
Mr. Hopingstone Lyngdoh, MLA of Nongstoin Constituency in Meghalaya passes away

lyndohMr. Hopingstone Lyngdoh, MLA of Nongstoin Constituency in Meghalaya passed away in the early hours (12:45 AM) of September 26, 2015. He was 88.
He entered active politics in 1957 to stand for District Council elections of erstwhile United Khasi & Jaintia Autonomous District Council. Ever since, he had never lost an election. He entered the then composite Assam Legislative Assembly as an elected MLA in 1962. When Meghalaya State was created in 1972, he was elected as an MLA from Pariong Constituency. In 1977, he stood for Parliamentary Elections from Shillong and defeated Prof. G. G. Swell, former Lok Sabha Dy. Speaker, Mr. P.R. Kyndiah who later became Speaker of Meghalaya Legislative Assembly, Governor of Mizoram and Union Minister and, Prof. P. G. Marbaniang who later became Speaker of Meghalaya Legislative Assembly and MP. Mr. Lyngdoh was Executive Member of the UKJHADC, Chief Executive Member of Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) and Dy. Chief Minister of Meghalaya on different occasions.

PETITION TO THE PRIME MINISTER. From The Leprosy Mission Trust India

The Leprosy Mission Trust India has started an online petition to Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi asking him to take concrete steps to end discrimination against people affected by leprosy and take immediate action on Report 256 of the Law Commission of India.
This petition has already caught people’s imagination. Many have already signed the petition. Every day, more and more people sign to show their solidarity with people affected by leprosy!
The Leprosy Mission Trust India is aiming at getting 50,000 people to sign the petition. They need many more signatures to achieve this. The petition can be signed at the link given below:
Please share the above link on your Facebook timeline (if you have one) and forward the link to your colleagues, friends and family and request them to sign!
People affected by leprosy need our support to get EDPAL Bill passed in the Parliament and for the government to bring new legislation for their rehabilitation and development.Together, we can bring change in the lives of people affected by leprosy.
People affected by leprosy will be thankful to you for signing the petition which has the power to bring healing, inclusion and dignity in their lives.
The appeal of The Leprosy Mission Trust is thus recommended by NCCI (with its emphasis on compassion, healing, justice, inclusivity, dignity of life, and peace for all) for your strong support

Religious Extremism and Our Response

Fr. Cedric Prakash, SJ of Ahmedabad who runs Prashant has written an insightful and practical piece on the rise of religious extremism and the responses we need to make. We are grateful to Dr. John Dayal for sharing the same with us. This is important for all Christians, in particular church leaders, pastors and evangelists.

– General Secretary, NCCI


-Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

… Some “hot issues” in the context of the rise of religious extremism and what we are experiencing on the ground

This brief presentation is in two parts – their strategies and our possible responses:


Their strategies are multi-pronged, well thought of and with meticulous planning. They have been using some of these very effectively since their inception in the 1930s; these include:

  • to have well oiled propaganda

-effective, simple, mass, vicious

-tell a lie a thousand times (Goebblesian)

-fuel myths / rumours (they can easily take you for a ride)

-indulge in half-truths / selectivity, manipulate facts and data

  • to mobilise as many as possible

-all sections of society (particularly poor and unemployed) / also adivasis and dalits

-get them to do their “dirty tricks” with money, liquor, meat and false promises

-rope in middle class who can be lured by “achche din”

  • to divide and rule

-a time-tested strategy by dictators and those who want to control others

-‘they’ are the problem

-not ‘you’ but ‘them’

-to provide lollipops (sponsor “pilgrimages” to the Holy Land)

  • to co-opt

-invite for a “dialogue”

-those attacks are just ‘aberrations’; a law and order problem

-we know that but we cannot control them

-don’t worry if there is any problem, just come to me; I am “OK”; (so vote for me)

  • to make ‘victims’ the perpetrators

-you provoked first eg. conversion / beef eating etc

-we have proof that your boys were throwing stones

-you are the problem

  • to ‘hook’ us, make us reactionary

-we are sucked up into their agenda

-they set the terms and conditions

-we often play along

-we become defocused from our main work

  • to create panic and fear

-through attacks, burning, looting, raping

-vandalising / desecration

-scattering the flock

  • to run with the hare and hunt with the hound

-propagate the “development” model / “tolerance for all”

-permit hate speeches / attacks

-introduce anti-minority and draconian legislations

-we are not “responsible” for what they do

  • to infiltrate

-government and bureaucracy

-police and judiciary

-educational system / media

  • to woo the corporate sector, the rich and the powerful

-allow them to do what they want

-flout laws, by pass rules and regulations

-use their planes and other facilities (institutionalize corruption)

-help them to take over the media


Our response therefore, has to be multi-dimensional: a non-reactionary one, appropriate and focussed – and as a citizen of the country; these could include:

  • to be aware of their strategies (do not be ‘naive’)
  • to be united: work in tandem; complement one another; cooperation not
  • competition
  • to do a reality check: stop being fundamentalists ourselves
  • to find new ways and approaches in ‘evangelization’; being a witness
  • to speak truth to power (to be visible and vocal)
  • to propagate Constitutional and Universal Rights of ALL
  • to mainstream human rights and value education in our educational institution
  • to seek legal redress against injustices and draconian law
  • to develop a spirituality that is incarnational
  • to help in the contextual formation of laity, religious and priests / pastor
  • to foster an intellectual depth that is critical
  • to be inclusive; to collaborate with all men and women of goodwill
  • to take a stand that is prophetic

(cfr. PRASHANT document “WE ALWAYS NEED TO BE PREPARED!” Oct. 2014)


We can no longer remain silent.

“All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world – is for the good people to do nothing” – Edmund Burke

We need to get our ACT TOGETHER NOW!



  • pray without ceasing
  • read, pray and meditate on Mt 25:1-13
  • organize special prayers in our parishes / institutions
  • keep our churches / chapels / prayer halls open for prayer
  • pray with our Christian brethren (also in their churches)
  • conduct / join meaningful inter-faith prayer (Sarva Dharma Prathna)
  • be sensitive (our prayers and other programmes need not be “jarring”/“blasting”/ a nuisance to others

DO NOT “FIRE CRACKERS” nor use high decibel speakers – specially

after 10.00 pm (remember that many of our neighbours are little children or elderly persons and perhaps even sick)

(cfr. the Supreme Court rulings on these matters)

what does Jesus say about “praying?”


  • keep avenues of dialogue always open with all
  • do not get co-opted or provide legitimacy in any way to fascists/ fundamentalists
  • do not be naïve…dialogue is always in the context of respect, equity and dignity.
  • participate in Festivals/Prayers of others and invite them to ours
  • strengthen areas that unite/connect (search for commonalities/ connectors)
  • take a stand against divisiveness/biases/prejudices
  • network and collaborate with other secular/like-minded individuals / groups


  • study and analyze the situation
  • study the ideology of fascists; learn how they operate (“divide and rule”)
  • study the Constitution of India; existing laws
  • do not limit yourself to issues involving Christians only; get involved in ALL
  • Human Rights issues, sp. in the defense of dalits, tribals, women, children, differently-abled persons, other minority/vulnerable groups
  • collect “Patrikas” and other relevant literature (sp. derogatory ones)
  • document Newspaper / Journal articles on topical / sensitive, relevant issues
  • video / audio record inflammatory speeches / proceedings
  • write articles / letters to the Editor in national / local / vernacular newspapers /
  • journals on crucial issues
  • use “The Right to Information” Act to get information from / of the Government (Govt.officials/spending)


“Peace in society cannot be understood as pacification or the mere absence of violence resulting from the domination of one part of society over others. Nor does true peace act as a pretext for justifying a social structure which silences or appeases the poor, so that the more affluent can placidly support their lifestyle while others have to make do as they can. Demands involving the distribution of wealth, concern for the poor and human rights cannot be suppressed under the guise of creating a consensus on paper or a transient peace for a contented minority. The dignity of the human person and the common good rank higher than the comfort of those who refuse to renounce their privileges. When these values are threatened, a prophetic voice must be raised.” (Pope Francis in ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ # 218)

  • fear ONLY God and no one else; stand up ALWAYS for Truth and Justice.
  • join/support other initiatives like the PUCL, INSAF, MSD, CJP, ANHAD, etc. (contact us for details)
  • participate also in the activities / initiatives / programmes of other like minded individuals / NGOs / groups
  • publicize secular efforts / initiatives in our churches / institutions
  • screen films on social issues like “Parzania”, “Final Solution”, “Dharm”, “Well Done, Abba!”, “Mr. & Mrs. Iyer”
  • be visible on important issues:speak out; participate in campaigns/dharnas/rallies; sign online petitions
  • keep at a distance ALL vested interests. Do not let them compromise you.
  • beware of getting involved in issues/ politics which make us sectarian /fundamentalist/exclusive
  • denounce Communalism, Corruption, Casteism, Consumerism, Criminalisation of society/politics
  • organize programmes/seminars/workshops on human rights/relevant issues/legal literacy/topical issues
  • constitute village/mohalla/Parish Justice and Peace Committees (JPCs)
  • initiate Constitutional Values/Peace Education/Human Rights Education in your Schools/Institutions
  • use value education books from KHOJ RESOURCES ( ) and/or the “YES WE CAN” series (by RATNA SAGAR )
  • celebrate UN/special days like Women’s Day (March 8th), Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21st), Oscar Romero Day (March 24th), Ambedkar Jayanti (April 14th), Environment Day (June 5th), Indigenous People’s Day (August 9th), Day of Non-Violence (October 2nd), Human Rights Day (December 10th)
  • identify trouble makers/peace breakers/ rumour mongers/divisive persons
  • stop rumours/gossip (always try to authenticate things)
  • propagate the Right to Information (RTI), the Right to Education (RTE) and the Right to Food (RTF)
  • protect, promote, propagate Constitutional Rights/Freedoms & the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


  • maintain and update ALL official documents (land records, building permissions, registrations, licenses) and personal identity cards (Sp. Elector’s Photo Identity Card – EPIC)
  • keep copies of these always at hand/filed/laminated / secured – with your ORIGINALS in a Safe Deposit
  • adhere to strict accounting/accountability procedures
  • ALWAYS BE Open and Transparent
  • never indulge in any corrupt practice for whatever reasons (taking/giving bribes etc)
  • ensure timely payment of all taxes (income, building, land etc)
  • know and adhere to requisites of the Govt./Charity Commissioner/Registrar of Societies/FCRA etc.
  • register Medical Personnel with the Medical/Nursing Council
  • provide the requisite bio-medical waste treatment/disposal facilities in hospitals/dispensaries
  • refrain from physical and/or other types of abuse on any one
  • pay just wages; have service conditions, give appointment letters (cfr. Labour laws)



  • provide prior and authentic information/meet your JPC
  • contact / alert your focal / nodal point immediately, if you sense trouble
  • contact the authorities, wherever possible (preferably in writing) – with a proof of submission
  • inform the police (know your local police / station); request protection (ONLY if desperately needed)
  • remember “providing security” is also an official way of them keeping tabs on us! (Don’t be NAÏVE)
  • never panic / DO NOT give in to fear
  • check if your phones are tapped
  • never give your email passwords to others / change them frequently


  • do not get provoked (whatever the reason)….be calm and cool!
  • seek the support of others (like-minded individuals / groups)
  • protect / provide shelter for the weak (old / women / children / infirm)
  • inform the police / authorities (always be courteous / polite to them)
  • be careful on how and what information you provide about others photograph / video/audio record the trouble/trouble makers douse out flames
  • do not destroy/alter/change/remove the evidence
  • do not underplay/exaggerate the reality
  • if a situation arises, start writing/computerizing the complete details as soon as possible
  • file an FIR/complaint(name people/be accurate). You can write your complaint in English / Hindi / Gujarati (or your regional language) and have it attached to the FIR
  • approach a higher authority (with full details) if you have problems with your local police
  • in case the police have written the FIR /recorded your statement, you MUST read it carefully before you sign it with the date and time clearly mentioned
  • ensure that the copy is signed with the appropriate seal affixed by the concerned police official/station
  • request a copy of the FIR/complaint for yourself (you MUST get it)


“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty ! – Wendell Phillips

Remember that police/official interrogations in a police station and/ or our institution, must normally take place only during working hours, on working days. Police/Government officials should normally·NOT visit officially any institutions which house women between 1800 hrs to 0900 hrs.

  • DO NOT GIVE ANY INFORMATION to people who approach you, who do not have an official identity and a written authorization (signed and sealed) or if it is NOT within their PURVIEW
  • check who the APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY is…..some officials demand information even when it does not come under their purview
  • study carefully the official/actual RULE/ACT/LAW
  • request full particulars of the person concerned (name, designation, address, email id, telephone/mobile nos)
  • LISTEN to what is being asked – NEVER be in a hurry to ANSWER ORALLY
  • request that the questions are written and a signed copy is provided to you
  • in normal circumstances, DO NOT PROVIDE any official information IMMEDIATELY
  • tell the person concerned that you MAY provide the information after some days
  • no one has the right to inspect any of our registers/documents/records/premises unless there is a written warrant from a Magistrate / Court to do so
  • meanwhile, contact a higher authority/ nodal agency for further steps and before providing any information
  • remember that very often, those who seek information come to you on the dictate of individuals/groups who are hostile/inimical to us and our institutions
  • a community/institution must have only ONE spokesperson(preferably someone conversant in the vernacular)
  • study the law/be legally literate
  • take legal counsel/be in touch with human rights lawyers. Buy legal booklets published by the Indian Social Institute, 10 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003. These booklets have been translated into Gujarati by Ashadeep, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand Dt. 388 120
  • contact a JESA institution in your area if you need some help. JESA Gujarat groups are: HDRC (Ahmedabad), SXSSS (Ahmedabad), Sangath (Modasa), LAHRC (Songadh), RSSS (Rajpipla), Navsarjan (Surat), Ashadeep (Vidyanagar), Nyay Darshan (Vadodara)
  • circulate/popularize relevant books/documents/films by other agencies (there is no need to re-invent the wheel)


  • learn to be communicative
  • share with others what is happening/ has happened
  • develop good Public Relations / Perception Management skills
  • join and use social networks like facebook, twitter, whatsapp, email groups
  • have your OWN blog with a social content
  • befriend the media: give them your point of view; let them highlight the good works done by/through your institution. Keep a data bank of media personnel (with mobile numbers, email ids etc)
  • contact immediately (phone/fax/email) any focal point that could take up your problem
  • send to an appropriate authority/us COMPLETE and AUTHENTIC
  • DETAILS (FIR copies, press clippings, photos, audio/video tapes)
  • QUICKLY (pay someone to carry them…. hire a vehicle) BUT DO NOT DELAY!
  • send a written complaint by Registered Post/Courier /Fax /email to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) at:

National Human Rights Commission,

Manav Adhikar Bhawan, 

Block-C, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi – 110023

Tel. No. (011) 24651330 Fax No.(011) 24651329 email: /


Telegraphic address: HUMANRIGHTS

and / or to the

National Commission for Minorities (NCM) at :

National Commission for Minorities,

5th Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,

Khan Market, New Delhi 110 003

Tel. No. (011) 24615583

Fax No. (011) 24693302, 24642645, 24698410

(Toll free Number 1800-110-088)

email: <>

  •  depending upon the issue / the victims, you can also send your complaint to one of the other appropriate National Commissions like Women / Tribal / SC / Children, etc

Christian Leaders meet Shri Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister, Government of India, New Delhi

arun-jaitley n churchA delegation consisting of Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical Church leaders had a meeting with the Finance Minister of the Country, Shri Arun Jaitley on 23rd May, 2014 at his residence and it is lasted for one and half hours. The finance minister apprised the leaders about the various steps taken by the Government for the safety and protection of the Christian Community. He stated that neither the BJP nor its government support attacks against the Christian community.
 The Christian leaders also raised the following concerns of the community with Mr. Arun Jaitely: The status of the SIT probe on Church attacks in Delhi as well as different parts of the country, irresponsible and provocative statements made by leaders of BJP, fringe elements and Sangh Parivar, the issue of anti-conversion laws, Government stand on granting Schedule Caste status to Dalit Christians, proposal to have a Christian Memorial in Delhi and unwarranted interference of Government through Child Welfare Committee (CWC) on Christian Orphanages.
The meeting was a confidence building measure by the Government with Christian community. He also promised to designate a nodal point within the cabinet to address the concerns of the Community.  The discussion was cordial and positive. We hope that Government will pursue the measures it has promised.
Samuel Jayakumar
Executive Secretary,
Commission on Policy, Governance and Public Witness, NCCI

Appeal for upholding secular and pluralistic credentials of India. PCI Memorandum

On Wednesday April 22, 2015 a group of Church Leaders (Presbyterian Church of India, Catholics & a few others) met Mr. Amit Shah, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National President, and submitted their respective memoranda.

The PCI memorandum contained three points, viz. (1) for PM Modi to state in Parliament what he stated at the Syro-Malabar Church meeting; (2) for the Government not to enact a law banning religious conversion; (3) for not bringing a law to ban cow slaughter.

Please see below the Presbyterian Church of India (PCI) memorandum submitted to Mr. Amit Shah, National President of Bharatiya Janata Party.


22 April, 2015.

Mr. Amit Shah,
National President,
Bharatiya Janata Party,
Camp: Shillong.

Subject: Request for upholding secular and pluralistic credentials of India.


Welcome to North East India! Welcome to Shillong!
First of all, thank you for this opportunity to meet you on your maiden visit to the North East and to Shillong, the Scotland of the East which is also the national headquarters of the Presbyterian Church of India which population is 1.4 million and established 174 years ago with the first congregation being Nongsawlia Presbyterian Church at Sohra (Cherrapunjee), the famed tourist destination of Meghalaya with its cascading waterfalls, world renowned caves and from where one can have a panoramic view of the plains of Bangladesh.

As stated above, the Christian mission came here way back in the earlier part of the 19th Century bringing with it, holistic development to the indigenous peoples through education which includes giving scripts for written language and you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that the first missionary, viz. (L) Rev. Thomas Jones I, from Wales is honoured and acknowledged as the father of the Khasi alphabet as well, health service through setting up of hospitals, rural health centres and mobile dispensaries. Alongside, they tried to inculcate a sense of industriousness in the people through farming, horticulture, cottage industries including smelting of iron which are still in vogue today near Shillong, mining, etc.

It can be mentioned that the indigenous peoples of the North East are what they are today, in terms of progress and development are due to the efforts of the erstwhile Christian missionaries from the West who spared no effort to empower the peoples though infrequently, they had faced opposition from the British rulers but which fact, has been conveniently brushed under the carpet.
In an independent and free India with democratic governance and enshrining the principles of fraternity, equality and justice in the Constitution as also stating in its Preamble that India is a secular nation with respect to all adherents of varied religious persuasions and provided with a number of Articles in the Constitution, as Christians, we have been feeling safe and secure to practice and follow the precepts and tenets of our faith-teachings though we are a microscopic minority in the whole of India.
We have also been responding to issues of national needs and solidarity in times of crises, viz. wars, famine, natural calamities and even take up the issue of peace making when conflicts arise between communities and ethnic groups in the region.
As our Christian teachings and conscience dictate, we are still continuing with our mission to the have-nots, the marginalized, the vulnerable so that they will have equal space and opportunity with human dignity as well enjoy sustainable development and sustainable livelihood. Unfortunately, such endeavours have been misconstrued and misinterpreted with a lot of misinformation and disinformation. The negative outcome of such misdemeanour, the whole of India has heard, seen and witnessed through attacks on churches and their institutions, intimidating Christian priests and nuns to change nomenclature of their designations as per their respective religious order, rape and so called ‘ghar wapsi’ events.
It is not necessary for us to relate to you all such matters for you would know better than us and we are fortunate that such unwanted events have not taken place in the North East though racial profiling of the people from the region was quite prevalent in the National Capital Region (NCR) and in Bengaluru.
Through you Sir, we would like for the Union Government to take the following initiatives and proactive action.
1. For Honourable Prime Minister to make Statement in Parliament on upholding and maintaining secular credentials and religious plurality to co-exist as usual without threat and curtailment:
That what the Honourable Prime Minister had stated at the meeting of the Syro-Malabar Church in February, 2015, should be stated in Parliament which has reconvened on 20 April, 2015. Then only would we be assured that the present Government upholds secular credentials of the nation and that religious minorities and their institutions and personnel will not be intimidated, threatened, coerced including putting a stop to malicious misinformation and disinformation campaigns against them.
2. That Government should not contemplate bringing an anti-conversion law:
It is learned that the Union Government is contemplated bringing a law to ban conversion or change of one’s faith/religion to another. We hope that this is only a rumour. However, should the matter is on the anvil, then we would urge upon the government to bring such into law in the country for it very much goes against the basic rights for one to follow and adhere to a religious of his/her choice without any force, intimidation and threat, even to change.
Religious faith is a personal matter and cannot be based on generational legacy through birth alone. One has the freedom to take another path opposite from that trailed by his/her parents and earlier generations, based on his convictions and understanding of truth, even to the extent of not accepting the fact that God exists.
If such a law is enacted then it implies that one is not allowed to be released from the confines of his/her caste and other oppressive structures as per dictates of his/her religious teaching.
It also contradicts with the changes taking place, viz. (a) one changes his/her political affiliation and ideology to what he/she thinks is more service oriented and people centric, etc., (b) does not necessarily vote for the same candidate and/party in each and every election and, (c) seeks up gradation of his/her social and economic status.
When these are allowed and encouraged, what is the logic in banning one from changing his/her religious belief?
3. That Government should not bring a national law to ban killing and export of cattle:
We do not want to enter into a debate on the pros and cons on banning of cow slaughter enforced in Haryana and Maharashtra though plenty of analysis have been done on its economic fallout. However, such unilateral banning is an encroachment on the rights of those whose religious belief does not dictate non-eating of beef or pork or any other meats. People have every right to make their own choice on what they eat and what they do not want to eat either from religious or health perspective as also from one’s personal choice.
Such actions by States and possible action by the Centre is taking a religious majoritarian approach and defeats the very spirit of the Constitution enshrined in the Freedom Rights under Arts. 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Instead, if killing of cows, etc. is offensive to persons adhering to one particular religious persuasion, there must be designated places for such acts, and specific markets for commercial transactions.
We hope that you, the BJP National President, the Honourable Prime Minister and the whole Government will consider these fervent requests placed before you this evening for and behalf of upholding the secular credentials of our nation, India.
Thank you for your time and patience.
Yours sincerely,
For and on behalf of members of the Presbyterian Church of India,
Rev. W. C. Khongwir
Rev. D. T. Lhouvum
Sr. Administrative Secretary

Rev. V. L. Luaia Hranleh
Administrative Secretary

Rev. G. S. Lyttan
Administrative Secretary

Rev. D. S. Sohkhlet
Member, Working Committee and
Sr. Executive Secretary, KJP Synod Sepngi

Rev. H. L. Marsing
Member, Working Committee and
Sr. Executive Secretary, Ri Bhoi P. Synod

Rev. C. Syiem
Member, Working Committee and
Sr. Executive Secretary, KJP Synod Mihngi

Rev. Dr. P. B. M. Basaiawmoit
Member, Peace & Justice Committee


(Source: Sent in by Rev. Dr. P. B. M. Basaiawmoit)

North West India Council of Churches elects its new leadership

DSC_0184 (Small)To promote grass-roots ecumenism, the Regional Christian Councils need to be strengthened locally. A vibrant Christian Council is the need of the hour for Church unity in India.  North West India Council of Churches (NWICC), in the last six months had various meeting to revitalize the regional council.  The adhoc -committee called for the ordinary Council meeting, which was held on 15th April, 2015 at Mar Thoma Centre, New Delhi.
The Council was well represented by the member Churches, Christian Institutions and ecumenical bodies. The devotion was led by Bishop Collin Theodore on “Mystery of Resurrection” and stressed that Resurrection should be experienced every day by believing in the ‘Risen God’.

Diaconal Church in a Radically Changing India.

Chennai Affirmation

We, the participants of the National Consultation on ‘Diakonal Church in the Radically Changing India’, held at Chennai on the 23rd and 24th February 2015 jointly organized by the Church of South India Synod and Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society hereby declare that…

The ‘Diakonal Church’ is the one that is sensitive to the concerns of poor, oppressed and socially, traditionally and historically excluded communities.  It is to prepare a Table for ‘all’ to join the ‘koinonia‘ of the resurrected Christ’s community without any discrimination by affirming everyone’s dignity, respect, identities and  differences.

The motto of ‘Diaconal Church’ is to serve but not to be served (Mark 10: 45). It facilitates the Christian faith communities to embark on a journey to serve the earth communities leaving the comfort zone to take up a ‘kenotic’ and servant leadership. It is to bear a public witness politically in the presence of resurrected Christ and to re-embark on a journey of accompaniment with the struggling communities for fullness of life and livelihood.

This ‘diakonia‘ demands not only the ‘service’ but also preparation of the space to create communities of equals and dignity as described in Nazareth manifesto (Luke 4: 61-21). It is to explain the vision of God and symbolize the ‘reign of god’ with the values of Love, Justice and Peace by prophetically healing, restoring and reconciling the societies of conflicts and disparities towards fullness of all lives.


We realize that, the ‘mantra’ of Economic Globalization and Developmental paradigm of the States change the whole world to be  ‘flat’ through communicating and consolidating the capital accumulations of wealth through trans-national corporatism, extractive industrialization and ecological exploitation and victimization of the earth communities by uprooting of habitats from their traditionally living and culturally rooted environments.

These ‘flattening’ policies and principals of the ‘Economic Globalization’ are creating the tailor-made ‘flat’ societies and communities by  inculcating the values such as ‘consumerism’, ‘privatization’ , ‘individualism’, ‘competition’ and ‘inequality’.

We observe that,  in the context of radically changing Indian contexts, the  ‘majoritarianism’, rise of  ‘right-wing ideological fundamentalism’ and hate campaigns are creating panic and insecurity among the ‘minority communities’, ‘economically poor’ and ‘religiously and culturally excluded’, such as Dalits, Adivasis, Tribals, Women and Children. They turn the communities to be against one another with hate and hostility.

In this context of crisis, the churches as called and committed faith communities are to be prophetic and mandated to work ‘on’ equality and ‘for’ equality. The 2010 Edinburgh declaration calls the churches of our times to re-look and review our vision, theologies and ministries from the growing influence of ‘prosperity theologies’, ‘individualistic eschatology’, upholding caste and patriarchy, and becoming the mammon worshipers.

We affirm that…

  • The Diakonal Church as a prophetic community, is called to ensure respect, dignity and life of the earth communities including the human communities through the appropriate interventions and encounters with the oppressive attitudes of the  ‘Powerful, Dominant Empires and States’ by engaging in ‘diakonia’.

  • The Diakonal Church is a conscious servant ‘of’ and ‘to’  all by prophetically engaging and encountering conformity with the Powers
  • The Diakonal Church is called to promote and prorogate the liberative and transformative Gospel values of Love, Justice and Peace in combating the exclusivism,  fundamentalism and economy based prosperity gospel and theology

We Confess that…

  • the ‘diakonia’ today is mainly dependent on funded projects and serving from comfortable zones
  •      the Indian Church today is panicked and suffocated  by the ‘minority phobia’ with  exclusive demands of ‘minority Rights rather than working towards promoting, defending and affirming the fundamental rights of every individual
  • the churches today are mostly crawling with the exclusive and prosperity theologies rather than having faiths on ‘theology of fullness of life and Economy of Life’.

   the diakonal expressions were initially founded to serve the poor and the excluded communities but now it meets the expectations of the elites and rich involving in commercialization and comodifaction of knowledge  through our Institutions

  • the Churches today are strategically made silent by the law enforcement of States while it is supposed to be prophetically accompany the journeys with the victims.

We are committed to…

  • charting a discourse on vision, mission and diakonal expressions of the churches today in  terms of Kerigma,  Metanoia  and Koinonia as embedded in the Scripture.

    envisioning a world with fuller humanity and fullness of life by enabling truth and  reconciliation with the entire earth communities towards Just-peace

    ensure the ‘transparency, accountability and responsibility in all our structures and institutions and launch a campaign for ‘transparent India’

  • listening stories of the ‘diakonia’ of neighbors of other faiths  to encompass the diakonia ‘of’ all and diakonia ‘for’ all

We call upon all the churches and ecumenical movements:

  • to draw  a creative and relevant, radical and prophetic ‘diakonia’ for today
  • to strategically plan and execute ‘prophetic ‘diakonia’ by facilitating the local congregations  for public witness

    to be united in combating the hate campaigns such as ‘Ghar Wapsi’ constitutionally and politically.

Proposed Activities

  • Net-working with the churches, Christian Institutions and Ecumenical Movements to         promote a relevant ‘diakonal Church’

      Initiate the process of organizing conversation with the church leaders and ecumenical   bodies at the regional level enhancing the capacities of the laity and clergy engage in the  ‘prophetic-dia’konia’ towards transformative mission in the Socio Economic and Political   Context of  India

  • Initiating process to develop, articulate and promote a new context specific and relevant ‘diakonia’ for all
  • Facilitating the theological fraternities and local congregations to move from the prosperity theology to ‘economy of life’ and to move from charity to solidarity and accompaniment

  • Promoting the holistic vision of theology of life as a pilgrimage of justice and peace

An appeal from CCBI: Uphold Rule of Law, Peace and Harmony

The Conference of Catholic Bishops in India (CCBI), during their 27th Plenary session in Bangalore from February 3 – 9, 2015, represented by 140 Bishops from around the country, expressed their anguish and concern over the attacks on Christians, Churches and Christian institutions.

Here is their appeal to uphold the rule of law, peace and harmony.

We, the 140 Bishops from across the country attending the 27th Plenary Assembly of the Conference of the Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) during February 3–9 in Bangalore, hereby express our deep anguish and concern over increasing threats to peace and communal harmony in the wake of various untoward incidents affecting the Christian community in different parts of the country.

Hardly a day has passed off in recent months without reports of attacks on Christians, Churches and Christian institutions from across the nation. Churches have been torched even in the national capital while reports of ‘Ghar Waspsi’ and blatant threats to hold mass reconversions are causing anxiety to the Christians scattered in the far corners of the nation.

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Call to uphold and safeguard the religious freedom and fundamental rights of all Indian citizens: Press note from KJPSS

Please see here the press note from Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Synod Sepngi (KJPSS), a constituent of the Presbyterian Church of India, urging the governments to uphold and safeguard the religious freedom and fundamental rights of all Indian citizens.


By The

Khasi Jaiñtia Presbyterian Synod Sepngi

Shillong, Meghalaya.

The  Executive  Committee  of  the  Khasi  Jaiñtia  Presbyterian  Synod  Sepngi, one of the constituents of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of India with its headquarter in Shillong, Meghalaya, having a membership of more than 340000,  which  met  in  Shillong,  Meghalaya  on  Thursday,  05th  February,  2015  is seized of the  recent  developments  concerning  forced  conversion,  re-conversion  and  proposed  ban  on  conversion.  In the light of such developments and after a thorough discussion, it was decided to issue a Press Statement as follows:

That  the Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Synod Sepngi expresses  its  appreciation  to  the  HRD  Ministry  for  withdrawing  its advisory  to  States  and  directives  to  the  Navo  Vidyalayas  on  opening  schools  on  25th December, 2014  to  observe  “Good  Governance  Day”  as  per  guidelines  given.

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Chhattisgarh Unity Convention presents People’s Manifesto on rebuilding Chhattisgarh

News from Chhattisgarh: Please find here below the People’s Manifesto on rebuilding Chhattisgarh prepared and presented by the Chhattisgarh Unity Convention of Secular – Democratic – Progressive forces.


Unity Convention of Secular-Democratic-Progressive Forces

“Threats from Fascist & Imperialist Forces in India, Challenges & Strategies” 

January 22 & 23, 2015 (Thursday & Friday): Gondwana Bhawan, Raipur: Chhattisgarh 

People’s Manifesto On Rebuilding Chhattisgarh

We, the participants at the Chhattisgarh Unity Convention of Secular-Democratic- Progressive Forces held on 22nd & 23rd of January, 2015 at the Gondwana Bhawan, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) representing people’s organisations, political parties, social movements, trade unions, social and cultural action groups, NGOs and progressive intellectuals, who believe in the Vision of a Socialist-Secular-Democratic India and, in turn, work for the realization of such a Vision, reaffirm our faith in and commitment to the Constitution of India, which avowedly declares in its Preamble:

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
and to secure to all its citizens
 JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the [unity and integrity of the Nation]”

We express our deep concern that, for the first time in the electoral history of India, the religious fundamentalist forces (with a declared historical agenda for “Hindu Rashtra”) trying to gain political control over the State, thus, posing grave threats to the very core and content of the Constitution of India.

We had no doubt in our minds that the Narendra Modi-led NDA government with Bhartiya Janata Pary (BJP) in absolute majority would pursue and realize the vision of a Hindu Rashtra, as projected in the ideological documents of the Rashtriya Swamsewak Sangh (RSS), written by their founders. Historical reality has established beyond doubt that the BJP is fully under the control of the Rashtriya Swamsewak Sangh (RSS), (and its many allies and front organisations like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, etc.).

In this regard, the violent history of communal forces in India since Independence, more so the genocide in Gujarat under Sri Narendra Modi as its Chief Minsiter, has been revived under the autocratic control of State machinery by the BJP, as demonstrated in the subsequent events during the last 200 days of NDA Rule in India.

Presently almost all parliamentary democracy institutions and processes are being weakened through autocratic legal action, such as leading to the resignation by the Chairperson and members of the Censor Board, many journalists and media persons being sacked or shifted only because they are suspected of having left-orientation, and communalisation of education, leading to changing the vice-chancellors and heads of institutions, imposing strictures and violent attack on screening of films, etc.

We are also well aware of the hidden agenda behind the slogan of development of a New India, and “good times ahead” under the leadership of Sri Narendra Modi. It is crystal clear that the BJP-led NDA Government is pursuing the goals of globalization serving the interests of the Corporate World (domestic and multinational), by putting the vast natural and human resources of our country into their hands for profit-making. Policies of privatization and liberalization are being pursued at the cost of the vast majority of marginalized masses are who are systematically and ruthlessly pushed to the periphery. The autocratic leadership has scant regard for the human rights and democratic values enshrined in the Indian Constitution!

  • Reversal of Labour Reforms earned by historical labour movements;
  • Land Acquisition Ordinance, Coal Ordinance, Insurance Ordinance and Ordinance Raj
  • The fresh data and debate on “poverty line”;
  • The unilateral decision increasing the height of Narmada Dam;
  • Targeting of select NGOs/Social Movements in the IB Report, branding them as anti-development, meaning, anti-national;
  • The red-carpet treatment of the newly formed Government by the globalized/imperialist countries, Adani’s Australian coal mine contract ( with State Bank of India providing Rs. 60,000 crores of ; nuclear liability negotiations with Obama;
  • Home Ministry’s aggressive militaristic attitude to conflict in Central India.

These are only a few indicators pointing towards the contours of the ‘Corporate- Communal-Security-State’ taking shape under the present autocratic regime. No doubt, the State Machinery is nakedly and un-ashamedly at the service of the rich and powerful, and ruthlessly and openly against the poor and marginalized.

While the national scenario is clearly moving towards the road-map of ‘Corporate- Communal-Security-State’, in Chhattisgarh, the plunder and loot by the Corporate World, and the sidelining of democratic processes have been already underway during the past tenure of the present regime. Now with the BJP-led NDA government at the Centre, the State Government is acting more bold and bloody in adopting authoritarian-rule-of-law to suppress all dissenting voices and democratic movements resisting globalization, combating communalism and defending democracy.

  • The reincarnation of Salwa-Judum in its new avatar like the recent resolutions by about 50 Gram Sabhas to ban the non-Hindus from preaching and practicing their  religion in the villages in Bastar, are like the same old wine of fascism in a new bottle.
  • The systematic violent attack on Christians and other minorities, and the campaigns like “Ghar vapasi” are deliberately on the increase to create a rift between the adivasis, dalits, landless and marginal farmers so as to carry on with the Corporate Agenda without any hindrance from people’s united action.
  • The linkage between the Corporate agenda in Bastar (and in all of Chhattisgarh), and Salwa-Judum (and now the banning of non-Hindus) was well exposed not only by the human rights and people’s organizations, but declared as un-constitutional and anti-democratic by the apex court of the country.

Therefore, the designs of the Corporate World in achieving their goals can be clearly seen on the one hand, diluting the pro-people provisions of the Land Acquisition Act and Forest Rights Act, and on the other hand, in diverting the basic purpose of the Gram Sabhas in protecting their natural and cultural resources from plunder and loot for profit, greed and endless pursuit of affluence at the cost of basic human rights of life and livelihood of the vast majority of the people, in this case the adivasis and dalits.

The Chhattisgarh situation is even more sensitive due to conflict between the Maoists and the State in a large area of the State. This has led the State to inject more stringent and draconian repressive laws (like the Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act, 2005) and machinery (heavy deployment of para-military forces in large areas inhabited with adivasis and dalits, affecting their lives, livelihood and culture, etc.) which, in turn, violates the human rights of citizens, especially in the conflict zone. This conflict-context would call for fresh reflection-action-reflection process to be initiated by the progressive parties and individuals in Chhattisgarh.

We are also conscious of the fact that other coalitions like the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) are committed to and also have been pursuing ruthlessly the goals of a Global-Corporate India, even if without the blatant aggression of the fascist forces.

We also express our concern that the primary thrust of the present regime is an aggressive onslaught on left-democratic forces, silencing the voices of dissent and constricting freedom of expression. This enables implementation of the corporate agenda with the rule of an iron hand, sidelining established institutions and discarding procedures laid down in the Constitution of India.

The political backdrop in India, more so in Chhattisgarh, has made it mandatory for the people’s organizations, social movements, progressive intellectuals, trade unions, social action groups and left parties to join forces to re-formulate strategies and agenda for future action for the realization of the VISION OF A SOCIALIST-SECULAR-DEMCORATIC INDIA.

This Convention declares on the basis of conclusions drawn through discussions that:

1. The principles of sovereignty, socialism, democracy, secularism as enshrined in the Constitution of India be widely proclaimed and strengthened;

2. Freedom of Expression to the followers of all religions, and to let them live freely without fear according to their religious beliefs;

3. Land Acquisition Ordinance 2014 be repealed, and the Land Acquisition Act 2013 be restored, with additional provisions in favour of the farmers;

4. Coal Ordinance be repealed, and following the directives given by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, auction of coal mines be held as per the real need and not for the benefit of the Corporate Sector; along with it the consent of the gram sabhas be made mandatory; impact on environment and forest be taken into consideration as per the provisions of the law before the allotment of mines;

5. Exploitation of natural resources and mineral wealth in favour of the industrialists be stopped forthwith;

6. Anti-labour amendments/provisions introduced in the Labour Laws benefitting the industrialists and employers be withdrawn forthwith, regularization of workers be made mandatory in public and private sector, and contract system be totally abolished;

7. Privatization of water, forest and land, privatisation of public sector, and disinvestment be stopped forthwith;

8. “Made In India” policy be introduced instead of “Make In India”, so as to increase employment opportunities, urban and rural unemployed be provided jobs on priority basis so as to increase their purchasing power;

9. Free quality education be provided from KG to Post Graduate; Health Services Rights Act be legislated, with provisions for free medical treatment for all;

10. Farmers be paid profitable price for their produce. Employment should be guaranteed throughout the year under MNREGA, with provision for, at least, 200 days in a year. Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme be also enacted on similar lines. Workers under MNREGA be paid on a regular basis;

11. MNREGA should not only be linked with agricultural/rural labourers, but also reviewed against the backdrop of agriculture and farming;

12. Those forest dwellers who are denied rights over the occupied land under the Forest Rights Act be provided with legal documents (pattas) forthwith;

13. Implementing the Food Rights Act, the public distribution system be made effective and inclusive;

14. Rising prices be controlled, and corruption be brought to an end;

15. “Religious conversion” and “ghar wapasi” should be brought under the provisions and principles enshrined in the Constitution; laws related to these be reviewed and repealed accordingly, so that religious freedom for all citizens is restored;

16. Legal action be taken against drugs, liquor and decadent culture, and social reforms movements be strengthened against such social ills;

17. Violence and atrocities against women, especially trafficking related crimes be strictly dealt with by the law enforcing machinery, and social struggles should continue against these;

18. The Governor should take appropriate legal action under the provisions of “PESA” and 5th & 6th Schedule, so that exploitation and repression in scheduled areas is stopped;

19. Repression and anti-constitutional laws must be repealed forthwith, such as AFPSA, Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act 2005, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 2008, and colonial legal provisions like Sedition, etc. ;

20. In the name of combating Maoists, the deployment of para-military forces, and advocacy of direct military action by the NDA government should be opposed, and in order to establish peace in Chhattisgarh, issues such as social justice, people’s rights must be taken into consideration, so as to preserve and promote citizens constitutional rights to life and livelihood.


We are committed to internalize and implement this Manifesto and programmes into and through our organisations, and pledge ourselves to stand united and in solidarity through dialogue and struggles.

We the participants at the Chhattisgarh Unity Convention adopt it on 23.1.2015:

1. Communist Party of India; 2. Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha; 3. Akhil Bhartiy Adivasi Mahasabha; 4. Kheti-Bachao, Jeewan-Bachao Andolan; 5. People’s Union for Civil Liberties – Chhattisgarh; 6. Baiga Mahapanchayat – Chhattisgarh; 7. Chhattisgarh Mahila Jagriti Sangathan; 8. Pardhi Mahapanchayat – Chhattisgarh; 9. Chhattisgarh Bachao Andolan; 10. Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha ( Mazdoor Karyakarta Samiti); 11. Chhattisgarh Mines Shramik Sangh; 12. Chhattisgarh Labour Institute; 13. Nadi Ghaati Morcha; 14. Chhattisgarh Christian Fellowship; 15. Akhil Bhartiy Krantikaari Kisaan Sabha; 16. Ekta Parishad- Kanker; 17.Chhattsigarh Christian Forum; 18. Bhartiy Muslim Mahila Andolan – Chhattisgarh; 19. Chhattisgarh Bal Shramik Sangathan; 20. Sabla Dal (Domestic Workers’ Union); 21. Communist Party of India (Liberation); 22. Muslim Baitulmaal Foundation; 23. All India Secular Forum – Chhattisgarh; 24. Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF); 25. Dalit Mukti Morcha; 26.All India Progressive Forum – Chhattigarh; 27. All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation –Chhattisgarh; 28. National Alliance of Women (NAWO); 29. Jan Sanskritik Manch; 30. All India Law Forum.

Presidium: 1. Chittaranjan Bakshi (94252-02641); 2. Janak Lal Thakur (94241-07557); 3. C L Patel (98266-41016); 4. Nand Kumar Kashyap (94062-13116); 5. Sudha Bhardwaj (99266-03877); 6. Lakhan Singh (77730-60946); 7. Anand Mishra ((98933-54482)):

Treasurers: Ganesh Ram Chaudhry (99932-33527); A P Josy (94255-43304)

Steering Committee: Rajendra K Sail (98268-04519); Sudha Bhardwaj (99266-03877); Alok Shukla (94076-04811;Gautam Bandopadhyay (98261-71304); Sheikh Ansar (99932-33537); Tej Ram Vidrohi (89596-66036)

Contact Address:

Shashi Krishi Farm, Village & Post, Tumgaon, Dist. Mahasamund :Pin-code: 493445: Chhattisgarh: India. E-mail: <>


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