Invitation to Reflect Prayer in Action to End Human Trafficking & Sexual Slavery as Women’s Fellowships & Churches observe World Day of Prayer 2017 ( 3rd March)


For World Day of Prayer 2017 Resource Material Click on the Link :world-day-of-prayer-2017-book

All India Council of Christian Women of NCCI invites Women’s Fellowships and Churches to reflect prayer in action by observing World Day of Prayer on 3rd March 2017.  This year’s theme is

“ Am I Being Unfair to You?”

World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together on the first Friday of March each year to observe a common day of prayer. Through World Day of Prayer, we affirm our faith in Jesus Christ and engage with the whole world, are enriched by the faith experience of Christians of other countries and cultures, share the burdens of other people by praying with them and for them, and use our own talents in the service of God’s world. Prayer and action are inseparable and both have immeasurable influence in the world.

World Day of Prworld-day-of-prayer-cover-1ayer Resource Material or Prayer Book is prepared by Philippines  WPD  Committee and contextualized by AICCW . The resource material is being sent to National  Women’s Fellowship President or Secretary  and can be downloaded directly from NCCI website.

This year during WDP ,  AICCW invites women’s fellowships to pray for Philippines and also  engage in reflection  prayer and action to  End Human Trafficking and Sexual  Slavery .

Promoting World Day of Prayer is one of the priority mission foci of All India Council of Christian Women, committing itself to build communities of justice and peace.

For more details contact Moumita Biswas, Executive Secretary AICCW email:  and Ms Hungreiphy Za ( intern AICCW) Phone – 91 -7448272429 ( direct )  , 0712- 2531312 ( office number)

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