“Program Executive for Health and Healing at 100%” position open at WCC. Call for applications.

Letter received from WCC Recruitment as below. It calls for applications for a position that is open at World Council of Churches (WCC). Please circulate widely. Dear members of the WCC Central Committee, Dear partners in the one ecumenical Movement, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Warm greetings from Geneva! We are pleased to share with […]


All India

NCCI -IDEA (Indian Disability Ecumenical Accompaniment) is a standing forum of National Council of Churches in India accompanied by the Commission on unity and Mission (incorporating Justice Peace and Creation). NCCI – IDEA  theologically motivates ministerial interventions in encouraging and facilitating the Indian Churches to be inclusive and disabled-friendly. Considering the importance of inclusivity, the […]

International Women’s Day 2017

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Click on the Link to Download IWD  Newsletter   IWD-2017NCCI Resource Material2 As the world commemorates International Women’s Day on 8th March 2017, the National Council of Churches invites churches, church leaders, Christian  organizations , and church run institutions to create and promote "women and family friendly" work places. India is the fourth dangerous country in […]


All India

UPDATE: Please see http://ncci1914.com/links/ for links to Scholarships by National Scholarship Portal (India) and Scholarship Schemes for minorities (Ministry of Minority Affairs - India). Please encourage students to avail themselves of these schemes and scholarships.