Dear co- workers for the justice to the Dalits in Christianity and Islam,
It is very encouraging to know that the Writ Petition 180/2004 is listed in Court No. 2 as item no.20 in the final list for 08.07.14 in the Supreme Court of India.
 This Writ Petition has challenged the Constitution Scheduled Caste Order 1950 Para 3 which denies SC status to Christians and Muslims of Scheduled Caste origin. The National Council of Churches in India and CBCI Office for SC/BC have impleaded in this case.
When majority of the political parties miserably either failed to extend their support for this just cause, or became a hindrance between the justice and the Dalits of Christian and Muslim origin, we look forward for justice from Supreme Court.

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Nagpur | July 7, 2014

The National Council of Churches in India has a fully functional and updated website at However, having a website is no longer enough, as we need to be engaging wherever its target online users happen to be which includes facebook, blogs and other online social networking hubs. The need was felt to avail of the various functionalities of online social networking tools for the purpose of:

  1. Wider Networking and providing information;
  2. Organizational visibility and providing a common platform for dialogue and discussion;
  3. Information exchange including opinion gathering and improved decision-making;
  4. Creating more communication spaces;
  5. Expanding to mobile (becoming more prevalent) applications for news and networking;
  6. Quicker dissemination of information and quicker feedback;
  7. Suitability and adaptability to the quick changes in our situation;
  8. Etc.

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Check out our new Android App NCCI NEWS.

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A Protest Organised by the undersigned at Jantar Mantar
Thursday 5th June (World Environment Day) 10:00 am – 11:30 am
It is such a paradox, that on World Environment Day, where the Tree symbolizing as Hope for Life, has been used to hang and take away the lives of two young innocent girls at Badaun. Even as there is uproar over this crime, another girl is allegedly hung to the tree after being raped in Sitapur and a woman judge raped in Aligarh.
Time and again, women and girls are the prime targets of violence and the most recent brutal gang rapes in the small village of Badaun District of UP confirm this.
Where does one go for justice?
How can the perpetrators be brought to trial? What is the society’s response? Where is the government’s accountability? These are only few of the unending questions that are troubling us, and as citizens of this country, we demand that there needs to be a stop to ALL such horrendous acts of violence. This is unacceptable in the eyes of any civilized society.

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2 Cor. 5:16-21
June 8, 2014 is a significant day as per the almanac of Churches. We are going to celebrate Pentecost Day, reminding ourselves of the movement of God’s Spirit among peoples and nations, working out the purposes of the reign of God.
June 8, 2014 is also going to be significant historically because on this day the world is going to witness one vital expression of working together for reconciliation. It is on this day that the Palestinian president Abu Mazen and Israeli president Shimon Peres will meet together for prayer along with Pope Francis.
Allow me to quote extracts (in italics) from a text published in the Vatican Insider of 2nd June 2014 and draw insights from what Paul says in his letters, particularly in 2 Cor.5:16-21, and in related biblical texts. These insights have important implications for all ecumenical movements in the world.
The purpose of this meeting is not to attempt mediation or discuss new road maps: Francis wants to keep the encounter strictly religious.  “The purpose of the meeting will be to pray not to mediate,” Francis said on the return flight from the Holy Land to Rome. “The two presidents and I will only meet to pray and I believe that prayer is important and doing this helps. Then they will go home. There will be a rabbi, a Muslim and me…” Elsewhere Francis said: “In this place where the Prince of Peace was born, I desire to invite you, President Mahmoud Abbas, and President Shimon Peres, to raise together with me an intense prayer to God for the gift of peace. And I offer my house in the Vatican to host you in this encounter of prayer.” 
Note that Pope Francis asserts “The purpose of the meeting is not to attempt mediation or discuss new road maps.” In an article published on the Time website . . . Christopher J. Hale wrote: “Francis’ successful overture was especially remarkable considering the failed efforts by the United States earlier this spring to get both sides to the table to begin negotiated peace talks…” Countries, and in particular the superpowers, have been trying to broker peace and reconciliation, in line with their political ideologies of justice and peace, and within their framework of economic development,  nuclearization, militarization, and strategic alliances, spelling out human utopias.

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Bangalore, 31 May, 2014. Sri Sri Ravishankar, the founder of Art of Living, said that, ‘affirm diversity – defend the Rights of the Sexual minorities’,  in a public meeting on ‘Faiths Against Homophobia’ jointly organised by the  ‘aneka-Trust’, Board of Theological Education of the Senate of Serampore University, and  Centre for Peace and Justice Concerns of the National Christian Council of India, at  Institute for Agriculture Hall, in Bangalore on the 31st May 2014.
Ravishankar calls upon all religious leaders and the faith communities to affirm the rights of the sexual minority communities who are socially and religiously stigmatised, excluded and discriminated for centuries. He further emphasised that, they too belong to the ‘Cod created Cosmic Community’ where we too are part and got a space to live. It is the duty of the faith communities to affirm the diversity and to defend the Rights of the neglected and rejected ones especially the sexual minorities.
here were over 200 participants including women and men apart from the sexual minorities. Ms. Chitra a male to female transgender invoked God by a special number as to inaugurate the public meeting.

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As per our country’s democratic process, parliamentary elections are held every five years. As Christians we always pray that the elections would be conducted properly and peacefully. When the election results are out, as per conventional practice we congratulate the new government and we pray that the people so elected and the new government would serve the country well. In many of our church liturgies an intercessory prayer is offered every Sunday for the President, the Prime Minister, the Governor and Chief Minister of our respective states, and for all those in authority.
The 2014 election results are expressive of the desire of the majority of the people for corruption-free, electorate-responsible, good governance, for economic well-being in terms of employment, control over the rising cost of living, for easy access to basic necessities of life such as food-grains, water, electricity, education, shelter and health, and for justice and peace. We are reminded of the Nazareth Manifesto of Jesus “to bring good news to the poor, proclaiming release to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, letting the oppressed go free, and proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favour.” (Lk.4:18-19)
Therefore the 2014 Elections constitute the kairos (the critical decisive time) for the Church in India to be bearers of the ‘Nazareth Manifesto’ gospel in the country: 

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30 June 2014
While churches around the world live in very different contexts and maybe separated by different doctrinal teachings, they do have one concern in common: will planet earth still be a fit place for their children to live?
How should churches reflect theologically about creation? What can churches do in their specific context?

Thirty-one participants from 20 countries at a seminar on “Green Churches – Ecology, Theology and Justice in Practbosseyice” discussed these questions from 23 to 27 June at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, Switzerland.
The seminar was organized by the WCC’s programme on Care for Creation and Climate Justice, represented by its coordinator Dr Guillermo Kerber, in collaboration with the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, represented by its faculty members Rev. Dr Dagmar Heller and Rev. Dr Odair Pedroso Mateus. The event was co-sponsored by the YMCA in Cameroon, the Pacific Conference of Churches, the National Council of Churches in India and the European Christian Environmental Network. These organizations were represented by Dr Alain-Douglas Wandji Kamga, Peter Emberson, Prof. Christopher Rajkumar, Rev. Dr Peter Pavlovic and Rev. Henrik Grape.

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Sri. Narendra Modi
Honorable Prime Minister of India
New Delhi
Respected Prime Minister Sir,
Sub: Aspirations of the Youth of the Protestant and Orthodox Churches in India and the New Government
Greetings from the Commission on Youth (COY) of the National Council of Churches in India!
 At the outset, I on behalf of the 4 million youth of the Protestant and Orthodox Churches in India would like to convey our congratulations to you on your taking over the office of the Prime Minister and we look forward to your programmes for especially the weakest in our society.
 The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) is the apex body of the Protestant and Orthodox Churches in India representing more than 14 million people around the country.  The NCCI along with its constituent members viz, 30 member churches, 17 Regional Christian Councils, 17 All India Christian Organizations, 7 Related Agencies and 3 autonomous bodies is celebrating its Centenary this year and has for the past 100 years through its work, contributed to nation building in various ways especially through Education, Health care, relief and rehabilitation, Youth and Women Empowerment, Empowering Dalits, Tribals and Adivasis, Peace initiatives and the like. The values such as Justice, Peace, Integrity, Love, Unity, promoted and strengthened by the NCCI have contributed to significant have significantly benefited the nation.

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The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), the apex body of the Protestant and Orthodox Churches which represent 13 million people around the country vehemently condemns the physical torture, and incidents of the increasing rapes and murders of Dalit women both young and old that have been brought to light since the past two weeks in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Delhi, Bangalore and Tamilnadu.
India has a strong constitution which safeguards the rights of the vulnerable and marginalized and ensures the human rights of all communities and that all people are defended. But there is wave of growing and imposed insecurity for all the women, especially young Dalit women. Their bodies are being abused, tortured and killed. The recent increase in the violence against women and the controversial and sarcastic statements and comments of the Political leaders in different parts of the country such as Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra on rape and women’s dignity are visible symbols of perpetuation of the rape culture that has emerged in India.

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