World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

The purpose of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) is to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT) can […]

International Day for Biological Diversity

The International Day for Biological Diversity (or World Biodiversity Day) is a United Nations–sanctioned international day for the promotion of biodiversity issues. It is currently held on May 22. The International Day for Biological Diversity falls within the scope […]

International Day to End Obstetric Fistula

Obstetric fistula is one of the most serious and tragic injuries that can occur during childbirth. It is a hole between the birth canal and the bladder or rectum caused […]

Global Day of Parents

The Global Day of Parents is observed on the 1st of June every year. The Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2012 with resolution A/RES/66/292 and honours parents throughout […]

World Bicycle Day

In April 2018, the United Nations General Assembly declared 3 June as International World Bicycle Day. Leszek Sibilski led a campaign to promote a UN Resolution for World Bicycle Day, […]

World Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED) occurs on 5 June every year, and is the United Nations' principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. First held in […]

World Day Against Child Labour

The World Day Against Child Labour, which is held every year on June 12, is intended to foster the worldwide movement against child labour in any of its forms.