Ecumenical Youth Music Concert: Unity Octave (NCCI) 18th January 2017

unityThe Youth Commission of NCCI organized an Ecumenical Youth Music Concert at NCCI campus on 18th January, 2016 at 6 pm. The Ecumenical Youth Music Concert was part of the Unity Octave (Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, from 18th – 25th January 2017).The main focus of Ecumenical Youth Music Concert was to extend the ecumenical bond and bring unity among  Christians, especially youth, in spreading the message of peace and hope through music in the midst of turmoil and tragedies in our society. There were around 150 youth representing various Churches, and 12 Christian bands took part in the program. Miss. Bernadette, a volunteer intern of AISSA (All India Sunday School Association) hosted the program, Mr. V.Shitovi Sema, intern of Youth Commission – NCCI gave the welcome address and he also shared why Unity Octave is observed every year in the month of January. Dr. Avish Petras, a Professor of Baba Sahib Ambedkar College was the speaker. Basing his address on this year’s theme of Unity Octave ‘Reconciliation: The Love of Christ Compels Us’ (2 Cor. 5: 14 -20) he encouraged the youth to cultivate and nurture the  spirit of unity and reconciliation.

uniity1The concert was successfully organized by the organizing team of NCCI-Interns and AISSA-Interns. Some church leaders who were present in the concert appreciated the organizing team for making  efforts in bringing the churches in Nagpur together, and especially the youth by uniting them through music. Some of the church leaders even urged the organizing team to continue such programs where the churches can come together for a common cause.

The programme concluded with the vote of thanks given by Mr. Hrudhay Addurwar, intern of NCCI – Admin. Pastor Satyajit of Community Baptist Church said the closing prayer, after which all the people present, prayed the Lord’s Prayer together.

Report by organizing team

NCCI-Interns & AISSA-Interns

Arina Murrian , Jyotirmaya Tandi, Hrudhay Addurwar, Shitovi Sema, Bernadette, David Jadhav.


Brief Report of Unity Prayer Week: Council of Baptist Churches in North East India observed “Unity Prayer Week”

cbcnei 1The Council of Baptist Churches in North East India (CBCNEI) together  with the rest of the World’s Christian Community commemorated the anniversary of “The Reformation” from January 18-25 ,as Christians around the world come forward to dedicate a week of prayer for “Christian Unity”  among fellow Christians and churches all over the world. The theme for this year is “Reconciliation-The Love of Christ compels us” ( 2 Corinthians 5: 14-20).

Today marked the last day of the prayer week and the Rev Dr Solomon Rongpi, General Secretary, CBCNEI led the worship service which began with a hymn followed by responsive readings and meditation. Rev. Dr .Solomon Rongpi in his message exhorted that “Reconciliation and Love among ourselves as followers and as churches will strengthen us in overcoming trials and be united in our hearts for Christ.  It is only through forgiveness and love of Christ that can help us destroy the divisions and disunity we have developed in our hearts.

cbcnei 2The offertory prayer was offered for NCCI by Mr Rabin Basumatary followed by candle lighting to signify the acceptance of Christ’s entrusting the reconciled to be ambassadors for Christ and pass on the light to others as we carry on the ministry of reconciliation through our thoughts, words and deeds. This is also to symbolise bearing the light into the dark places of our world or to any place where we are. The service concluded with prayer and benediction offered by the Rev TP Mordecai.


Baptist News of the CBCNEI

Who said Martial Arts and Karate are for Boys only?……. NCCI Accompanies Member Churches in its Pilgrimage to Promote Girls and Women Rights as Human Rights and 16 Days Activism Campaign


Girls in New Kurvez School learning Self Defense Techniques of Marshal Arts and Karate to break the silence during seminar organized by CNI-SSI to commemorate Human Rights Day and promote 16 Days Activism Campaign to Eliminate Violence on Women and Girls

Engaging in advocacy among churches and women’s fellowship, organizations and church run institutions and enhancing the capacity of church and community leaders  to promote women’s and children’s human rights has been the major focus of All India Council of Christian Women . Every year this advocacy gains its momentum during the UN Campaign of  16 Days Advocacy to Eliminate Violence on Women and Girls from 25th November to 10th December .  It is during this time that AICCW also accompanies  member churches and women’s fellowships in their pilgrimage to end violence on women and children. AICCW  links women’s fellowships and member churches to different ecumenical networking and encourages churches to   share their  work , strategies and stories to build just inclusive communities

AICCW – NCCI accompanied CNI- SSI ( Church of North India Social Service Institute of Nagpur Diocese ) in its ministry to empower children about rights to life and dignity and prevent abuse. A Seminar on Empowering Girls about  Self Defense Skills  and Gender Justice  was organized  in New Kurvez’s High school in  Nagpur to commemorate Human Rights Day and to promote ‘Girls’ and Children’s Rights are Human Rights’. More than 300 children both boys and girls participated in this seminar .

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Nagaland church seeks repeal of good governance day on Dec 25


Guwahati, December 6, 2016: Church bodies in Northeast India opposed NDA government’s decision of holding good governance day on Christmas Day on December 25. The church bodies felt that this will hurt the sentiment of minorities.

Church body, Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) the decision if not reversed will be discriminatory move against the minorities. Mizoram Kohhran Hruaitu Committee (MKHC), a committee of church leaders in the State has moved President Pranab Mukherjee to repeal the Central government’s decision to observe Good Governance Day on Christmas Day.

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NCC India Congratulates Christian Conference of Asia for Initiating ‘Women’s Ecumenical Action Against Violence’ Network

15134785_10211433743985769_1529893627523849940_n-2-copy(Ms Moumita Biswas sharing about CEDAW during Women Building Peace, Preventing Violence and Transforming Our WorldConsultation  of CCA)

A Consultation on ‘Women Building Peace, Preventing Violence and Transforming Our World’ was organized by Christian Conference of Asia in Chiangmai , Thailand from 17th -20th  November 2016. Thirty-five Women leaders gathered from different parts of Asia and strategized how to involve churches and engage in advocacy to end violence on women and gender based violence.

‘Women’s Ecumenical Action Against Violence (WEAAV) is a programmatic thrust of CCA and a network was formed  to promote advocacy against violence on women in sub-regions and in  Asian Churches . Various  interactive sessions of the consultation led by experts covered a wide range of topics such as ‘Women Building Peace, Preventing Violence and Transforming Our World’, ‘Feminization of Labour Migration and Violence Against Women’, ‘Sustainable Development Goals in Achieving Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women’, and ‘Ecumenical Women’s Action and Strategies for Advocacy and Networks’.

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Rev. Yesuadian David passes away

Rev. Y. David: A Pioneer of Protestant Christian Social Activism in India passes away

(27 June 1940 – 21 November 2016)


The National Council of Churches in India is deeply saddened by the passing away of the veteran ecumenist and Christian social activist, Rev. Yesuadian David, an ordained minister of the Church of South India, Kanyakumari Diocese. A graduate of United Theological College, Bangalore, who served as a Programme Secretary of Student Christian Movement of India, Rev. Y. David became a pioneering model of Christian social activism with his simple and challenging lifestyle, identifying with people’s pain and sufferings, and mobilizing them to affirm and fight for their rights.

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CBCI Bishop visits NCCI Delhi office


The Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) Secretary General Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas visited NCCI Delhi Office on 16th November 2016. It was a great honour for us to welcome him.

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Protest against New Education Policy in Delhi


The Joint Action Committee against the Proposed Anti-People Education Policy (JACAAPEP) organised a mass movement on 17th November 2016 advocating that education should address the real needs of the people. The protest rally began with a march from Mandi House to Jantar Mantar in New Delhi at 11 am. It  culminated in a protest meeting at Parliament Street  senior leaders of all Opposition political parties, Youth & Student Unions, Civil Society, Minority Institutions, Women’s Groups, Trade Unions, Teachers & Human Rights activists addressed the gathering.


Speakers including Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Mr. Manish Sisodia, RJD Spokesperson Mr. Manoj K Jha, MP of Rajya Sabha Ms. Kanimozhi, General Secretary AICC Mr. Digvijaya Singh, General Secretary CPI-M Mr. Sitaram Yechury, CNI General Secretary Mr. Alwan Masih, Archbishop of Delhi Most Rev. Anil Couto, North West India Council of Churches Secretary Bishop Collin C. Theodore, Senior Journalist Mr. John Dayal, Social Activist Ms. Shabnam Hashmi and many others expressed support and solidarity for the protest.


NCCI Vice-President Ms. Aleyamma Thomas along with representatives from Church of South India (CSI) also participated in this protest meeting.

Samuel Jayakumar
Executive Secretary,
Commission on Policy, Governance and Public Witness. NCCI

NCC India Appeals Churches to Engage in 16 Days of Activism Campaign against Gender Based Violence



We cannot build inclusive just communities unless we strive to eradicate gender based violence and end child abuse which has became a pandemic in our country” states Rev Dr Roger Gaikwad, General Secretary of National Council of Churches in India .  “NCCI appeals to member churches and its leaders to actively engage in and promote the 16 Days of Activism Campaign against Gender Based Violence and Child Abuse” states Dr Gaikwad.

The UN has declared 25th November as International Day for Elimination of Violence on Women.  From 25 November through 10 December, Human Rights Day, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence aim to raise public awareness and mobilizing people everywhere to bring about change. The All India Council of Christian Women ( AICCW) –  Women’s Wing and Women and Gender Justice Commission of NCCI appeals to member churches  to express their faith in action and mobilize people everywhere to bring about change to end gender based violence .  AICCW invites   churches to ‘Break the Silence on Violence on Women and Girls  to promote  NCCI’s  Campaign: 365 Days Zero Tolerance to Gender Based Violence Make it Happen Now!!!

NCCI also invites Churches to engage in spiritual formation and education to empower men and  boys along with girls and women to work in partnership to end gender based violence. “Such education should start right from Sunday School at a tender age, and is necessary if we want to build a culture of peace and end violence on women and children” states Moumita Biswas – Executive Secretary of AICCW.

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COP 22: The Beginning of a New Pilgrimage of Climate Justice and Peace towards ‘Just and Inclusive Communities’.

“The Eyes of the World are upon COP 22,” says the newly elected president of COP 22


November 10, 2016, Marrakech, Morocco. The United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as ‘COP 22,’ opened on November 7, 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco, just days after the entry into force of the landmark Paris Agreement which has now been ratified by 100 countries. The Conference comes with a ‘Climate of Hope and of a Legitimate Aspirations for all Humanity,’ said the newly elected President of COP 22 and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Morocco, Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar.

He further said that this conference would mobilise the political atmosphere and commitment to ratify the Paris Agreement. He also called the Parties (Nations) to develop a more ambitious and inclusive road map for all. “We have a huge responsibility before humanity and we must join forces in order to address the needs of the most vulnerable populations. We must provide them with the resources to adapt to the disastrous consequences of climate change.”

Meanwhile, in her remarks, Patricia Espinosa, the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, told the opening of the Conference that the rapid entry into force of the Paris accord “is a clear cause for celebration, but it is also a timely reminder of the high expectations that are now placed upon us all.” “Achieving the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement is not a given,” she continued, underscoring that: “Marrakech is our moment to take forward climate action at the international and national levels as a central pillar of the successful realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is our opportunity to take the next steps towards an inclusive, sustainable path for every man, woman and child.” Ms. Espinosa underlined key areas in which the work needs to be taken forward. She stressed that finance is flowing, but it is not enough. Moreover, nationally determined contributions now need to be integrated into national policies and investment plans. “Support for adaptation needs to be given higher priority, and progress on the loss and damage mechanism has to be ensured to safeguard development gains in the most vulnerable communities.”

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