fellowship of the least coin


The Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement for justice, peace, and reconciliation led by Christian women for women and girls all over the world. FLC is celebrated on 9th November evey year.

The Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) was envisioned by Shanti Solomon, a Christian woman from India, in 1956. Shanti was part of an international mission team led by Presbyterian women from the United States. The team travelled throughout Asia to meet with and listen to women who had been touched by injustice during the Second World War. The team heard stories of violence and trauma, deep pain and distrust.

Women of all ethnicities, nationalities, ages, educational backgrounds, and socioeconomic statuses are invited to participate in this global movement by praying for justice, peace, and reconciliation in their own lives whenever they experience personal conflicts and challenges. As well, they are invited to pray for justice, peace, and reconciliation for women and girls all over the world who face injustice, violence, and poverty every day.

It includes “least” coins…

As tokens of these prayers, women are encouraged to set aside the least coin in their country’s currency (ex. penny, sentimo, paisa, etc.). Only the least coin is offered so that women of all backgrounds and means can be equal partners in justice- and peace-making.

These least coins are then collected by Christian women’s groups and ecumenical women’s organizations in countries and regions all over the world. They are then forwarded to the Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) Fund, which is faithfully stewarded by the International Committee for the Fellowship of the Least Coin (ICFLC).

NCCI is a liaison in India of FLC. NCCI Commission on Women Concerns are leading India for this fellowship.

Fellowship of the Least Coin

Ms. Shanti Solomon

Founder of FLC