NCCI XXVIII Quadrennial Assembly 2016 (Jabalpur | April 27 – 30, 2016) is a much anticipated event as the gathering will contemplate and review the call and commitment of the Indian Ecumenical Movement by focusing the Assembly activities including the Business Sessions on the theme:
“Towards Just and Inclusive Communities”.
For more information please see the Assembly website atwww.ncciassembly2016.com
Kindly pray for the Assembly that it may be a blessing for all.
The National Council of Churches Quadrennial Assembly is at the threshold. The theme of the Assembly is “Towards Just and Inclusive Communities”. NCCI is mobilizing and inviting churches and communities to participate in this pilgrimage and celebration. Various Pre Assemblies or Forums are being organized. “Our aim is to creatively engage communities, churches and people to share their stories and contributions and join us in our pilgrimage to build just and inclusive communities. Building just and inclusive communities also calls for just relationships with mother earth” states Rev Dr Roger Gaikwad, General Secretary of NCCI. Ten young women dalit and tribal artists were invited to share their notion of just and inclusive communities through traditional Warli art form by painting murals embracing walls around the trees in NCCI campus. These young women are from indigenous and dalit background and are trainees from adopted slum communities of Church of North India – Social Service Institute (CNISSI) of Nagpur Diocese. Church of North India is member Church of NCCI.
Dear Ecumenical Colleagues,
New Year greetings from NCCI!
I am happy to introduce to you Mr.Pradip Bansrior and Mr.Jianthaolung Gonmei who are recently appointed respectively as the Executive Secretary NCCI-Commissions on Dalits and Tribals/Adivasis, and Executive Secretary NCCI-Commission on Youth.
Mr.Pradip has a Post Graduate degree in Economics. During the past 15 years he has served as Programme Secretary in SCMI, and as CNI Synod Programme Coordinator for Youth Concerns, Subaltern Concerns, and for Dalit & Tribal Concerns.
Mr.Jianthaolung has completed his B.D. from the United Theological College, Bangalore. He has a Post Graduate degree in English language & literature. Before he joined NCCI, Mr.Jianthaolung was serving as an intern in NCCI during 2015.
Please uphold their ministries in your prayers, and encourage them with your support and guidance.
You may contact them at pradipbansrior@gmail.com and jian.gonmei@gmail.com
Three of our Executive Secretaries have finished their term of office with the National Council of Churches in India. We are grateful to God for the fine leadership we have had in them. As our friends take their skills and wisdom to other ministries, we wish them God’s richest blessings for an increasingly fruitful ministry.
Joined NCCI June 1, 2004 and served till May 31, 2014 in various capacities: Executive Secretary for Urban-Rural Mission (URM) and later of the NCCI Commission on Policy and National Governance, Officiating General Secretary for a year (2010), and Finance Secretary. He has contributed to NCCI at many levels including programs, finance, communications, strategic planning process and policies. His work at NCCI has been so extensive that any attempts to define it would fall short of according sufficient acknowledgement. He has taken office with the Church of South India (CSI) Synod located in Chennai. Read more
Dear friends,
On account of the stormy weather including incessant rains over the last week in Nagpur, some trees near Azariah House in the NCCI Campus have fallen causing extensive damage to the structure of Azariah House.(See pictures below)
As we may know that the house is named after the well-known Indian Church leader and ecumenist Bishop Vedanayagam Samuel Azariah (1874 – 1945), and has been used variously as conference hall, guest house, meeting place, etc.
We are celebrating the centenary of NCCI this year. In fact, the concluding celebration is planned to be held in Nagpur during November 6 – 10, 2014. The Azariah House facilities need to be in usable condition as early as possible.
We urgently appeal to you to grant financial support for repairing Azariah House and the compound wall which has collapsed in many places. The repair work is estimated at INR Ten Lakhs (Rs. 10,00,000/-) which is about USD 17000/-.