pinnacle Worshippers and Hislop College participated in the Futsal Tournament. Nagpur Mizo Union and Hislop College were the two teams who played the final match. Nagpur Mizo Union won the match and Hislop College were the runners up.

The Futsal Tournament brought a good tiding of sportsmanship and union among the Christian Youth in Nagpur. It also worked as a platform to impress upon the youth the issue of migration and the need for them to be hospitable to migrants amidst whom they live.

NCCI – ESHA invites applications for Program Executive

Title: Programme Executive – Training

Reports To
The Programme Executive will report to the General Coordinator, ESHA Project of the NCCI-CSA
Job Overview
You will be responsible for the planning, coordinating and conducting all training programs relating to Human Sexuality and Gender Identities within the Project. Engaging with experts from theological colleges, social sphere, health institutes and community based organizations within India and abroad, you will be in charge of training theological faculty, pastors, laity and youth from across the country. In addition, you will also engage within the NCCI/CSA network and the LGBTI+ Communities in India and overseas, exploring new areas of learning and research. You will play a strategic role towards strengthening the Prophetic role of NCCI in the area of human sexuality and gender identities.
Responsibilities and Duties
Based in Nagpur, you will
• Plan along with the General Coordinator all training programs
• Coordinate with Resource Persons and Delegates for their participation,
• Conduct the training programs as per requirement,
• Document report of the training programs conducted,
• Settle accounts related to training programs, such as travel expenses, stationary and other program related expenses,
• Engage with experts from Universities to formulate curriculum and courses relating to human sexuality and gender identities and work towards making the course an accredited course,
• Engage with other programs within the Project related to mainstreaming, Forum based activities, networking etc. ,
• Network with Government and Non – Government agencies, experts, church leaders, theological colleges, staff and students from within India and overseas.

• Education level : Post Graduate with an additional qualification in Theology
• Experience: At least two years’ experience in having engaged with issues relating to human sexuality and gender identities, with hands-on experience of having engaged with the LGBTI+ communities, a teaching experience in a theological college with some social work background will be ideal.
• Specific skills: Teaching, Presentation, Basic Computer skill, Good spoken and writing skills in English, knowledge of other Indian languages will be an advantage.
• Personal characteristics: Willing to travel extensively while being based in Nagpur.
Duration: Two years
Interested candidates may apply with hard copies of their Application and CV, which must reach The General Secretary, National Council of Churches in India, Christian Council Campus, Civil Lines, Nagpur, Pin: 440001, Maharashtrabefore 16th January 2020. An advance copy can be sent to: esha@ncci1914.comwith a copy to with the subject Line : “Application for ESHA Program Executive”.  Short listed candidates will be called for an interview.

Christian communities hurt over being discredited by responsible authorities

The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) expresses deep anguish over the completely baseless and sweeping blanket opinions expressed by one of the judges of Honourable High Court, Chennai against Christian missionaries and Christian educational institutions in a verdict connected to Madras Christian College, Tambaram. It is painful that these comments were made ironically in a case where it was a Christian management which impartially took action against one of the staff, based on the complaint by some students.

These unfortunate comments deeply hurt the sentiments of Christian communities in India who have contributed a lot for the development of education in this country. Tens of millions of Indians belonging to different faiths have graduated from Christian institutions without facing any pressure to convert and remain in their respective religions. They are living testimony contradicting the utterly false conclusions drawn about the vast majority of Christian institutions in India today.

We do feel that expressing an opinion on the possibility of gender-specific laws being misused by women can lead to victimising the victim and turning them away from approaching law enforcement agencies or seek protection under law.

Narratives such as these can be misused by persons and organisations who are anti-minorities further victimising and shaming individuals and groups of minority communities.

The NCCI calls on all concerned including those in responsible positions to be sensitive to and respect the sentiments of minority communities who have and are serving the people of this country with great diligence and commitment. The NCCI expresses its gratitude to all those who stand in solidarity with the community.

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary
National Council of Churches in India

One Nation, nuanced differentially . . .

We have travelled a long way, as people(s) of one nation. Over the last 72 years we have planned together; we have implemented them together, we have evaluated ourselves together, we have voted governments to power, and we have changed them at will. It has always been as one nation but, more importantly, as one nation nuanced differentially – and that is the key to our existence as a secular, socialist, democratic, republic.

We have held ourselves together through the critical complementarities of the different faiths that we profess and the many beliefs that we hold. Despite provocations and accusations to the contrary, we have never dared to force individual convictions on the other. As a large and vibrant democracy we have always made space for all especially the least amidst us. As a large and vibrant democracy we have ensured to ourselves, and proved to the world, that the strength of any democracy lies in how its minorities are treated.

As we move on and mature, we recognise the need to exercise discretion and discernment. We recognise that the uni-polar world and its proponents the free and unbridled market, along with the accompanying individualistic ideologies and fascist tendencies, has the potential to be apathetic to the needs of the least amidst us; power in terms of sheer arithmetic has the potency to count the least out – be it ethnic, religious, economic, or the social in terms of the people with disability and those with different sexual orientations and gender identities.

As we mark the anniversary of our independence this year, the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) representing the Christians of the protestant and orthodox faith traditions, and serving the nation through its 75 institutional national constituents including 30 mainline protestant and orthodox nation-wide churches, pledges its commitment to all fellow citizens who uphold the values of pluralistic society in continuing to nurture the spirit of secularism and participative democracy as core values of our being and growing together. In pledging thus the NCCI commits to and calls on fellow citizens to such a collaborative search and concerted exercise of discretion and discernment – that which will bless the country as an abode and haven of all.

God bless India.

Rev. Asir Ebenezer
General Secretary
National Council of Churches in India