Sri. Narendra Modi
Honorable Prime Minister of India
New Delhi
Respected Prime Minister Sir,
Sub: Aspirations of the Youth of the Protestant and Orthodox Churches in India and the New Government
Greetings from the Commission on Youth (COY) of the National Council of Churches in India!
At the outset, I on behalf of the 4 million youth of the Protestant and Orthodox Churches in India would like to convey our congratulations to you on your taking over the office of the Prime Minister and we look forward to your programmes for especially the weakest in our society.
The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) is the apex body of the Protestant and Orthodox Churches in India representing more than 14 million people around the country. The NCCI along with its constituent members viz, 30 member churches, 17 Regional Christian Councils, 17 All India Christian Organizations, 7 Related Agencies and 3 autonomous bodies is celebrating its Centenary this year and has for the past 100 years through its work, contributed to nation building in various ways especially through Education, Health care, relief and rehabilitation, Youth and Women Empowerment, Empowering Dalits, Tribals and Adivasis, Peace initiatives and the like. The values such as Justice, Peace, Integrity, Love, Unity, promoted and strengthened by the NCCI have contributed to significant have significantly benefited the nation.
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SC Status issue of Dalit Christians’ case listed in the Supreme Court for 8th July 2014
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News from NCCINagpur | July 7, 2014
The National Council of Churches in India has a fully functional and updated website at However, having a website is no longer enough, as we need to be engaging wherever its target online users happen to be which includes facebook, blogs and other online social networking hubs. The need was felt to avail of the various functionalities of online social networking tools for the purpose of:
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News from NCCICheck out our new Android App NCCI NEWS.
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Strongly Condemn Gruesome Acts of Violence on Minors in Badaun
News from NCCIHow can the perpetrators be brought to trial? What is the society’s response? Where is the government’s accountability? These are only few of the unending questions that are troubling us, and as citizens of this country, we demand that there needs to be a stop to ALL such horrendous acts of violence. This is unacceptable in the eyes of any civilized society.
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Affirm Diversity – Defend the Rights of Sexual Minorities: A Call for Indian Faith Communities
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2014 Election Results: Reiterating the Church’s Prophetic Citizenship
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Addressing ecology, theology and justice in practice
News from NCCIWhile churches around the world live in very different contexts and maybe separated by different doctrinal teachings, they do have one concern in common: will planet earth still be a fit place for their children to live?
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