No. F. 22-1/2014-ES.4

Government of India

Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education

ES.4 Section



Last Date:         10th October, 2014.

  1. On line applications are invited from Indian nationals, throughMHRD’s website for nominations, of the awardof Commonwealth Scholarships in United Kingdom tenable fromSeptember/ October 2015 for higher studies/research in the subjectsmentioned below in the United Kingdom. Up to Sixty five (65) nominations are to be sent to the Commonwealth ScholarshipCommission for final selection to be made by them. Out of thesenot more than twenty six (26) are for doctoral studies.

The candidate should not be more than 40 years of age as on10.10.2014 and fulfill the minimum qualifications as per Para (IV) below.

III.             LEVEL OF COURSE

These scholarships will be awarded for studies leading to either: –



  1. Electronics/Electrical 2. Environmental Studies 3. RemoteSensing Technology
  2. 4. Communication Engineering 5. Biotechnology or Biochemical Engineering       6. Robotics
  3. Computer Applications/Computer Science 8. Aerospace Engineering/Aeronautics 9. Civil Engineering 10. Material Science 11. Mining Engineering and 12. Marine Engineering.


  1. Mathematics     2.     Molecular     Biology     3.     Physics     4.    Chemistry     (including Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry).

(C)              AGRICULTURE

  1. Agronomy & Forestry.


  1. History 2. Sociology 3. **Management Studies 4. Economics 5. Philosophy6.Psychology
  2. Law 8. English (Literature/Linguistics) 9. Political Science with International Relations


The candidates must have completed tertiary education inEnglish Medium :- FOR MASTER’S DEGREE

One should hold or able to produce the certificate of Bachelor’sDegree by October, 2015 in the subject field concerned (indicated above)securing 60% or above marks in Humanities and Social Science groupand 65% or above marks in Engineering and Technology, Science andAgriculture Group.

**Candidates who wish to undertake postgraduate study in Business/Management Studies should have taken the Graduate Management AdmissionTest (Princeton Test) before applying for the Commonwealth Scholarship.Details about GMAT may be obtained from

G.M.A.T. Educational Testing Services, Box 966 – R, Princeton, NJ 08541,U.S.A. Candidates appearing for Scholarship in Economics and related subjectsshould be aware that a number of departments may require them, beforeadmission, to pass the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) of which detailsmay be obtained from Graduate Record Examination, Educational TestingService, Box 955, Princeton, NJ 08541, U.S.A. Service, Box 955, Princeton, NJ 08541, U.S.A.

Candidates whose native language is not English will berequired to provide evidence that they have sufficient competence inEnglish to study in the United Kingdom. Nominated candidates willbe required to take the IELTS, for which they may contact localBritish Council Office. An IELTS test will only be consideredvalid if taken after 1st October 2014 and before 6th March 2015.

(B)      FORPh.D.DEGREE:-

One should hold or able to produce the certificate of Master’sDegree by October 2015 in the concerned subject fields (indicated above)securing 60% or above marks in Humanities and Social Science groupand 65% or above marks in the relevant subjects in Engineering andTechnology, Science and Agriculture Group.

  1. V.        VALUE OF AWARD

Each scholarship provides: –

(A)             Student concessionary or other approved airfare to the UnitedKingdom and return on expiry of the Scholarship (the cost of journey madebefore final award confirmation will not normally be reimbursed nor can fares bepaid for a scholar’s dependents).

(B)              Approved tuitionand examination fees.

(C)              A personal maintenance allowance at the rate of £977 per month(£1,208 per month for those studying at institutions in the London Metropolitanarea)

(D)             A grant towards the expenses of preparing thesis or dissertation,where applicable.

(E)              An initial arrival allowance, incorporating in initial clothing grant forscholars from tropical countries.

(F)               A grant for expenses for approved travel within the United Kingdom or overseas.

(G)             A contribution towards fieldwork costs for those Scholarsundertaking doctoral studies for whom a case has been made for fieldworkoutside the United Kingdom. This shall not normally exceed one economyclass return airfare to the fieldwork location.

(H)             A paid mid-term fare to their home country for Scholars on threeyears doctoral awards. Scholars for whom fieldwork fares are provided to theirhome country shall not be entitled to a mid-term fare home, nor Scholars whohave claimed (or intend to claim) spouse or child allowances for more than 12months during their award.

(I)                For Scholars selected by the Commission for awards exceeding 18months, a spouse allowance of £ 220 per month is payable provided that theScholar and spouse are residing together at the same address in the UnitedKingdom. It is not paid when spouse is also in receipt of an award. ForScholars accompanied by their spouse and children, a child allowance ispayable at the rate of £138 per month for the first child and £108 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, provided they are residing withtheir parents. The Commission’s spouse and family allowances represent onlya contribution towards the cost of family maintenance in the UK and Scholarsshould expect and be able to supplement these allowances to support familymembers who choose to come to the UK. Irrespective of the length of theaward, a Scholar who is widowed, divorced or a lone parent will receive an allowance in respect of the first accompanying child and child allowances forthe second and third accompanying children.


  1. A candidate may apply for only onesubject of his/her choice.
  1. As a condition of award, the Commission or a host institution inBritain may also require a candidate to take particular English Tests/ training in English.
  1. The final selection of the nominated candidates rests with theCommonwealth Scholarship Commission in U.K.
  1. Nomination of a candidate by Government of India does notguarantee final selection or placement. The Commonwealth ScholarshipCommission will make its own selection out of overall nominees recommendedby all the participating countries in the programme.
  1. The applications would be scrutinized and only shortlisted candidateswould be called for interview.
  1. Applicants who have already been registered for Ph.D orcompleted/ about to complete Ph.D will not be considered.
  1. Candidates who have already been abroad forstudies/training/specialization either on scholarships or on their own, for aperiod exceeding six months are eligible to apply if they have been in Indiafor at least two consecutive years after returning from abroad as on 10.10.2014.  Applications of candidates who are already abroad will not beconsidered.
  1. In case of candidates qualifying from Universities, where gradesare awarded, the candidates are required to furnish exact percentage ofmarks and indicate the conversion formula.
  1. Candidates will be expected to have the knowledge of the donorcountry.
  1. Candidates will not be allowed to appear for interview or given TA ifhe/she does not submit NOC from the Employer. In case of GovernmentServant, clearance of the Cadre Controlling Authority is mandatory.
  1. It is very important that applicants who are in employment towhich they wish to return after completion of their studies in UK should havean assurance from their Organisation that if their nomination is successful,they will be granted sufficient leave of absence. In general, a candidateundertaking research for a Ph.D. can be expected to need 36 months study inthe United Kingdom even though in the first instance, the award will only be offered for one or two years.
  1. While indicating the period of past experience and stay abroad,candidates should mention the specific dates.
  2. As these scholarships are offered by Commonwealth ScholarshipCommission in UK the applications should be submitted in English only.
  1. Applications in subject-fields other than those specified in theadvertisement will not be considered.
  1. Candidates who do not possess the essentialqualification need not apply.
  1. Candidates must furnish a clear and precise programme ofstudy/research (minimum 100 words and 500 words for PG and PhDrespectively). Candidates are advised to describe their plan for study/researchproposals carefully as these will be a primary condition in selection bothPG/Ph.D course


  1. In case no communication is received by an applicant by 15th November, 2014, it may be presumed that he/she has not been short listed by the Selection Committee. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.



Awards are tenable at any UKinstitution of higher education withwhom the commission has a part-funding agreement; a list of theseinstitutions can be found at:

Candidates are expected to state up to three preferredinstitutions(s) on the application form, but the final decision onhost institution will be made by the Commission. Candidates areadvised to submit independent applications directly to theirpreferred institutions at the same time as applying for thisScholarship. Where formal offers of admission have been obtained, these should be included with the application.

All candidates applying for Doctoral Study must provide thecommission with evidence of support from a prospectivesupervisor from atleast one of their chosen Institutions at the timeof interview. So, if such support letter is not submitted at the timeof interview, he/she will not be allowed to appear before the interview and no TA will be given.

Documents required for verification at the time of Interview:

  • Original Certificates alongwith Marksheet of Class X, XIIand Transcripts of Degree(s).
  • NOC/ Cadre clearance (in case of Government Servant)
  • In case applying for PhD, candidate must provideevidence of support from a prospective supervisor.


<Click here for online submission ofapplication>


  1. Name of the Scholarship Scheme: Commonwealth Scholarship/

Fellowship Plan 2015

  1. Country for which applying: United Kingdom
  1. Level of Course:
  1. Subject (indicate one of the subjects given in the advertisement):

i           Name of the candidate Sh./Smt./Km. (in Block letters)


Full mailing address with Pin Code and

Telephone Number, if any


6. i Sex      : Male Female


Marital status:


7. i. Date of birth:

Full name of Father/Mother/Guardian iv    E- Mail Address:



ii                    Age as on  10.10.2014:

iii                  State to which the candidate belongs:

  1. Academic record starting from High School/Higher Secondary (Self attested copies of certificates etc. to be uploaded)
Name oftheUniversity/Board/Institute Examination(s) passed Dateofpassin g Division/ Class with position, if any, Maximummarks andmarks secured for the entire


Percentage of marks obtainedand position if any, (No



Subjects taken
  1. Have you cleared IELTS/TOEFL/GMAT ? If so, give score

(a)                IELTS(b)               TOEFL            (c)       GMAT

  1. Details of Professional/Practical Training : Research Experience:

No. of papers published:

Previous Employment (Period, Designation, Employer):

11. (a) Are you employed ?                Yes                  No
(b) In case you are employed then give the nature of thepresent
employment with name and date ofappointment/designation
and the name and address of the employer :
  1. Have you been abroad? If so give full particulars of I            Country/Countries visited:

II                  Period of stay (give details):

III               Date, Month and Year of return to India:IV            Purpose of visit:

  1. Name and address of three persons who are familiar with yourwork (Two of them who taught you in an area of study relevant to course and the third may be your employer or a person with whom you have workedprofessionally):
  1. Proposed programme of study/research/training specifying details:
15. I The work at present engaged in:
II Preferred institutions in UK (Three)
III What factors led you to choose to above institutions
IV Future plans/proposals after the study/research/training andits prospectus
V What are the benefits to your home country
  1. Have you been received any offer letter for joiningresearch/admission, if yes, you must upload supporting documents.
  1. Have you received any academic awards/credential such asGold Medal, National Awards etc. if yes, mention the name of award andupload the supporting documents.


Proof of age.

EducationalQualification University/College Transcript Offer letter

Any Academic Awards etc.


I certify that foregoing information is correct and complete to the bestof my knowledge and nothing has been concealed/distorted. I understandthat if at any time I am found to have concealed/distorted any materialinformation, my selection shall be liable to summarily terminated without notice and compensation.

Place    :

Date    :                                                                                   Signature of the Candidate

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