A Christian Social Activist titled as’Jewel of India’ and ‘Mahila Rattan’

Dr. SasiprbhaDr. Sasiprabha Stanley a renowned Christian activist bagged two ‘National Titles’ recently in the fields of social work.

The International Institute of Education and Management titled her as ‘Jewel of India’ and the Indian Solidarity Council  has titled her as ‘Mahila Rattan’ (Diamond Woman) recognising her 35 years of grass-roots holistic development engagements against Poverty,  Malnutrition, and Child Labour, and contribution to Adivasi and Dalit Women, Gender Justice, Girl Child Protection, Rural Child Development, Youth, Child Focused Community Development initiatives, Land, Water, Forest, and Eco-justice initiatives. She has also worked with Church and NGOs for empowerment and development of the marginalised communities.

Dr. Sasiprabha  was on several Government committ Read more

NCCI Secretariat gets a new vehicle

DSC03824National Council of Churches in India secretariat needed a two wheeler for official uses.

We are grateful to South Andhra Lutheran Church for supporting the work of NCCI, their most recent expression being funds to enable this purchase.

Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad (General Secretary, NCCI) and staff team prayed over it and we hope that it will be used for the glory of God and the furtherance of the work of NCCI at the secretariat.

The XXVIII Quadrennial Assembly of NCCI declared the names of office bearers for the new quadrennium 2016 – 2020


IMG_7361Rt. Rev. Dr. P. C. Singh

Bishop of Jabalpur Diocese, Church of North India since 2004; Deputy Moderator of Church of North India since 2014.
About him:

Under his able leadership as Bishop of Jabalpur Diocese, CNI, many magnificent projects have been successfully completed including several new institutions. His generosity and geniality are most encouraging. His vision and leadership is a widely acknowledged as exemplary and inspiring.

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Rev. Dr. Luther Paul passes away

bishopRev. Dr. Luther Paul  passed away at around 8.30 P.M. on Friday, the 15th April, 2016 at Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad.  Rev. Dr. Paul, 59, an ordained minister of the Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church served for about 20 years in various parishes of the AELC prior to being seconded to serve the ACTC as a member of the faculty and later as Principal of the Andhra Christian Theological College, prior to joining the A. P. Council of Churches as its Executive Secretary in April 2014.  Within the 4 years tenure as Principal of ACTC, he was instrumental in building a huge chapel with a cellar for programme facilities; a women centre, workers housing, hostels and library renovations etc. and thus created revenue generating assets for the college.  As Executive Secretary of the APCC, he was also responsible for Hudhud disaster mitigation, renovating 139 Households in Eduruvaripalem near Vishakapatnam in cooperation with the CASA.

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NCCI XXVIII Quadrennial Assembly 2016

quadrennial assembly logo blackNCCI XXVIII Quadrennial Assembly 2016 (Jabalpur | April 27 – 30, 2016) is a much anticipated event as the gathering will contemplate and review the call and commitment of the Indian Ecumenical Movement by focusing the Assembly activities including the Business Sessions on the theme:

“Towards Just and Inclusive Communities”.

For more information please see the Assembly website atwww.ncciassembly2016.com

Kindly pray for the Assembly that it may be a blessing for all.

Thank you.
XXVIII Quadrennial Assembly Team, NCCI.

Praxis Dimension of Prayer : United in Prayer Reflecting Prayer in Action Women’s Fellowships Promoting Child Rights on World Day of Prayer

with cuban AmbassadorNurturing Church Women’s Spirituality for Justice and Peace and promoting World Day of Prayer   (WDP)  is one of the priority focuses of All India Council of Christian Women ( AICCW). WDP is a global, ecumenical movement of Christian women joined together to observe a common day of prayer each year on the first Friday of March. The Motto of WDP is “Informed Prayer & Prayerful Action” signifies that prayer and action are inseparable.  WDP unites church women in prayer in 170 countries.

In 2016 WDP resource material focuses on Cuba and is prepared by Cuba WDP Committee and contexualized by  AICCW. The theme is ‘Receive Children, Receive Me’. Throughout the month of March in India Women’s Fellowship of  different member churches commemorated WDP. AICCW gave a clarion call to churches to pray for Cuba and also promote Child Rights, Child Protection Polices and engage in advocacy to end Child abuse.

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NCCI NEWS app for Android devices

NCCI news app5
NCCI NEWS app for AndroidTM devices on Google PlayTM
Download the app on your mobile device.


An Easter Reflection from Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad, General Secretary of NCCI.

empty_tomb11Resurrection Experience in This Life itself! 

The resurrection of Jesus has significance not only for life after death but also for our life here and now. The resurrection of Jesus is not merely good news for individuals in their personal lives, but it has collective significance for human history and all creation. Over the centuries, Christians seem to have become content with the good news of the resurrection in terms of the hope of life it offers after death. Human beings in general do not want to die. Our survival instinct has made us afraid of death. Christ’s resurrection gives us comforting assurance: “We will not die! We will come back to life!” Funeral sermons usually focus on this hope. Quite often our hymns give expression to such a faith affirmation. Addressing some disappointed people in his times who considered Jesus to be a great martyr, whose message and ministry came to a premature end with his crucifixion, Paul declared, ‘If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.” (I Cor. 15: 19) However, today perhaps Paul would tell many Christians, “If for life after death only we believe in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.”

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Bail granted to one of the 7 innocent convicts of Kandhamal.

gornathMessage received from Mr. Anto Akkara

Great Victory for Kandhamal’s Innocents – Christ is Risen!!!!

Bail granted to one of the 7 innocent convicts of Kandhamal.

On March 22, the Odisha high court granted one-month bail to Gornath Chalanseth – one of the 7 innocent Christians – undergoing life imprisonment for Swami Laxmanananda’s ‘murder’. The bail order has come a day after I got a call from the National Human Rights Commission – 19 days into the signature campaign for the release of the innocent I launched in New Delhi at great risk.

Thanks for all those who have signed petition.

Remember each signature at www.release7innocents.com generates three instant emails to the Chief Justice of India, the President of India and the National Human Rights Commission Chairman.

Request: Pls join the signature campaign for the release of the innocent convicts. The greater the  numbers the faster the innocent Christians will be released.I plead once again – lend your voice to the innocents. Link one and all toww.release7innocents.com and ask them to sign as a Lenten Act


Here’s Gornath pic and his story. You can read the shocking story of other innocents at ‘7 innocents’ at www.release7innocents.com

Source: Mr. Anto Akkara

Report of Citizen Journalism National Consultation and Training Program

2A Citizen Journalism national consultation and training program “Pathways to Digital Frontiers: Communication Rights and Inclusion” was organized from March 11 – 12, 2016 in Panjim, Goa. It’s a program of the Commission on Communications and Relations of National Council of Churches in India (NCCI-COCR), Christian Service Agency (CSA) and World Association for Christian Communication (WACC). There were 30 participants of various profiles: Theologians, Church leaders and Pastors, Social Workers, Community Development workers, Grassroots community enablers, heads of Institutions, Heads of NGOs, Communication leaders, and publishers. Many of NCCI’s constituent member bodies and all major regions from across India were represented. The concept of Citizen Journalism as communicated in the course of this national consultation and training program was a serious take on the responsibility and privilege to enable information sharing by developing communication pathways to digital frontiers in a way that opens up possibilities for advocacy and self-advocacy towards wider engagement, inclusion and ensuring communication rights.