NCCI’s new website


NCCI’s new website was inaugurated by NCCI President, Honourable Bishop Dr. P. C. Singh on August 11, 2016 in the course of the General Body meeting in Chennai. Bishop Dr. P. C. Singh appreciated NCCI’s Commission on Communications and Relations for the upgrade, and wished the website to be a channel for more effective accomplishment of ecumenical objectives as communicating communities seeking to synergize efforts in service of the Church and Society.

NCCI’s new website is aimed at incorporating newer strategies and website components towards optimizing available technology to the various ways people currently use it, and its new domain name brings into focus the historic standing and commitment of the Council. The website will serve as a repository for reference and relevant data as well as a portal for news from NCCI, its member bodies and ecumenical concerns in general. With a responsive web design and integrated cross-platform content sharing (eg. in addition to email, facebook, twitter and other online social media, news posts viewed on mobile devices can now be shared on whatsapp as well), NCCI has responded practically to changing trends of accessing and sharing data across multiple platforms, including smart phones. The NCCI news app for AndroidTM devices that complements the news components of the website, continues to be freely available on Google PlayTM


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Black Day Observance at NCCI Campus, Nagpur

Black day PicAll NCCI Staff members observed “Black Day” on August 10, 2016 at the NCCI Campus, Nagpur to  protest about the continual negligence of the government to the cry for the rights of Dalit Christians and Muslims in the country.  In his address, Mr. Pradip Bansrior, Executive Secretary- Dalit and Tribal/ Adivasi Concerns,  highlighted the injustice related to the issue and lamented that the Civil Writ Petition 180/2004 in the Honorable Supreme Court of India praying for the deletion of paragraph 3 of the Presidential Order 1950 has been pending in the Supreme Court of India for the past 12 years, since the Government has not yet replied to the Supreme court.

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NCCI welcomes new interns for 2016-2017. Interns Orientation Workshop conducted.

The National Council of Churches in India welcomes new interns for 2016 – 17. These young people have come from different regions and backgrounds. During their time at NCCI, it is hoped that they would explore various concerns, learn and contribute to the strengthening of the ecumenical movement in India.

atonNgalaton Ningsen

Ngalaton is from Nagaland and is an intern for Tribal and Adivasi concerns. She has done her B.D. from Bishop’s College, Kolkata in 2016. She has earlier worked as a secretary in Evangelical Union ministry at Patkai, Sunday school staff in Senakeithei village, Manipur, and has been a member of Nagaland Singing Ambassadors Choir. She is seeking for an opportunity from NCCI to explore herself in the best possible way, to have a wider picture of Tribal and Adivasi concerns beyond North East India which she believes will be of great benefit and help for her future M.Th. studies.

shitoviShitovi Sema

Shitovi is intern for  Youth concerns. He is from Dimapur, Nagaland and has done his M.Th. in Missiology  from Aizawl Theological College in 2016 and B.D.  from Easter Theological College in 2013. He served Dimapur Sumi Baptist Church as a Youth Coordinator (Voluntary service) in 2013-2014. He is a worship leader of his church. He want to improve his skills in programme strategies, social analysis, communication, inter-personal mission and evangelism,  and leadership.

manas Manas Raj

Manas is serving NCCI as an intern for concerns of Unity, Mission and Evangelism. He has done his B.D. from Bethel Bible College, Andhra Pradesh in year 2016. He is from Adarshapara C.N.I. Church, Sambalpur Diocese and has worked as a Secretary of the Youth Fellowship in his church and was engaged in social works like cleaning the surroundings, Plantation, Rally against Gender Discrimination and Environmental Degradation, and has attended programs on social work in the church.

ahonHungreiphy Zas

Hungreiphy Zas hails from Manipur. She belongs to the Tangkhul Baptist Church, which is a member of Manipur Baptist Convention. She has graduated recently in Bachelor of Divinity (BD)  from Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur. She is an intern for All India Council of Christian Women- Women’s Wing NCCI. She wants   to be a part of NCCI to get experience and skills in various fields especially improvement  in communication skills, as well as to expose herself in a wider ministerial area.

jyotiJyotirmaya Tandi

Jyotirmaya is intern for  Dalit concerns. He is from Titlagarh, Odisha and has done his B.D. from Bethel Bible College in year 2016. He was a youth leader of his church and served Christian Endeavor as a treasurer. He is looking forward to learn leadership qualities and to bring justice and equality for Dalits.


davidDavid Jadhav

David is working with All India Sunday School Association as an intern. He is from Nagpur.  He has done his Bachelor’s degree from Science stream in 2016.  He is member of Harvest Church, Nagpur and is actively participating in church activities such as organizing youth events, operating sound system etc. His objective to join NCCI is to bring unity among all denominations and churches.


hrudayHrudhay Addurwar

Hrudhay is assisting the Administration Department of NCCI. He is from Nagpur and completed his Mechanical Engineering course in 2013. He is CNI Nagpur Diocese Youth President for the 2015-2018 session. He is very active in church and social activities and is a very good football player. He is looking forward to serve the society and ecumenism through his internship


avinaArina Murrian

Arina is from Nagpur and has done her graduation in Commerce in 2016. She is a member of  St. Francis De Sales Cathedral, Nagpur. She is a part-time intern for IDEA Forum of NCCI. She is very active in her church and a part of the Youth Choir. She is looking forward to learn more about missionary activities through NCCI.

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National Council of Churches in India congratulates Mr. Bezwada Wilson


Mr. Bezwada Wilson (Picture Source: Indian Express)

National Council of Churches in India congratulates Mr. Bezwada Wilson, 50 year old renowned campaigner for abolition of the dehumanising practice of manually cleaning human excreta and toilets, being honoured with the Ramon Magsaysay Award 2016 for “asserting the inalienable right to a life of human dignity.”

Mr. Wilson is the National Convener of the Safai Karmachari Andolan and a member of Church of South India. A Dalit born into a family of manual scavengers in Karnataka, Wilson had seen his parents clean toilets as a boy. His first questions about the inhumane system of manual scavenging, and on why only Dalits were forced to carry night soil for dumping at designated spots cropped up when he was in fourth standard in school.Being a Dalit, Wilson was discriminated against, looked down upon as a child. He was treated as an outcast in school and acutely aware of his family’s lot. Although he was spared the labour of manual scavenging and given a chance to pursue higher education, the profession followed by his family and caste haunted his identity as a teenager. The profession, though outlawed by the Indian Constitution in 1993, is still the primary occupation of over 180,000 Dalit families, according to the 2011 census data.

Wilson channeled his anger against the inhumane system into a crusade to eradicate manual scavenging. His life and work has contributed in a big way to the  movement  for eradication of manual scavenging in society. Taking cognizance of Wilson’s work in emancipation of manual scavengers, the Magsaysay Award has also flagged manual scavenging as a dehumanizing practice that must be eradicated. This award aims at detaching manual scavenging and sanitary work from Dalits, in the larger context of reforming the caste system, by pushing government agencies to replace manual scavenging with mechanization.

Pradip Bansrior

Executive Secretary

Dalit and Tribal/Adivasi Concerns

National Council of Churches in India

Dr. Hunter P. Mabry passes away

Hunter Mabry-July2016Dr. Hunter P. Mabry, 82, of Roanoke passed away on Saturday, July 9, 2016 after a long struggle with chronic radiation damage to his intestinal tract many years ago. Born in Timber Ridge in Rockbridge County, he was a native of the Shenandoah Valley. During his youth he lived in the Waynesboro area and graduated with the Wilson Memorial High School class of 1951. Later, he completed his B.Sc. in Rural Sociology at the then Virginia Polytechnical Institute (Virginia Tech), his B.Div. at the Candler School of Theology (Emory University) and served as a missionary to the Philippines, 1959 to 1963 under the Board of Missions of The United Methodist Church.
Desiring to help train persons to become pastors, he completed his Ph.D. in Sociology of Religion and Social Ethics at the Boston University School of Theology in 1969 and over the next 25 years served on the faculty of the United Theological College, Bangalore under the sponsorship of The United Methodist Board of Global Ministries (GBOGM) where he helped to train students at the B.D., M.Th. and D.Th levels.
His published writings include Christian Ethics, An Introductory Reader, The Christian Clergy in India, Vol. 1, Social Structure and Social Roles, and Manual for Researchers and Writers. His book Manual for Researchers and Writers is well received by students in India.

Rev. Dr. K. C. Abraham passes away

kcaRev. Dr. K. C. Abraham (Kuruvilla Cherukara Abraham), well-known leader, globally acclaimed as a brilliant theologian and educator, ecumenist and scholar, passed away on June 12, 2016 at around 8 p.m. in Bangalore.
Rev. Dr. K. C. Abraham served well in many institutions. He served as Presbyter of St. Mark’s Cathedral (Bangalore), and later as Director of Ecumenical Christian Centre (ECC) before making his mark as a Theological Educator. He joined United Theological College Bangalore as Professor. Around this time he also served as Director of South Asia Theological Research Institute (SATHRI), Secretary of Board of Theological Education of Senate of Serampore College (BTESSC), and as President of Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT). Among his many ministry contributions, he also served at various times as: Visiting Professor, Emmanuel College of Toronto School of Theology, Toronto; Visiting Professor, San Francisco Theological Seminary, D.Min. Program; John A Mackay Chair in World Christianity, Princeton Theological Seminary; Editor, Asia Journal of Theology; Editor, Voices from the Third World; Editor, Bangalore Theological Forum; President, Christian Peace Conference, India Region; Member, Board of Directors of YMCA, Bangalore; Member, Congress of Asian Theologians; and Member, Interfaith Interaction – online discussion group. In 1996, he and his wife Molly Abraham started Liza’s Home, a home for girls with mental and physical disabilities, that continues to serve a number of poor children.
As editor and author of several publications he contributed to theological scholarship immensely. Among his publications are – Liberative Solidarity: Contemporary perspectives on mission; Globalization: A Gospel and Culture Perspective (article in International Review of Mission); Third World Theologies: Commonalities and Divergences (editor); Closed Doors and the Risen Christ: Sermons and Reflections On Being A Christian; The Cost of Discipleship; Spirituality of the Third World: A Cry for Life: Papers and Reflections from the Third General Assembly of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (editor); and many others.
We are grateful to God for his life, ministry, leadership and many contributions to the Churches and Institutions he served. He will be missed. He leaves behind his wife Dr. Molly Abraham and two children, Ajit and Lizy. Please pray for God’s peace and comfort as the bereaved family mourns this great loss. The funeral will be on June 14, 2016 with service in St. Mark’s Cathedral, Bangalore at around 10:30 a.m.
– NCCI Communications

NCCI celebrates the life of Rev. D.S. Jeevan Babu

uIn Christ today, we shall proceed

to bring Peace and Joy

with arms of faith, and dreams of hope

Go forward sharing Love…

–          Jeevan Babu


Rev. D. S. Jeevan Babu, God’s faithful servant who day in and day out fulfilled his ministry in quiet fidelity and love, was called ‘home’ this morning.
Rev. Jeevan Babu gave an inspiring witness of his love for God and self-sacrificing service in his priestly ministry.  We thank God for his exemplary life and witness.  He faithfully fulfilled his ministry up until the last few months of his life, when ill-health finally overcame him.

‘Jeevan’, as he was popularly called, served the National Council of Churches in India from February 1994 to October 1998 as the Secretary of the Unit on Mission & Evangelism.  As an Ecumenist, he was involved with the study of Gospel & Cultures and took various initiatives to strengthen the faith of the recently converted Christians of various tribal people groups in India, especially of the Lambadi tribe living in Andhra Pradesh and in the borders of Maharashtra.

He subsequently served as the Communication Director of the Karnataka Central Diocese, Church of South India.  Through his writings he sensitized people about the love of life and God’s plans through our lives.  He published around 3 dozen books on creation, life and God’s love for us, humans.

The funeral will take place on 2nd June 2016 at the St. Mark’s Cathedral, Bangalore.  Mr. Kiran Jeevan his son can be contacted on 09739057989 for more information

The NCCI family expresses its solidarity with his wife Kasthuri, son Kiran and daughter Keerthi and all the dear ones.

Roger Gaikwad

General Secretary, NCCI

New General Secretary for All India Sunday School Association

DSC04220Rev. Dr. Hmingthansanga a  minister of the Presbyterian Church of India, Mizoram Synod was installed as the new General Secretary of the All India Sunday School Association. He succeeds Rev. Dr. Ipe Joseph, who will however continue to serve as AISSA Promoter during this calendar year.
As approved by the General Body of the National Council of Churches in India in its last quadrennial, the office of AISSA has been moved from Hyderabad and relocated in the NCCI Campus in Nagpur.

Rt. Rev. Dr. P. C. Singh, (President NCCI), Rt. Rev. Naresh Samuel Ambala, (President AISSA), Rt. Rev. Paul Dupare (Bishop, Nagpur Diocese, CNI), Rev. Dr. Ipe Joseph (outgoing General Secretary AISSA), Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad (General Secretary NCCI), Mrs. Rachna Singh (Member NCCI Executive Committee) and church leaders from Nagpur city along with secretaries and staff of NCCI participated in the installation service.
Rt. Rev. Dr. P. C. Singh inaugurated the new office of AISSA in the NCCI Secretariat after the installation service.

DSC04234Rev. Dr. Hmingthansanga has moved to Nagpur along with his wife and two children. His father-in-law, Elder Thansiama who is the member of the Mizoram Synod Executive Committee also attended the installation service.

The Mizoram Synod has seconded Rev. Dr. Hmingthansanga in the service of AISSA. It will take care of his salary and other allowances during his service in AISSA. The church has shown us a model of ecumenical partnership.

Statement condemning the Torture, Rape and Murder of a Dalit Woman Law Student in Kerala.

Jisha, a 30 year old Dalit Law student, was allegedly raped and found murdered on 28th April 2016 at her home in Perumbavoor of Ernakulam district in Kerela. According to the reports Jisha was tortured with a sharp weapon and her body bore more than 30 stab wounds, including a 13 cm one around her chest that reached  her liver, pointing to the brutal torture. She was also believed to have been brutally kicked in the stomach as her intestines were out. She was suffocated to death and also was beaten with a hard object on the back of her head.

In present day India Dalit women are placed at the absolute bottom of the social hierarchy as they face systemic and structural discrimination threefold: as Dalits, as poor, and as women. The victim’s family faced social alienation because they were poor and Dalit. They were not even allowed to draw water from their neighbours’ wells. The harsh reality of the suppression, struggle and torture Dalit women face every day of their miserable lives are a direct result of the severe exploitation and suppression by the upper classes.

National Council of Churches in India calls upon Churches and all religious institutions to condemn the atrocities against Dalits and to impress upon the government of the State demanding exemplary punishment for the culprits and rendering justice to the Jisha’s family.


Pradip Bansrior

Executive Secretary

Dalit and Tribal/ Adivasi Concerns

National Council of Churches in India

Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad

General Secretary

National Council of Churches in India

Indian Churches’ Commitment to All Generations: Social Security and the Common Good

IMG_7066Press Note

April 28, 2016, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India.

The NCCI – Commission on Justice, Peace and Creation organised a National Consultation on Indian Churches’ Response to Social Security’ from 28 – 30 September 2015 by gaining inspiration from the Church of Sweden and with their accompaniment. The participants of the consultation suggested the formulation of  Social Security Policy Guidelines for the NCCI Member Churches to set a model for the Indian Churches, Church-based Institutions and Ecumenical Organisations.Considering the importance and the need, the said Commission of NCCI developed Social Security Policy Guidelines for the NCCI Member Churches. These guidelines were approved by the Working Committee (vide resolution # WC 2015:40) and adopted by the General Body for implementation (General Body Res. No. 07/GB/201).

The guidelines were printed for circulation, and were adopted and released at the XXVIII Quadrennial Assembly on  28th April 2016 by the Rev. Dr. Mar Atsongchanger, President of NCCI. The first copies were received by Ms. Karin Bodin, Programme Officer and Ms. Hanna Eklund, Programme Officer for India (Designate) of the Church of Sweden and all the Office Bearers of NCCI. Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad introduced the process and the importance of the Policy Guidelines while Rev. Christopher Rajkumar facilitated the release event.

The General Secretary has appealed to all the NCCI Constituent bodies to receive the same in their respective councils and appropriate bodies for approval, adoption and implementation. Rev. Christopher Rajkumar, Executive Secretary of the Commission said, “the Commission would involve in working with NCCI members for official adoption and implementation and also joining working with other Civil Society Organisations and initiatives to work with the Governments and appropriate bodies to process the people-friendly Social Protection Policies and Programmes”.


NCCI Communications

Direct link to document: download the policy guidelines document