NCCI Song Book and Mobile App Released

NCCI SONG BOOK and Mobile App comprising traditional hymns, contemporary and ecumenical songs from various regions in India were released in the course of NCCI’s Executive Committee Meeting on February 14, 2017 at UELCI, Chennai, by Rt. Rev. Dr. P. C. Singh, President of National Council of Churches in India and in the presence of NCCI Treasurer, Rev. Dr. A. G. Augustine Jeyakumar, NCCI Vice Presidents, Mrs. Aleyamma Thomas and Mr. Liju Jacob Kuriakose, and NCCI General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad.

Releasing the Song Book, Rt. Rev. Dr. P. C. Singh congratulated NCCI’s Commission on Communication and said he is ‘happy to release this song book for the Glory of God and to the blessing of people’. He wishes and prays for this to be ‘yet another channel of God’s love and blessing in the form of hope, victory and fortitude that these songs inspire us for.’ He further noted that “It is an expression and celebration of ecumenical spirituality which seeks to understand, experience and communicate that which binds all creation in groaning and redemption, builds communities, and supports life in its fullness.”

The Commission on Communication of the National Council of Churches in India had been planning for an “NCCI Song Book” since long. It has now become possible by the Grace of God. We’re happy that a rather comprehensive song book has emerged. There were suggestions about some form of music to accompany the lyrics of the song book. After considering several ways to do this, the best way found was  a mobile app with a searchable index, lyrics and playable instrumental music for the corresponding song. In the present project the accompanying music is provided in the NCCI Song Book App available freely on Google Play for Android devices. This is a standalone application and can be downloaded on your android mobile phone or tablet. Please search for “NCCI Song Book” on Google Play Store to download and install the app on your android device.

We hope that this song book proves to be a blessing to Churches, groups, communities and individuals.


Rev. Caesar J. David
Executive Secretary
Commission on Communication
National Council of Churches in India.

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