
DSC00256_crA seminar entitled “Smart Church: Youth initiatives for an efficient, vibrant, communicating Church” was held on February 17, 2015 at Azariah House at National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) campus in Nagpur. It was jointly organized by NCCI’s  Commission on Communications & Relations and the Commission on Youth. The purpose of this seminar was to provide space for young people from our Churches to come together bringing their own experiences and ideas towards enhancing the ministries of the Church, especially in their organizational aspects, and particularly in terms of consolidating the communication systems, tools and processes. The program was attended by 28 participants from several protestant denominations as well as Roman Catholic orders.

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Utkal Christian Council acts in the context of the rising phenomenon of Hatred Speeches

(A Regional Council of the National Council of Churches of India)

   Regd. Office: Bishop’s House, Mission Road, Cuttack- 753 001, Orissa Phone:0671-3250268, Mobile:1406627, Emails:;

The Superintendent of Police, Kandhamal
Phulbani, Dist: Kandhamal, Orissa.
Sub: Request for ban on entering  of Mr. Praveen Togadia into Kandhamal District on 27th Feb 2015 which is likely to  disturb peace and communal harmony prevailing in the state because of his provocative and inflammatory speech.  
Greetings from Utkal Christian Council.
1. This is to inform you that the U.C.C. is the regional Council of Churches in Orissa for furthering the objectives of member Churches and to  represent the grievances of the churches of Odisha and  protestant churches in particular.
2.This has come to the knowledge of the undersigned that Mr. Praveen Togadia is coming to  Kandhamal District on 27th Feb 2015 for conducting a public meeting which is likely to  disturb peace and communal harmony prevailing in the state because of  his provocative and inflammatory  speech. People of Odisha especially of Kandhamal have not yet forgotten his calculated inflammatory provocative speech which triggered communal violence in Kandhmal and spreaded over alarmingly to other parts of the state and resulted in serious destruction of life and property of people including property of the Government. The people of Kandhamal District are still living in anxiety and fear.  The visit of Mr Togadia’s visit will have consequences both immediate and long range, as we know from past experience.
 “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them

is forgotten in God’s sight. But even the hairs of your head are
all counted. Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
-Jesus, as recounted in Luke 12:6-7 (NRSV)

The decision of a Staten Island grand jury not to indict police officer Daniel Panteleo in the death of Eric Garner, coupled with the recent decision of a St. Louis grand jury not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown, has sparked nationwide outrage and protests.

The National Council of Churches calls upon prosecutors and police forces, juries and judges, to hold police officers accountable when they kill.  The appropriate place to judge innocence or guilt is not in the grand jury but in a trial setting where defense and prosecution come together to carefully present the facts of a case.

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Nagpur | November 21, 2014


The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), the apex body of the Protestant and Orthodox Churches which represents 14 million people around the country registers its protest against the irresponsible use of press freedom. The Times of India and Dainik Bhaskar (Nagpur | 11-11-2014) printed some speculative claim made by a scholar about Jesus and Mary that has caused immense grief to the Christian community at large.
In a pluralistic context of India where not only freedom, but also respect for all religions and religious sentiments is both taught and practiced, such insensitivity on the part of the publishers is intolerable. While we respect and support the freedom of press, surely it must be used responsibly. It may be seen as an irresponsible act purported to incite the feelings of the Christian community. Such provocation must cease in the interest of upholding the cherished secular fabric and principles of love and unity that our Country proudly professes to have had since ages and indeed does.

Ncci rally news picThe NCCI Centenary Rally started from the All Saints Cathedral, Sadar, halted at Samvidhan Square (near K. P. Ground, Opp. RBI) for Bishop Dr. Taranath Sagar’s (President of NCCI) public address, and continued back to All Saints Cathedral in a circular route.  More than 3000 people from all denominations joined the Rally.

In the field of Social development, the Church in India has demonstrated the compassion of Christ to the Indian Society.  Specific attention to the development of the poor and downtrodden was given due importance.  In the tribal belt the liberation of the tribals from money-lender and landlords served as the first contribution of the Church. Bishop Dr. Taranath Sagar President of National Council of Churches in India at the Samvidhan Square, addressed the gathering with the basic gospel virtue of Love, of loving your neighbour as yourself.   Read more

The Church of North India elects its new Office 

bp.samant roy

Moderator – Bishop P.K. Samantaroy 

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“Communications for Peace and Harmony”
DSC07448The Commission on Communications and Relations (COCR) of the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) along with India Peace Centre (IPC), Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society (CISRS), Amritsar Diocese of the Church of North India (CNI) and, Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (ISPCK) organized a Training Workshop on the theme“Communications for Peace and Harmony” from August 25 – 29, 2014 in Baring Union Christian College Association (BUCCA) in Batala, Punjab. The program was hosted by Christian Institute for Religious Studies (CIRS) which is a theological component unit  of BUCCA.

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Nagpur | July 7, 2014

The National Council of Churches in India has a fully functional and updated website at However, having a website is no longer enough, as we need to be engaging wherever its target online users happen to be which includes facebook, blogs and other online social networking hubs. The need was felt to avail of the various functionalities of online social networking tools for the purpose of:

  1. Wider Networking and providing information;
  2. Organizational visibility and providing a common platform for dialogue and discussion;
  3. Information exchange including opinion gathering and improved decision-making;
  4. Creating more communication spaces;
  5. Expanding to mobile (becoming more prevalent) applications for news and networking;
  6. Quicker dissemination of information and quicker feedback;
  7. Suitability and adaptability to the quick changes in our situation;
  8. Etc.

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Check out our new Android App NCCI NEWS.

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