Understanding Human Sexuality: Summer Course 2024 Concludes with Enthusiastic Acclaim

The National Ecumenical Forum for Gender and Sexual Diversities (NCCI-NEFGSD) Summer Course on “Understanding Human Sexuality” held from May 20th to 25th, 2024, concluded with a valedictory ceremony that celebrated the participation of 25 dedicated students from diverse backgrounds.

This intense  course, hosted on the NCCI campus in Nagpur, provided exploration of human sexuality and participants delved into key topics including definitions and understandings of sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexuality. The curriculum was enriched by perspectives from the Old Testament, New Testament, history, ethics, sociology, and multiple religious viewpoints. Additionally, students gained valuable knowledge on pastoral care and ministerial and ecumenical development.

The course methodologies made it exceptionally engaging, incorporating a human library, group activities, film screening, and reviews. These interactive elements facilitated a dynamic learning environment, allowing students to connect theory with real-world experiences.

All students agreed that the course was groundbreaking, significantly enhancing their understanding of human sexuality from various academic and practical perspectives. The course concluded with a promise from the NCCI General Secretary to introduce an advanced course later this year.

Rev Ribin John
Executive Secretary
Ecumenical Fora/ NCCI-NEFGSD

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