Nagpur, Maharashtra – A historic 3-day National Consultation on Adoption of Laws applicable to 5th and 6th Schedule Areas was held by the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) Commission on Tribal/Adivasi Concerns from July 2nd to 4th, 2024. Over 50 delegates representing various denominations and NCCI secretariats participated in the event.

The consultation focused on building awareness on the legal frameworks governing Tribal and Adivasi communities in India. Discussions included the impact of different on these communities.

The consultation was inaugurated by Rt. Rev. Sameer Isaac Khimla, Chairperson of the NCCI Commission on Tribal/Adivasi Concerns. He addressed the ongoing challenges faced by Tribal and Adivasi communities in protecting their identity.

Presentations by Dr. Bendangjungshi, Mr. Bineet Mundu, and Dr. Hrangthan Chhungi delved deeper into specific issues concerning Tribal and Adivasi rights, including the Rights and Role of Indigenous Women in customary law.

The consultation concluded with a call for church involvement in safeguarding Tribal and Adivasi rights and advocating for a just and equitable society. Participants emphasized the importance of united and continued advocacy efforts with and on behalf of indigenous people.  The program was facilitated by Mr. Pradip Bansrior, Executive Secretary, Commission on Tribal and Adivasi Concerns of NCCI.


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