Dalit Liberation Sunday-2016 observed jointly by the UELCI and the Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute, Chennai

Dalipresentation1t Liberation Sunday-2016 was observed jointly by the UELCI and the Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute, Chennai on 13th November 2016 under the guidance of Rev. Dr. A. G. Augustine Jeyakumar- Executive Secretary of UELCI & LWF National Committee (I) and the Treasurer of the NCCI. Dalits are the opressed and marginalized people in India whom the churches should acknowledge and express solidarity with in their liberation process. The observance of Dalit liberation Sunday paves the way for churches to be more sensitive to the plights and concerns of Dalits.

On the eve of 13th November, the Gurukul Lutheran Theological College premise was customized to the frame of Dalit worship with the fire post and the Parai (the Dalit Drum) at the centre. The worship order was created incorporating Dalit lives and their thirst  for liberation. Before commencing  the worship, Mr. K. Immanuel Paul Vivekanandh, the Coordinator of Dalits and Adivasi Concerns Desk of UELCI welcomed the gathering and gave an introduction for the need of the Dalit Liberation Sunday and observing it in the present day context. The worship was on the  theme “Administer Justice Daily, Deliver the Oppressed”. The Students walked in procession with the Parai singing  Dalit songs. The Parai drum was beaten to invoke the presence of the God, as  is customary in the worship of the Dalit communities. The worship was led by Mr. K. Immanuel Paul Vivekanandh, and the worship elements were led by the Guru-Sishya fellowship of the Gurukul Lutheran Theological College, and Dr.Walo Temjen Professor of Dept. of History of Christianity.

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NCC India Congratulates Christian Conference of Asia for Initiating ‘Women’s Ecumenical Action Against Violence’ Network

15134785_10211433743985769_1529893627523849940_n-2-copy(Ms Moumita Biswas sharing about CEDAW during Women Building Peace, Preventing Violence and Transforming Our WorldConsultation  of CCA)

A Consultation on ‘Women Building Peace, Preventing Violence and Transforming Our World’ was organized by Christian Conference of Asia in Chiangmai , Thailand from 17th -20th  November 2016. Thirty-five Women leaders gathered from different parts of Asia and strategized how to involve churches and engage in advocacy to end violence on women and gender based violence.

‘Women’s Ecumenical Action Against Violence (WEAAV) is a programmatic thrust of CCA and a network was formed  to promote advocacy against violence on women in sub-regions and in  Asian Churches . Various  interactive sessions of the consultation led by experts covered a wide range of topics such as ‘Women Building Peace, Preventing Violence and Transforming Our World’, ‘Feminization of Labour Migration and Violence Against Women’, ‘Sustainable Development Goals in Achieving Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women’, and ‘Ecumenical Women’s Action and Strategies for Advocacy and Networks’.

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NCCI – VCLC Agrarian Crisis Consultation held


An AGRARIAN CRISIS CONSULTATION was organized by Vidarbha Centre for Labour Concerns (VCLC), a project of National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) in Butibori on November 19 – 20, 2016. There were 30 people participating in the consultation. Prof. Dr. Yugal Rayalu presented a helpful analysis of the agricultural situation. Small group discussions catalyzed the issues, and the participants planned a draft to be submitted to the Government of Maharashtra Ministry of Agriculture during the winter assembly.

The issue of Farmers cooperative movement has gathered momentum after the NCCI – VCLC consultation.

Here are some pictures –




Rajesh Jadhav
Vidarbha Centre for Labour Concerns
National Council of Churches in India.


CBCI Bishop visits NCCI Delhi office


The Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) Secretary General Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas visited NCCI Delhi Office on 16th November 2016. It was a great honour for us to welcome him.

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Protest against New Education Policy in Delhi


The Joint Action Committee against the Proposed Anti-People Education Policy (JACAAPEP) organised a mass movement on 17th November 2016 advocating that education should address the real needs of the people. The protest rally began with a march from Mandi House to Jantar Mantar in New Delhi at 11 am. It  culminated in a protest meeting at Parliament Street  senior leaders of all Opposition political parties, Youth & Student Unions, Civil Society, Minority Institutions, Women’s Groups, Trade Unions, Teachers & Human Rights activists addressed the gathering.


Speakers including Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Mr. Manish Sisodia, RJD Spokesperson Mr. Manoj K Jha, MP of Rajya Sabha Ms. Kanimozhi, General Secretary AICC Mr. Digvijaya Singh, General Secretary CPI-M Mr. Sitaram Yechury, CNI General Secretary Mr. Alwan Masih, Archbishop of Delhi Most Rev. Anil Couto, North West India Council of Churches Secretary Bishop Collin C. Theodore, Senior Journalist Mr. John Dayal, Social Activist Ms. Shabnam Hashmi and many others expressed support and solidarity for the protest.


NCCI Vice-President Ms. Aleyamma Thomas along with representatives from Church of South India (CSI) also participated in this protest meeting.

Samuel Jayakumar
Executive Secretary,
Commission on Policy, Governance and Public Witness. NCCI



Mainstream media is often found to under-represent the interests of people in the margins of society such as the dalits in India who are outcaste. In this context, the lack of channels and inability to communicate their own concerns and bring to the fore their experiences of discrimination, has led to ignorance, unaddressed issues of inequality, inaccessibility to basic services, neglect, denial of rights and exclusion from the processes of decision-making and policy-making. The emerging consciousness about importance of Information and Communications Technology in the exploration of alternative media to create communication spaces can lead to the creation of pathways to digital frontiers that provide solutions towards affirmation of communication rights and implementation of inclusion concepts.

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Conflict to Communion: Historical Signatures at Lutheran Cathedral, Sweden on Oct 31, 2016

National Council of Churches in India welcomes the Joint Unity Declaration by the Catholics and Lutherans


October 31, 1517 became a kairos day in history as Martin Luther nailed 95 theses on the doors of the Wittenberg Castle Church in Germany. After 499 years on the same day, another landmark history was created in the Lutheran Cathedral of Lund in Sweden when Pope Francis and Bishop Dr. Munib Younan (President – Lutheran World Federation) jointly signed a statement in which Catholics and Lutherans pledged to pursue their dialogue in order to remove the remaining obstacles that hinder them from reaching full unity. They also stressed their commitment to common witness on behalf of the poor, the needy and victims of injustice. This commemoration brings hope for greater unity.

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Press Release – Tamilnadu Churches Commemorating the 500 Years of Reformation.

Press Release.

Tamilnadu Churches Commemorating the 500 Years of Reformation.

The recently held Executive Committee of the Tamilnadu Christian Council in Chennai chaired by Rt. Rev. Dr. M Joseph, President of TNCC has decided to commemorate the 500 Years of Reformation on the theme: “Reformation of the Church for the Renewal Communities”.

This commemoration would be at the inauguration of the next General Assembly of Tamilnadu Christian Council, which is scheduled to be held at Thirukovilur in Tamilnadu from 3 to 4 November 2016 and hosted by the Arcot Lutheran Church.

The agenda of this commemoration includes biblical-theological reflections, ministerial espouses, seminars, conversations and sessions to plan the joint ecumenical actions. The outcome of this commemoration would set an ecumenical-missional agenda  for the Churches in Tamilnadu for the near future.

There would be around 100 Church Leaders, Theologians, Mission Workers, Women, Men Youth and Activists expected to participate.

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Planning Meeting for ‘500 Years of Reformation Anniversary’ – NCCI, CNI Synod and EKD


The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), Church of North India (CNI) Synod and Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD)  called  the 1st planning meeting for ‘500 years of Reformation Anniversary’ in Delhi on 21st October 2016 at CNI Bhavan.

dsc02746The Most Rev. P.K. Samantaroy, Moderator, CNI presided over the meeting. Rev. Dr. Paul Swarup, CNI reflected on the history of Reformation, Martin Luther’s role and its relevance in today’s world. Rev. Markus Lesinski, EKD, deliberated over 12 points on the impacts and challenges of the Global Reformation Celebration. Over 22 people from various churches and Christian organizations  attended the meeting.

In order to discuss further plans for the celebrations, the next meeting will be held  on 21st November 2016 .

Samuel Jayakumar
Commission on Policy, Governance and Public Witness, NCCI

Children’s Peace Festival to Commemorate 60 Anniversary of Fellowship of Least Coin Movement on International Day of Prayer for Peace

Bal Shanti Utsav

Samachar Newsletter Bal Shanti Utsav – click for more information 

Children’s Peace Festival – Bal Shanti Utsav  was organized by  The All India Council of Christian Women – Women and Gender justice wing of National Council of Churches in India on occasion of 60th Anniversary of Fellowship of Least Coin Movement on International Day of Prayer for Peace organized on 21st September 2016. This festival was organized in partnership with Methodist Church in Nagpur.98 children from Dalit from vulnerable background  participated in this ‘Children’s Peace Festival’

According to Rev Dr Roger Gaikwad – General Secretary of National Council of Churches in India ” Children are practitioners of peace however their contributions of making peace are not always recognized by society. It is very essential to acknowledge children’s contribution in making peace and nurture spirituality of justice and peace among children. The Bal Shanti Utsav is one such endeavor  of AICCW/ NCCI geared towards ecumenical and spiritual formation of children to build just and inclusive communities.”

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