
Rev. Dr. Luther Paul passes away

bishopRev. Dr. Luther Paul  passed away at around 8.30 P.M. on Friday, the 15th April, 2016 at Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad.  Rev. Dr. Paul, 59, an ordained minister of the Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church served for about 20 years in various parishes of the AELC prior to being seconded to serve the ACTC as a member of the faculty and later as Principal of the Andhra Christian Theological College, prior to joining the A. P. Council of Churches as its Executive Secretary in April 2014.  Within the 4 years tenure as Principal of ACTC, he was instrumental in building a huge chapel with a cellar for programme facilities; a women centre, workers housing, hostels and library renovations etc. and thus created revenue generating assets for the college.  As Executive Secretary of the APCC, he was also responsible for Hudhud disaster mitigation, renovating 139 Households in Eduruvaripalem near Vishakapatnam in cooperation with the CASA.

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NCCI thanks God for the life and witness of Rt. Rev. Dr. Zacharias Mar Theophilus

Bp Zacharias Mar TheophilusRt. Rev. Dr. Zacharias Mar Theophilus, Suffragan Metropolitan of the Kerala-based Mar Thoma Syrian Church, passed away on 27th December 2015 after suffering a brain haemorrhage.
Born on August 29, 1938, as Oommen Koruthu, he was ordained as deacon on May 7, 1966; as a priest on July 9 that year, and consecrated as Bishop in May 1980. He was installed as Suffragan Metropolitan on July 3, 2004.

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Rev. Dr. Bastiaan Wielenga, a renowned Indian Liberation theologian and Biblical scholar moves on… (1936 – 2015)

Bas WielengaRev. Dr. Bastiaan Wielenga,  a German missionary who opted for Indian citizenship, and a globally renowned Indian Liberation theologian of our times passed away on 23rd Dec 2015.  Among several commitments, he served the Ecumenical Christian Centre,  the Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, and Tamilnadu Theological Seminary, where he played a major role in founding the’ Centre for Social Analysis’, and from where he retired as a Professor of Biblical Studies.

Dr. Bastiaan Wielenga’s contributions towards articulation of contextual theologies, particularly Theology of the Poor and Indian Liberation Theology, through the Centre for Social Analysis and  Tamilnadu Theological Seminary in particular and the Senate of Serampore College at large, are indeed remarkable.

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Funeral Service of Bishop Dr. Taranath Sagar, Tributes and Condolence messages

The funeral service of Bishop Dr. Taranath Sagar was held on October 21, 2015  at 11:00 am at Richmond Town Methodist Church, Bangalore. It was attended by large numbers of people from around the country and abroad. The service was conducted by Rev. M. A. Daniel, General Secretary, MCI. Bishop Anil Servand delivered the message in which he spoke about Bishop Sagar’s ecumenical initiatives, various accomplishments and works he inspired. He also shared his intention to continue exploring possibilities to further the talks of the Methodist Church in India joining Church of North India (CNI), Church of South India (CSI) and the Marthoma Church in the Communion of Churches in India (CCI) for greater witness and service.

Among many esteemed leaders present, the following members gave eulogies: Bishop N. L. Karkare, President of the Council of Bishops, MCI; Bishop Subodh Mondol, Bishop, MCI Delhi Episcopal area; Bishop Philip Masih, Bishop, MCI Lucknow Episcopal area;  Dr. J. N. Hanchinmani, Central Treasurer, MCI; Fr. Bernard, Archbishop of Bangalore; Rev. M. A. Daniel, General Secretary, MCI; Mr. Michael Paul, Executive Council Member, MCI; Most Rev. Dyvashirvadam, Moderator, CSI; Rt. Rev. P. C. Singh, Deputy Moderator, CNI; Dr. Mathews George Chunakara, General Secretary, Christian Conference of Asia; Rev. Christopher Rajkumar (on behalf of Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad, General Secretary, NCCI); Dr. Santanu Patro, Registrar, Senate of Serampore College; Rev. Dr. Vincent Rajkumar, Director, CISRS; Mr. Sanjeev Dayanand, Conference Treasurer, South India Regional Conference, MCI; Rev. B. U. Bhaktanand, Brother-in-law of Bishop Dr. Sagar; Mr. Surendranath Sagar, Brother of Bishop Dr. Sagar; and Mrs. Sharon, Daughter of Bishop Dr. Sagar.

From the NCCI, Rev. Christopher Rajkumar, Rev. Caesar David, Rev. Sweety Helen and Mr. Samuel Jayakumar paid their respects on behalf of the NCCI family and placed wreaths. Dr. Saramma Varghese also placed wreaths on behalf of All India Council for Christian Women (AICCW) and the Orthodox Church. It was a solemn service marked with an air of grief. It was also a time of thanksgiving to God for the leadership and vision that the Church has been blessed with by the wonderful ministry of Bishop Dr. Sagar. The rich tributes and remembrances shared during this service gave evidence of the profundity of Bishop Dr. Sagar’s work, and there was the overwhelming sense of inspiration to continue carrying on his vision and faithful service for the Glory of God and to the blessing of people.

NCCI office received several condolence messages / tributes.

Please download the messages file


ts1Bishop Dr. Taranath S. Sagar, President of the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) from 2008 to 2015, and Bishop of the Methodist Church in India, suffered a heart attack and passed away at about 8:00 pm on Monday, October 19, 2015 in Bangalore, India. His untimely demise has shocked and deeply saddened everyone. His contributions to the Church and ecumenical movements in India and abroad have been profound and unprecedented.

As a prominent dynamic leader not only locally and all over India, but around the globe, he served as member of the central committee of World Council of Churches (WCC) elected first at the Port Allegro Assembly, Brazil in 2006, and again at the Busan Assembly, South Korea in 2013. He was member of the constitutional amendment session during the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA)Extraordinary General Assembly for constitutional amendments in May 2015 prior to the General Assembly. He has been a member of the Executive Committee of CCA since its last General Assembly held in Jakarta in May 2015. Even as a humble pastor  of the Bombay Regional Conference of the Methodist Church in India serving local congregations in Bombay over three decades ago, his pastoral heart won him the love of the masses. Over the years he held several important positions at various times including President of the Council of Bishops of the Methodist Church in India, President of the Asian Methodist Bishops Conference, Secretary of NCCI’s Maharashtra Council of Churches, President of Ecumenical Christian Centre, Executive member of United Theological College in Bangalore, President of ECLOF, and many others. He has contributed immensely also to the formation of ministers and ministries. His guidance and insights have resulted in many important accomplishments. His life has proved to be a blessing to individuals and communities, and will continue to inspire the journey of faith, witness and Christian service.

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Mr. Hopingstone Lyngdoh, MLA of Nongstoin Constituency in Meghalaya passes away

lyndohMr. Hopingstone Lyngdoh, MLA of Nongstoin Constituency in Meghalaya passed away in the early hours (12:45 AM) of September 26, 2015. He was 88.
He entered active politics in 1957 to stand for District Council elections of erstwhile United Khasi & Jaintia Autonomous District Council. Ever since, he had never lost an election. He entered the then composite Assam Legislative Assembly as an elected MLA in 1962. When Meghalaya State was created in 1972, he was elected as an MLA from Pariong Constituency. In 1977, he stood for Parliamentary Elections from Shillong and defeated Prof. G. G. Swell, former Lok Sabha Dy. Speaker, Mr. P.R. Kyndiah who later became Speaker of Meghalaya Legislative Assembly, Governor of Mizoram and Union Minister and, Prof. P. G. Marbaniang who later became Speaker of Meghalaya Legislative Assembly and MP. Mr. Lyngdoh was Executive Member of the UKJHADC, Chief Executive Member of Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) and Dy. Chief Minister of Meghalaya on different occasions.

NCCI mourns the loss of the great leader Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Former president Abdul KalamThe passing away of India’s most beloved and iconic leader, ex-president Dr. A. P. J Abdul Kalam on July 27, 2015, has cast a pall of grief over the whole country and even beyond its borders.
He won the awe and delight of India’s masses because of his profound futuristic contribution to the country and indeed our planet. He was popularly known as the “Missile Man of India”, a reference to his role in shaping India’s missile program during his tenures at India’s space and defense-research agencies respectively from the 1960s to the 1990s. He was also a key player in India’s emergence as a nuclear power. As notes, Few Indian leaders in the 21st century enjoyed the kind of popular support experienced by Kalam, evidenced by the near-unanimous backing of his election as India’s 11th President in 2002 among all the parties across India’s fractious political spectrum, as well as the overwhelming outpouring of grief at his death. ( He was awarded the Padma Bhushan and Bharat Ratna for his achievements.
Although a modest and unassuming man, Dr. Kalam captured the imagination of the country’s youth encouraging them to confidently forge ahead to pursue their dreams. He instilled patriotism and ideas of secularism in the hearts of people that united everyone in the values of humanity and greater benefit transcending region, religion, language and culture. This secularism in praxis is truly remarkable and exemplary.
As the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) joins in mourning the loss of this great leader, a hope is expressed that Dr. Abdul Kalam would continue to be an inspiration and model for the awakening of people to the values of integrity, true joy and peace.
Bishop Dr. Taranath Sagar
President, NCCI
Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad
General Secretary, NCCI

Bishop George Ninan rests in glory

bnBishop George Ninan, renowned ecumenical leader, described by many as campaigner for justpeace for the urban poor and slum development in India and in Asia, passed away in New York on June 21, 2015.
 He was born in Kaviyoor in Kerala and started his ministry as the Secretary of the Church of South India (CSI) Christian Institute in Alleppey. He served the CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese as the Secretary of the Diocesan Youth Movement. He was sent to Japan as a youth worker while he was actively involved in the Student Christian Movement of India (SCMI). He was ordained minister in the Anglican Communion in the year 1964. In 1970 he joined the Philips University in Oklahoma for his doctoral studies.

Rev. Dr. Somen Das passed away

somendasRev. Dr. Somen Das, from the Church of North India, prominent theologian, prolific writer, teacher and ecumenist, passed away at the age of 75 in Mumbai today May 5, 2015.
After his B.A (Hons.) in English Literature and B.D from Serampore College, Rev. Dr. Somen Das pursued his further theological education in USA for his M.Th and PhD in Christian Theology and Ethics in Princeton and Boston Universities in 1967 and 1978 respectively. He was an ordained minister of the Church of North India, and taught Christian Theology and Ethics for 34 years in various Theological Seminaries – Serampore College (1969-70), United Theological College, Bangalore (1970-88) and Bishop’s College (1989-99). He served as Acting Principal at UTC, Bangalore (1987-88), Principal of Bishop’s College (1989-99), Visiting Professor at New College, Edinburgh, Scotland; Andover Newton, USA and Heidelberg University, Germany. From 2000 onwards he lived in Serampore and offered his services to Serampore College as well as the North India Institute of Post-Graduate Theology Studies (NIIPGTS). He wrote several books and published numerous articles in leading journals. Rev. Dr. Das also served as chairperson of Student Christian Movement of India (SCMI) from 1985 – 1989. He contributed greatly as resource person in NCCI programs and his support for the ecumenical movement is well-known.

WCC Celebrates the life and witness of Rev. Dr. Philip Potter

World Council of Churches – News

31 March 2015

philip potterA special tribute was paid by the World Council of Churches (WCC) to the Rev. Dr Philip Potter, the third general secretary of the WCC, who served in that office from 1972 to 1984. A global ecumenical leader known for accompanying churches around the world in their struggles for unity, justice and peace, Potter died on 31 March at the age of 93 in Lübeck, Germany.

Born in Roseau, Dominica, in the West Indies on 19 August 1921, Potter began his ecumenical involvement as part of the student Christian movement in the Caribbean. He was a youth representative to the first two assemblies of the WCC at Amsterdam (1948) and Evanston (1954).

He was the first person from the newly independent countries in the world to be elected as general secretary of the WCC. Among the most memorable achievements of Potter’s tenure were the theological consensus document on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry and the continuation of a courageous campaign against apartheid in southern Africa and against other forms of racism throughout the world.
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